Refrigerator - everything head: what cosmetics need to be stored in it


Most girls keep cosmetics on the dressing table or in the bathroom, without even thinking whether they comply with the conditions recommended by the manufacturer. The average temperature in the room is 26-28 degrees, there can be 30-32 degrees in the bathroom. Do you know which temperature recommends a manufacturer? Only 10-15 degrees, which is two times lower. Preservatives in cosmetics protect it from overheating, but some funds still lose efficiency. Explain that it is better to put in the refrigerator:

Eye cream

The main action that has a cream for the area around the eyes is a decrease in swelling and leather color alignment. Low temperature has a beneficial effect on the removal of swelling - it is not for nothing that the ice is apparently applied. In addition, the vitamins contained in the cream under the influence of high temperature are quickly oxidized and lose useful properties. Vitamin C, for example, does not tolerate heat, and he, for a minute, the main component of most creams. Therefore, we advise you to put the cream for the eyelid in the refrigerator after each use - so it will always be cool and last longer.

Body Oil

Basic oils, like coconut, shea, carite, which usually use girls to moisturize skin, more convenient to apply in a creamy form. At high temperatures, their aggregate state is liquid, whereas at low temperature - semi-solid. Cool oil pleasantly refreshes after the shower and easily distributed, melting from heat. In addition, it will not penetrate, blurring the packaging and the surface on which it is worth it. Screw the oil with a spatula to extend the service life.

Oils under the action of cold become creamy - it is convenient to apply

Oils under the action of cold become creamy - it is convenient to apply


Masks for face

Manufacturers recommend storing masks in the refrigerator so that they have a refreshing effect and removed the swelling of the face. In them, as well as in the cream, there are vitamins that are oxidized under the influence of temperature. It is better to apply a cold mask on a sprawling face to strengthen the effect - useful substances from the mask will fall into open pores, and then the cool tissue narrows them. Also in the refrigerator you can store open masks for several days - now the manufacturers do not spare serum, so the masks are enough for 2-3 applications.

Natural cosmetic

An organic face care is becoming increasingly. It mainly consists of plant extracts, vitamins and oils and does not contain chemical preservatives. Such cosmetics can not be stored in the bathroom, since dew is formed on the cover under the influence of high temperature and humidity, and the product itself can be divided into layers of different density. Take a small container and put into it a part of the tool - this will be enough for a couple of weeks of daily care. The rest is removed in the refrigerator. Moreover, recommendations on storage conditions refer not only to creams and serums, also to natural masks, shampoos, balsamam, floral waters and another.

Natural cosmetics outside the refrigerator flies at times faster

Natural cosmetics outside the refrigerator flies at times faster



For the treatment of skin diseases, Some girls are prescribed "Bottles", as they are called in the people. Such means have a limited shelf life - 7-15 days. In the bathroom, their use is reduced to the week, which is unprofitable. It is better not to risk medicine and store it according to the manufacturer's recommendation.

Cosmetics about reserve

If you saw a successful action in the cosmetics store for a gift for buying or discount on your favorite products, then boldly buy them. Any cosmetics, be it mascara, lipstick, pencil for a century or shadow, can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-6 months if the temperature keeps at 5-15 degrees. The only exception is a tone cream. It can be divided into layers and change texture and color under the influence of cold.

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