Scientific substantiated magic



Fairy-therapy - the composition of fairy tales or stories - often acts on a person healing. First, in the fairy tale, you can express your fears, difficulties and defeating them with a good fairy or a magic stick.

- It is important to take a specific symptom or difficulty, but to compose a fairy tale about the other, albeit a very similar to your customer of a person, "explains the teacher-psychologist of the State Center for Psychological and Medical Social Maintenance" Interaction "Love Zhdanov. - Then some kind of magic figure appears in your history (it may be a spiderman or good spirit), which helps to cope with this difficulty. And then the hero of the fairy tale is already learning to cope himself. For example, we recently with one small client, with the help of a similar fairy tale, the enuresis won.

The psychologist told the child a story about the boy, whose name is different, but he looks like her listener and he has the same problem. But one night, a good wizard appeared, who gave a boy's wand to the boy: it's worth putting it under a pillow, as at the right moment she wakes up a child, and hence the bed remains dry. A small client posted how great it would be such a wand, no matter how he lived. At the next meeting, the psychologist continued the fairy tale: now the wizard needed to return to his planet, but the hero of the fairy tale has already learned to win his illness himself. And the image of the wizard, he retained in his heart. This fairy tale is a psychologist and her little listener lost, the boy even symbolically hid a miracle wand on his chest. And soon they came surprised parents who said that Enurso had a child.

Not life, but a fairy tale

Not life, but a fairy tale

- Talegotherapy works well even in difficult cases: in situations divorce, disease, violence, - a psychologist states. - After all, then you can lose everything differently: to urge yourself a lot of strong fabulous figures on protection or come up with a different end. It would be nice to come up with a fairy tale along with the client, but it is important that you have confidence and passion to the process of writing.

One of the authors of this method Tatyana Evstigneeva-Zinkevich told me that inventing fairy tales works very effectively with adults. Its customers are so keen on the writing of stories similar to their life, which is drawn to this thing all their family, start drawing together and make their own books. It brings native. The main thing is smaller criticism and more fairy tale. After all, she is a magical photo of your perception of life.


Another amazing art therapy method is phototherapy.

- There are many work options with your photos, it all depends on the purpose that I would like to achieve, "says the psychologist Lyubov Zhdanov. - For example, you can better understand what I am now, to see myself as it were from. And you can work with what I want to become. The latter is especially loved by teenagers.

For example, take some kind of "official" photo - to a passport or permission. And then decorate it as your soul. Take an elegant dress or musketeer costume. Or maybe you will like the collage technique anymore? Then find and cut out of the magazines what you dream. This can be anything: Angelina Jolie's figure Jolie or Fedor Emelyanenko, cosmonaut costume or angel wings. Feel like you in this image, how comfortable is it? What new feelings do you give?

- Well this method works with people who feel unsuccessful in communication, "love continues. - They usually connect their photos with the image of famous rock musicians, models, actors. Gradually, trying on these roles, they begin to look differently on themselves.

Phototherapy can help find your own clothing style.

Phototherapy can help find your own clothing style.

It is also useful to photograph or make collages in different images, with different feelings. And it is desirable to take a professional photographer. Then photos will tell you about yourself much more than the mirror. And most importantly, do not seek immediately to the ideal. It is difficult to find it. First select what you are more or less suited. After all, there is always the opportunity to cross or add work with something more appropriate.

"Phototherapy helped me find your own clothing style," 23-year-old Irina says. - I could not abandon teenage clothes and black. I liked feminine girls, elegant, but I didn't imagine ourselves in their place. When a psychologist proposed to work with his own photos, I was very surprised, but began to glue and paint the beautiful outfits to my "head." Worked and forgot. A few months later I suddenly found out that my wardrobe had changed a lot. Now I really choose feminine and suitable things for me. And it happened somehow imperceptibly and naturally.

By the way, the phototherapy allows you to bring to the reality and many other our dreams: from the interior of the room, in which you would like to live, before your ideas about the happy life and its components. The main thing is to create your photographicness sincerely and listen to myself: "This is exactly what I want?". When the result is completely satisfied (and the search for the desired may take more than one day), pleasant changes in your life are not far off. And even the letter of the Grandfather Frost can not write - just believe in a miracle and let your psyche act as a good wizard.

Sand therapy

Usually in the office of psychologists specializing in sand therapy, a bunch of different differences: there are two sandboxes with a small white sand (one with dry, the other - with wet), thousands of small toys are located on racks: men, selected and unprecedented animals, trees, machines, houses. In general, it is easier to list, what is not there.

- But some children, and adults, are looking, looking and do not find anything that they would like, - tells a practitioner psychologist, leading the women's groups for themselves by Zoya Davydov. - For me, this is a signal: perhaps a person does not know how to choose, he has difficulties in understanding his desires. This happens when parents or other significant people control all the time, all the time they decide for such a person. And then he is experiencing depression, he does not want anything, or all the time does not like everything, does not reach the ideal. And if psychotherapy has several meetings in the "conversational genres" to go to such problems, then a lot becomes clear from the first minutes.

The method of sand therapy works well with adults, and, of course, with children. After all, the kids are difficult to tell about their feelings - sometimes even the vocabulary stock is missing. And here it seems to be an interesting game, because the therapist has only one instruction: "Build your world." And at the same time, the sand is a very capacious, meaningful symbol. No wonder in our language so many proverbs and sayings related to it: "Like sand through your fingers," I feel sulky "," Eternal sands ".

- Often on "sandy therapy", the man himself, even without the help of a psychologist, can see his unconscious problem and find ways to solve it, - continues Zoya Borisovna. - For example, I recently had one large mother. It was difficult for her to admit (even herself himself) that she strongly tired of his four children. And when she together with the child began to build a common world, then unexpectedly at the end of the classes somewhere in the corner of the sandbox made a small island with palm trees. I saw and laughed: "What did I do it? Probably, I really need to rest more! " By the way, women very often build islands with palm trees and flowers - it means that they lack time for themselves for recreation.

And also, according to a psychologist, sand therapy teaches us not to get tied to the results of their work, of your life, but to enjoy the process.

The fact that the game in the sand will activate the possibilities of self-herial, noticed by the student of Freud, the famous psychotherapist Karl Jung.

- Sand therapy is a great opportunity to create the image of a world in which you want to live, "says the teacher-psychologist of the State Center of Psychological and Medical Accompanies" Interaction "Love Zhdanov. "A person builds this picture on the sand, thinks over it, and then she is amazingly implemented in his life - the opportunities of our psyche, which, if she has a goal, leads a person to her, like a magic tale in Russian fairy tales.

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