Natalie Portman: "Maternity made me more open and susceptible to the world"


Natalie Portman almost grew in front of their fans. The daughter of the famous specialist in infertility, Professor Avnery Shershlag and an exemplary housewife Shelley Stevens has been dancing since childhood (these skills helped Portman at the time of preparation for the film "Black Swan"). But all hobbies and hobbies were not for ambitious schoolgirls as important as education. The pretty girl was called a model several times to work together, and on all invitations Natalie responded with refusal. Portman grew a very serious and calm child focused on studies, which did not prevent her from her already thirteen years earned to debut in the film Luke "Leon". Then there were roles in the paintings with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro, working with Woody Allen and shooting in the legendary "star wars". So for Natalie began a protracted struggle of debt and calling: the star threw everything for scholarships in Harvard, then with the triumph he returned to the lenses of the movie cameras. Now, after a biennial break, associated with the marriage and the birth of the firstborn, the son of Alef, Portman again entered the sleeps of Hollywood's celers. Its recently outstanding achievement was the cherished golden figurine "Oscar" for the role of Nina's ballerina in the Black Swan. Now on the horizon - the future awards for Western "Jane takes a gun", the premiere of which has been transferred three times. Fans actresses will be able to watch the film in September of this year, but while their idol works over the next picture "Hayx". The film also starts in 2015.

Natalie, everyone knows how your career began. Tell me, did your parents worried when, instead of study, did you disappear on the shooting sites?

Natalie Portman: "I have a wonderful mother and dad. They are such loving, those involved in my life. Parents allowed me to do what I wanted, defended and protected me. By the way, they have never been unnecessarily strict, but some incredible way managed to preserve the "earthly" sobriety in me, to protect against arrogance, star disease. I am the only child in our family, and therefore mom constantly attended me on the set, and dad every weekend visited us. I can not imagine how my career would have happened if I had a brother or sister. "

It was not scary to put a career on a pause, when after the "star wars" after the heading "you did not continue to take off, and went to Harvard?

Natalie: "You know, it is better to be educated than known. Always afraid to become a silly movie star, so it would be worse for me to stop studying and continue the acting career, and not the opposite. Four years in Harvard I studied psychology, and the student time became invaluable experience, an excellent time that gave me a huge number of interesting friends. The university period showed me how to develop independently, study yourself. Here I learned that such a real work is to exhaust, what such work does not bother. Thanks to Harvard, I could become one of UN ambassadors (Natalie - a specialist in microcredit funds for international assistance to small communities. - Approx. Auth.). I understand that this activity is only a drop in the sea, but this does not mean that you need to sit back. You can finish with poverty, even if you even on a small scale. "

Charitable activities, veganism, strict principles ... In Hollywood, they are talking about you exclusively as a Pai-Girl, seeing an excellent. Tell us about your shortcomings.

Natalie: "Oh! (Laughs.) I gnay nails. I do not know, not that I have no flaws, but I can't remember something like that you want to hear. In fact, I try not to take into account that they are talking about. And about the veganism - yes, everything is so. I became a vegetarian in eight years, to twenty seven decided and completely excluded all the products of animal origin from its diet. For some reason, everyone believes: if you are vegan - you are indifferent to food. This is not true! I am a real gourmet, I love to cook, I love to eat very much, I read different culinary blogs. My favorite leads a friend, Chef Emi Chaplin. Favorites are stunning muesli, soy pudding and baked tofu. Harmony! "

Natalie Portman:

The long-awaited "Oscar" Portman received, already being pregnant with his firstborn Aleph. Photo: Rex Features /

Your husband, Benjamin Millie, shares your beliefs?

Natalie: "We are close in faith (Milpeier - French Jew. - Approx. Auth.). In general, I believe that it is the woman who should strive to share the views of the man. So, I gladly moved to live home my husband, in Paris. When Benjamin asked if I want it, immediately agreed. I was very lucky, because everyone dreams to live in Paris! At the same time, work on the "Leon" of Samon also took place in this city. When I returned here, pleasant memories smeared at me. "

Are you talking in French? Is it easy to live in someone else's country?

Natalie: "Not very good, but enough to communicate. I hope a little more - and I will catch my knowledge. And recently, I'm less and less in France. The shooting of my first film (according to the book of the AMOS OZ's writer's "Tale of love and darkness", the directorial debut Portman. - Approx. Aut.) Pass in Israel, in my historic homeland. My family has rented a house in Tel Aviv. It was absolutely exciting! Israel is such a country where you can just sit on the windowsill, look at people passing by people and learn a huge number of stories and destinies. Be part of this culture, study it, enjoy her - incredible happiness! "

You have dual citizenship - USA and Israel ...

Natalie: "I love America very much. But my heart belongs to Jerusalem - there I feel at home. And, nevertheless, people do not perceive me as Israeli, even though I was born here. Education, worldview - all in me already American. In this regard, the United States is a unique country. In other places, to my faith belongs to indifference, if not hostile. And in New York or in Los Angeles, for example, my Catholics friends can easily congratulate me with Hanukkah or New Year on Hebrew. And our son, Aleut, we plan to educate in the Jewish tradition. "

By the way, Alefu will soon be four years. Tell me how you joined the experience of motherhood.

Natalie: "I adore to be my mother - that's what I understood exactly during this time. Maternity made me more open and susceptible to the world. I began to judge people less, it became less strict to them. I remember when I was a completely child, the situation was different. (Smiles.) And most importantly, that I learned: the upbringing of children is a completely unique experience for every person. There are no laws and rules here, all these books and installations are farce. Everything is very individual, you should not be equal to someone. Someone feeds his breasts of their children up to five years, someone denies breastfeeding, some refuse career, and others return to the system almost a month after delivery - and is it possible to say that here it is a good mother, and this Not really?"

In order to play Nina's ballerina, Portman remembered his ballet classes. Frame from the film "Black Swan".

In order to play Nina's ballerina, Portman remembered his ballet classes. Frame from the film "Black Swan".

Well, did you, Natalie? You once again risked and made a sufficiently significant break in order to calmly bear and give birth to a child ... I was not afraid that it would not be possible to return?

Natalie: "There was no development before me, I did not choose: work or child? I can not imagine alignment. Removed and give birth at the same time - definitely not for me (laughs), family and children - above all. It was a magical time, it charged me with energy, and I go back to shoot with excitement and waiting. Such a reboot turned out.

Of course, I like to like my audience, like being a favorite, popular. I do not want to forget me, but this is not the most important thing in life. After all, you know yourself - in one day, people applaud you, on the other day they forget you. It is impossible to be too dependent on fame and success. "

Maternity is clear, and how did ISkar changed you?

Natalie: "Well, let's start with the fact that it was before the statuette - and this is two years of stubborn work at the machine with my future husband Ben (the couple met on the set of" Black Swan ". - Approved auth.). And the reward itself is a huge, huge honor! But I treat all premiums very calmly. How can I say that one work of art is better than another? All conditional. This is not a sport, not a race. "

Do you continue to do ballet?

Natalie: "Well, no! With friends, for fun, I'm happy dancing, but only not ballet. (Smiles.) I really like to look at the art of the ballerin, so I often go to theaters. But all serious classes remained in the past. "

The most successful of your picture after the "black swan" became the "torus" and its continuation. What was to feel like a superhero's girlfriend from comics?

Natalie: "Oh, wonderful! All thanks to my partner Chris Hemsworth. He is so charismatic actor that, it seems to me, I have to get tired of it, coming home, - so much charm in it. I remember, we shot the scene with my Society Torah Chris: it turned out only from the eighth dub, because I was so afraid to truly hit the partner! I shouted: "Move him! Do it hard! ", Want that in the frame everything looked natural. Well, and in the end I came out. (Laughs.) Honestly, no one has suffered! My heroine has no superconductors, but there is a talent of astrophysics. And cool that I can show - it is not necessary to be a superhero to change the world. Maybe some girl will look at Jane and decide to become a big scientist. Therefore, the main highlight in the role of Jane Foster from Torah was the opportunity to play a strong, intelligent woman. Not a feminist, no! For some reason, everyone consider girls capable of podding the guy, feminists. Such heroines are not feminists, and Macho! "

Natalie Portman:

The movie "Tor" is the most cash project Natalie since the times of the Oscar-1 Black Swan. Frame from the movie "Tor".

By the way, how do you feel about feminism?

Natalie: "For me, this is such a concept of female fraternity, where we accept each other as we have, keep each other. It seems to me that the problem of feminism is that many people are talking about him, stereotypes, harmful, dangerous stereotypes are imposed. They oppose women and female career players face them. It's terrible! Feminists are girlfriends, those who come to the rescue in a difficult moment who will support you. At the very least, I would like to see this movement. "

One of your recent roles is also a very strong woman in the picture "Jane takes a gun" ...

Natalie: "How much has become on the screens of the heroine! Real superheroid, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. One Scarlett Johansson in the "Avengers" what is worth! In my opinion, it is very cool that girls see such examples, it brings up character and will. "

Do you have a style icon? Who formed femininity in you?

Natalie: "In front of me there were always two examples: a sample of natural beauty, my mom, and a sample of elegance and well-keeper, grandmother. If we talk about star landmarks, then it is probably directed by Sofia Coppola - she is always so beautiful and comfortably dressed! Here, by the way, my heroine Jane from the last painting wears a shirt, boots, a cowboy skirt. After filming, I started dressing like her. "

You are called canonical beauty. Are you prone to experiments with your appearance?

Natalie: "Now there is no longer. But there was a time when I, without hesitation, could paint into the platinum blonde, then toned the hair into the neon pink, walked to sleep - it was, and more than once. Only over the years I understood what happiness it is to allow yourself to be myself, walking with all the "native", without plastics, and at the same time I like myself. "

Agnia Lisitsyn

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