5 secrets of Fastfud.


"There is no time for cooking", "I don't have to eat urgently," "I went past and for some reason I went", "I want something delicious" - we all know that food in fast food restaurants is not the most useful, but for some reason again And again we go there. I found out several secrets of catering.

French fries

It would seem difficult? I cut the potatoes with straw and lowered in boiling oil, and it is possible to buy a frozen product, then even clean the tubers do not need, but the taste is still not the same. It turns out, potatoes, vegetable oil and salt - not all ingredients. The taste of restaurant fries is achieved with the help of seasonings, amplifiers and food additives.

In Potatoes, Fri 19 ingredients

In Potatoes, Fri 19 ingredients


Sweet soda

Have you ever thought why in the restaurants of Fastfud you offer a sweet carbonated drink, not tea, coffee or juice? Yes, and it is not an example cheaper, and sometimes the second-third cup can be taken at all for free. It turns out that carbon dioxide causes appetite, which means you will want to eat anything else and make a re-order.

The soda does not quench the thirst - you will also want to drink

The soda does not quench the thirst - you will also want to drink



The kitchen is usually not filled with a hall for visitors with a wall, and all odors spread around the room and even feel on the street. This is also a marketing stroke to lure new and new visitors to yourself.

The smell of the kitchen spreads everywhere

The smell of the kitchen spreads everywhere


Lack of instruments

In most restaurants selling fast food, you will not find no knives, no forks, but all because there are hands tastier. Psychologists came to this conclusion. Without using instruments, a person relaxes and gets more fun of food, which means he wants to buy a second hamburger.

There are hands tastier

There are hands tasty



Technologies do not stand still - today's hamburger is no longer the one that was 30 years ago. There are all sorts of taste amplifiers and nutritional supplements. It is because of them that we cannot deny yourself the pleasure to eat the next sandwich. In addition, portions have become greater and green.

Portions have become more, and taste is rich

Portions have become more, and taste is rich


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