Sergey Gorleikov: "Humor since childhood was present in my life"


- How were you in childhood?

- I often remember how Gorbachev paroded in the third grade at the request of classmates. It turns out, humor since childhood was present in my life, and I have already started working in this area from an early age.

- How did you earn the first money and have spent?

- Parents since childhood committed us with a brother to help them in the housework. For example, we drove to dig potatoes, and we were told: "You will receive a certain amount of money for the potatoes bucket." What else did I earn? On the piracy of the audio cassette. By the way, you do not need cassettes?

- Many men are now a joke are passionate about cooking. Are you trend?

- I do not know how to cook at all. Absolutely! Cook dumplings I can: I'm from Siberia. But fry and soar is no longer for me.

- The best advice you followed?

"If I heard someone's tips, he always adapts them to himself and did, as I think necessary.

- For what delicacy are you ready to forget about the right nutrition?

"I never sat in my life on diets." Now I rested in Georgia and was not afraid to recover! I eat anything and how much please.

- With what female quality you do not accept anything?

- Women, please, turn on the turn signals! And it has already turned into some chaos on the road. People began to forget why this lever.

- What clothes do you feel like a man at least where?

- I feel comfortable in simple and comfortable clothes. I put the jackets only for events or shooting, and in ordinary life I prefer the style of Casual.

- Do you easily deceive you?

- I won't say that I am a trusting, rather - reasonable. In any case, I never agree to anything. If this is not a suggestion of friends, of course.

- And you yourself know how to deceive?

- I do not do it. Although, probably, if you needally need, you can try ... but inside anyway I will experience discomfort. Or hear the voice of conscience.

- What films can you revise infinitely?

- I often have to revise "deadly weapons" with chalk gibson.

- Travel that you remember forever?

"Every time we go somewhere with my wife, interesting events, meetings and friendship with new incredible people occur with us. Therefore, we remember everything forever.

- How do you imagine the best job in the world?

- It should be the same as mine.

- Do you know what lies in the glove compartment of your car?

- Yes. All garbage. (Laughs.)

- Happiness is…

- ... to accommodate your dreams, dreams of loved ones and, if possible, someone else.

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