What connects Polina Gagarin with Vilkova and Makeeva?


Polina Gagarina is a very strange creative fate. At sixteen, she fell to the "Star Factory" and not only did not get lost among other contestants (older and more experienced it), but, on the contrary, it was enough to come out in the leaders. Becoming the winner of the prestigious TV project, Polina, it seemed to stretched his lucky ticket - she was offered cooperation Maxim Fadeev, one of the best producers in the country. However, Polina acted quite unexpectedly, deciding to build a career on his own. "I was just small, I did not understand what I do. I dreamed of having something my own, execute my songs. I wanted to declare myself about my personality, "she will say later.

Alone fighting for the place under the sun in the Russian show business was not so easy. And pretty soon, the young singer disappeared from the TV screens, it was stopped inviting the prefabricated concerts. Although at that moment her life beat the key - Gagarin went to the prestigious Studio School of MCAT, continued to go on tour, married and gave birth to the son of Andrei. But all this, her fans did not know. More precisely, some publications about the "interesting situation" of Gagarina and her wedding were seen in the press, but the resonance did not receive specially - after all, the singer was no longer "in the top". At some point it even seemed that she would remain in mind as "the same" manufacturer ", which once refused to work with Fadeev," but cooperation with Konstantin Meladze gave a new polynine incentive for creativity.

It seemed that her talent was played by new colors. "Konstantin is my mentor, the chef, the boss, who, from the outside, is very clearly visible, where I will guarantee how much I need to help, what songs I need," Gagarin told in an interview with the atmosphere magazine. But, of course, evil tongues found a reason to suit the singer and her new producer on the subject of relations. The start of numerous publications gave Otar Kushan-Shvili, who was alive described the acquaintance of Polina and Constantine on one music show in Ukraine and summarizedly summed up: "For the sake of success in his career, she would love anyone!". The oil in the fire was poured by the Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko, who, according to her, had repeatedly saw a couple in restaurants.

Seeing Polina Gagarina, Forky actor Peter Kislov fell in love. Soon the young got married, and two months later their son Andrei appeared.

Seeing Polina Gagarina, Forky actor Peter Kislov fell in love. Soon the young got married, and two months later their son Andrei appeared.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Gagarin herself for some time pretended to simply not notice these conversations. But when journalists still snatched her comments, it was an angry monologue: they say, in Meladze she sees an exceptionally older friend and mentor: "Our relationship is held at very high matter, and I appreciate it. Therefore, if someone is trying to blacken them, stain, it can not not call me internal indignation and protest. " In fact, at this time, Polina, not attracting special attention, satisfied his personal life.

Report with a ring on the finger

The date of his dating Polina Gagarin and the fashionable metropolitan photographer Dmitry Ishakov know exactly: September 9, 2013. On this day, another singer photo session took place. She is always very precisely related to his own images, first liked literally all the pictures. And the Ishakov himself is later looking through the session, drew attention: what it is still beautiful, this singer, whom, for some reason, is recorded in the category of very capricious stars. At first, Polina and Dmitry began to correspond in social networks, and then decided to meet, drink coffee. As the singer later told, she had the feeling that she met his native soul that they were familiar with Dmitry many-many years.

I must say, in the secular circles, Ishakov knows very well. After all, this is due to him glossy diva, they are obtained on the journal covers with such seductive. The "Goddess" herself Renata Litvinova trusted Dmitry to make a cover to his film "The Last Fairy Tale Rita". By the way, secular gossips even rummed their novels, but rumors somehow evaporated quickly.

But with another heroine of the glossy photo shoot, Ishakova absolutely also connected not only professional relationships. In 2010, he rented Ravshan Kurkov along with her former husband Artem Tkachenko. Shooting took place in Malta - sea, sun, relaxed atmosphere. And although Ravshana and Artem assured that they adore each other even after official parting, it was there that Raveban paid attention to a person who created this glossy fairy tale.

In Moscow, Ravshan and Dmitry began to meet, together were published. And herself is Ravshan, the girl is very closed, even allowed himself to imagine a new love to the public: "This is my young man. I will not talk anymore. " But even these few words were enough for everyone to expect a wedding. At the premiere of Goshi Kutsenko "Exercises in the Beautiful" star appeared with a beautiful ring. Approximate actress even assured that Ravzhana received a proposal of hands and hearts. However, the wedding did not take place and, of course, did not hear any comments ...

The wedding of Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Ishakov said Vyacheslav Manuchars in his microblog. Photo: instagram.com/manucharov.

The wedding of Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Ishakov said Vyacheslav Manuchars in his microblog. Photo: instagram.com/manucharov.

Final Accord

Polina and Dmitry almost immediately decided to live together, and a few months later the engagement took place. Last year, a couple went to the most romantic city in the world in Paris. There, the bridge of lovers, the future spouse handed a tiffany route ring. "This scheme was not laid in me - at a certain age you need to create a family! But I felt that if a member of a person and love to be married. After some time after I met Polina, this thought came to me in my head, I was not subject to doubt for a second, and now I am married on the most beautiful woman in the world! ", Dmitry was happy in an interview.

The wedding was played in the fall - young people really wanted it to take place on the day of their dating, September 9. True, they decided to abandon their lush celebrations. They simply went on a weekday in the Tver registry office of the capital, signed, and then immediately went with close friends and relatives to the restaurant, and in the evening they drove to Dmitry's photo exhibition.

The funny thing is that the exhibition called "Renata. Never hide ... "was completely devoted to Litvinova. At the opening of Dmitry and Renata, they were actively posing together, and the photographer was presented by the scarlet roses with his muse. And while some visitors of the exhibition whispered (with meaning!), As the actress and photographer, other, more aware, are watched together, more vigilate him with marriage with Polina Gagarina.

The fact that the trip to the registry office took place, "secretly" in the whole world "said Vyacheslav Manuchars. Having encountered newlyweds at the exhibition and learning the joyful news, he literally published a joint photo with Polina and Dmitry in his microblog, commenting: "And they have a wedding today!" After that, the TV presenters fell asleep with the newlyweds of congratulations.

Later, newlyweds were repeated "on the bis" their marriage - already with a white dress and veil. But for this they left for the other edge of the Earth - to Seychelles. During the trip, how many people themselves confessed later, they were able to look at each other in a new way. They realized how different they are. Polina - emotional, quick-tempered, explosive. Dmitry is calm, balanced, wise. She - instantly and vivid responds to any situation. He will first think that what, and only then will show some emotions. But no wonder they say that opposites are attracted ...

Peter Kislov Kislov became acquainted with his first love - actress Catherine Vilkova - in Nizhny Novgorod.

Peter Kislov Kislov became acquainted with his first love - actress Catherine Vilkova - in Nizhny Novgorod.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Together with family life, the life of creative has become improved. Polina's hits sound everywhere, in February, a solo concert for its ten-year career has passed. And later came the proposal to speak for Russia at the Eurovision Contest. It is clear that this trip will be very difficult for Gagarina - considering the current political realities and image of Russia abroad. Therefore, the singer will need powerful support.

Together with her, Dmitry went to the competition - to constantly be nearby. And in Moscow, another man close to her, an actor and a part-time former husband Peter Kislov acted for her. The father of her sole son Andrei, Peter assures that his ex-wife is the most talented actress on today's scene, worthy of the highest awards. These are such high relationships!

Petrovsky reforms

But once it seemed that Polina and Peter would not fit together at a distance of a cannon shot. After all, their family life was accompanied by scandals, and any, the smallest quarrel ended with serious disassembly.

... They met when Polina was still a student of the MHAT School Studio. It can be said that it was a service novel: Peter, despite his young age, then he was already an assistant to Igor Zolotovitsky, who was taught there. He generally managed much by that time. For example, get two formations: In addition to the Studio Studio, MCAt graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School, which he had very warm memories. According to Peter, everything that he can in the profession was laid out there - let some assure that a good education can only be obtained in the capital. In the same place, in Nizhny Novgorod, Kislov met his first love - actress Catherine Vilkova. When she came to act in the Teathedral university, she was only fourteen. "Funny such, with a squeaky voice and a huge mouth," recalled later Peter. However, their relationships have ringed much later when both moved to Moscow. Youthful love lasted only three or four months, but the actors and today are friendly - as a brother and sister.

Anastasia Makeeva, when she is asked about Petra Kislov, just shrugs: they might, it was, yes. But today for Nastya, you can only rejoice. She married a musician Gleb Matvechuk.

Anastasia Makeeva, when she is asked about Petra Kislov, just shrugs: they might, it was, yes. But today for Nastya, you can only rejoice. She married a musician Gleb Matvechuk.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Having moved to Moscow, Peter entered the MHAT Studio School and was considered a very promising student. Student in the school, he made his debut on the stage of the legendary MCAT named after Chekhov - in the sensational play "depicting the victim" directed by Kirill Serebrennikov. At the same time, he was invited to the cinema, where he met his first spouse. On the set of the series "Network" he met actress Anastasia Makeeva, almost immediately dragged young beauty to the registry office. Sensity did not lead to anything good: young not to say well. At least Anastasia later, in an interview, it was not tired of repeating that her former spouse of a walk, a drunkard and a rowdy, who defeated her life. Peter even wanted to sue the ex-wife, but calmed down, reading that Alexei Makarov's next elect - actor Alexei Makarov - she tells about the same thing only in brighter paints.

But the first unsuccessful experience of family life did not cool the dust of Peter Oz. Having met Polina, he immediately decided to marry the second time. He instantly fascinated the young student, offered her hand and heart, and a couple of months before the birth of their son, a wedding took place.

Their son was born on October 14, on the day of the name of Andrei. I liked this name and Polina, and Peter. It seemed that this young family had everything for quiet happiness. Young, talented, loving. However, it is with the birth of a baby, the relationship of the spouses was upset. They suddenly began to scandal - about and without, noisy and often. Life as a volcano lasted for almost two years. In the end, Polina, as a wise woman, offered to divorce - she really did not want their son to grow in the atmosphere of constant quarrels and family disassembly. The most amazing thing is that it was after the divorce that they finally began to communicate like normal people and do not move on a cry for any occasion. Today Polina and Peter are almost the best friends. Andrei's son meets with his father, as soon as he appears free time. "I am grateful to Polina for the fact that she does not hinder my communication with the Son," says Kislov. "Peter is a great father. They with Andryusha love each other. And among themselves we perfectly communicate. This native person for me, whom it is impossible, and no need to cross out from his life. Moreover, I have never had a negative towards him. We with our complex characters were not easy to get along together. We realized that you should not spoil each other nerves, and drank calmly, without any mud, "the Polina fills.

Unlike the ex-wife, Peter has not met his fate. But it claims that in family life was not disappointed. "I like a hussar - I can not just meet. I saw the handle kissed, everything is married! "

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