No right: 4 reasons do not envy mistress


They become the cause of quarrels, the collapse of families and make people who adore each other people go different ways. They hate women and men periodically think about them. Today we are talking about mistresses. What is interesting, some women envy mistresses (if they, of course, do not invade their family), as a rule, a girl becomes an environment of envy, which is able to twist a novel with a secured person who does not bother on expensive gifts and broad gestures. But is it reasonable to envy a woman if she has to constantly control his emotions and invent all new stories for friends and relatives? Do not think. We will tell about four reasons that will kill you in the fact that the fate of the third in the relationship is unquestless.

Missed time not to return

No matter how the woman did not assure the woman if the intrigue lasts for years, the likelihood that the family will fall apart for the man to build a family with his mistress, very small. As a rule, a man is enough that he always has a place where he can drive away from the house if disagreements arose with his wife. But with the same ease, a man will return back home, leaving the mistress to suffer in anticipation of the next meeting. Is it possible to envy a woman spending time on illusions?

Life on second roles

A man has a relationship on the side, when the life and monotony of life begins to absorb him faster. The mistress in the eyes of a man is a woman with which it is possible to avoid this life and relax as it is impossible with his wife for various reasons. A man does not build serious plans, and therefore the wife and her desires will always be in priority. The mistress is always on pickup, and such a situation will arrange a little woman.

Unpleasibility in relations leads to chronic stress

Unpleasibility in relations leads to chronic stress


Permanent neurosis

The main minus in the position of the mistress - she has no status. Neither family nor friends nor colleagues do not know about its existence, but it will also have to hide, avoid common photos on which you want to cuddle to your man, but it is impossible. It is important for any woman to understand that she has a support, but a married man cannot give it simply because it completely depends on his family, which means breaking away at any moment to help his girlfriend on the side he cannot. When a feeling of insecurity begins to gain momentum, everything can end the nervous breakdown and a large quarrel, which will lead to parting with his mistress, but it will not upset this man - one mistress can easily be replaced with another.

Impossibility to show feelings

For a man, the mistress is the opposite of his wife, which may complain, to be understood in moderation, in some moments to look like her husband. Such behavior from the mistress will quickly stop man. As a result, all his gentle gusts, the mistress is forced to hide away and try not to annoy a man who is looking for relaxation in the hands of his second woman. If a woman agrees to knowingly "illegal" relationships, she must be ready for the fact that it will always be influenced by the mood and desires of a man. Not too enviable fate, do not find?

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