Signal to the attack - three short throats


Our body also knows how to speak. And, most terrible, does this in addition to our will - with a head giving out our innermost thoughts and the most secret desires. Our microengies and microdvatsii are the instinctive signals that we send unconsciously programmed. And the surrounding also perceive and decrypt them at the subconscious level. These are just those sudden "insights" about which sometimes say "intuition", "love at first sight", "instant antipathy", "inexplicable rejection", etc. That is why special services are always very carefully working, attracting best specialists. When preparing "Agents 007" in all countries of the world, the secret special course is listed, where they are taught not only to catch, but also aimediently directed bodily signals to the specified object. Here we would be such knowledge yes on the personal front! It is so convenient: to keep your own "promises" under control and at the same time be able to decipher other people! Knowing the alphabet of bodily signals, it is possible to determine the ratio of the person to you with a minimal ability, as well as without unnecessary words to convey the information you need. Let's try to take advantage of psychologists and sexologists and apply their research in the field of body language for the benefit of their personal life.


This happens completely and next. You often see the person you are interested in or even regularly communicate with it - for example, at work. Theoretically you would like more close acquaintances, but do not understand how he or she applies to you. Here you are in indecision: Is it worth doing the first step? Are there any close relationships? What if you don't like him (she), but he communicates with you exclusively from politeness? Alas, very often the first step does not do anything - just from fear to be rejected. And here this crib will very help us. Taking advantage of it, you can understand whether you are prettifying to your object, even if you just come across a bus stop every morning and have not yet told each other a word.

Women's signals (sent unconsciously in the case of erotic-painted interest in the object)

So, you have chances if at the sight of you lady ...

It is wrapped. This conventional name may include many small actions - such as wretched clothing, correction hairstyles, shaking the non-existent dust. If, envy you, the woman begins to actively touch his hair (for example, winding windows on the finger) - your chances are rising. Involuntary hair touch - a sign of rather strong attraction.

"Warts" you. Naturally, it can only happen if you at least nominally familiar. Gestures "Guards" or "owners" are programmed into DNA of each woman and initially addressed to the offspring. Naturally, in his life, a woman applies them not only to the child, but also to those who are really not sensible. If the lady corrects you the tie, says the scarf, wipes the jacket or smoothes your hair - rejoice! By performing the ritual of "proper gestures", it as it would marry you as "its territory", thereby releasing the opponents.

Tries to mouth. In any way - the tip of the finger, licking the lips or a shelter of the tip of the pencil. All these are faithful signals that her interest in you is not just friendly.

Slightly open lips. Solid physiology! During sex, thanks to the tide to them, the lips become more fully. And the presence of the object of interest to its object automatically launches the same mechanism in the body. Result: At the sight of you, her lips are involuntarily and barely noticeably open.

Stroking the shoulders. If stroking is slow and sensual, this is nothing but its unconscious desire to draw your attention to your chest. Of course, this can only be in the event that you are interested in it as a potential partner.

Plays decoration on the neck. Measured, repeated movements aimed at the area of ​​the neck and the clavicle, sign up for her thirst for affection. Obviously, yours - once next to this moment you are.

Covered by a blush. This is not exactly what shame paint. Simply, when there is an object of increased sexually painted interest, the body temperature of a woman rises a few degrees. Visually this can be expressed in the appearance of a brush or in small droplets of sweat (type of Spains) on the face. Consider: if so, this woman is almost yours.

Men's signals (sent unconsciously in the case of erotic-painted interest in the object)

If at the sight of you he ...

Models torso. This wise wording means just that the man "builds" the position of his body in relation to you in a certain way. If you are not indifferent to him in a sexy plan, he unfolds a torso in your direction and demonstrates him. If you believe psychologists, men tend to indicate the most important part of the body for them (guess what!) On the most important person in the premises. In other words, if his dream - you, his pelvis and chest will be unfolded to you, even if his eyes are facing the other side. Also, subconsciously trying to seem more sexually attractive, the man pulls the stomach, protrudes the chest and slightly puts forward a pelvis forward.

Playing muscles (or wallet). The meaning of these gestures is to show you your men's consistency. The game with muscles ending with the crunch fingers is a famous signal of male sympathy. If muscles are not particularly developed, it can be any other male self-presentation. He can twist a platinum banknotes in his hands or ring trousers in his pocket pocket. For you, these are equivalent signals of his interest.

Strokes tie. The tie arrow indicates a penis. And that's it.

Glides to look. Please note how it is he looking into your face. If he looks at your lips is a good sign. And if during the conversation, his glance repeatedly slides from your eyes down to the mouth and returns again to the eyes - this is a signal of a very strong attraction!

Smiles, tilting his head. So a man subconsciously demonstrates his most direct, vulnerable side, waiting for you a smile of approval. This gesture can be regarded as a visual question: Do I like you? Are you ready to love me?

Nods. Movie itself does not have sexual subtext. Question in quantity. If a man nods to every word, it happens to him unconsciously. And suggests that the question of your attractiveness he has already decided for himself positively. So nods.

Trying to touch you. Cursting from your lighter, it seems to accidentally concern your hand. Clean the hair strand with your eyes. Sits so close as concerning your feet. In conversation, it would be unstable covers your palm. Opening the door in front of you, he takes you by the hand above the elbow or gets off the shoulders ... The use of any preposition to touch you is a signal that a man wants to go to a more active touch of a sexual nature.

Common signals for both sexes expressing sexually painted sympathy

Eye contact. And men, and women are hard not to look intently when someone likes them. When someone attracts us, we carefully follow the face of this person, controlling his reaction to our words. "Scanning" of the interlocutor of your face from a close distance indicates his sympathy for you.

Expansion of pupils. If in itself a gaze in some cases can mean interest in you as a person in general, then this sign is one hundred percent. If, when you look at you, the pupils of your vezavi are expanding, the interlocutor is not indifferent. The expansion of pupils is an involuntary reaction coming from the cortex of the brain and eloquently reporting the presence of strong desire.

Mitigation feathers. Not in vain has long been noticed that lovers are good. When we see the one who we like, the traits of our face are involuntarily softened, becoming more attractive. The sharp lines disappear, and the eyes are smiling. Also a clear sign of attraction is a smile contained. Probably, you ourselves noticed: at the form of an object of sympathy, our mouth itself is stretched to ears. Sometimes it does not correspond to the moment, and we are trying to forcibly return the face of a strict expression. But the shadow of smiles is still noticeable, despite all our efforts.

Cooling. If the interlocutor sensibly responds to changing the expression of your face and your movements through subconscious mimicry (imitation), this suggests that he or she really wants you like. A man experiencing sympathy, instinctively tries to "catch a wave" of his object and tune in to her. That is, if you at this moment for some reason are sad or serious, the person, "configured on you", will not laugh loudly, to ride jokes or try to "download" you additionally with your own problems.


The so-called "bodily barriers" - a sign of lack of sympathy and unwillingness to communicate. Considering such signals from others, it is better to leave them alone - they are not up to you. And control yourself: Do not give out your personal sentiment without need. For example, you hate the boss, and he just does that causes you to his office. If you do not want your Visavi to guide your true attitude to him, never take the following poses when it:

Foot leg, with quick swaying one foot - Sign of impatience and irritation.

Elongated legs with crossed ankles - mean disregard.

Hand crossed on her chest - The most famous and powerful of bodily "barriers". It is considered a "full obstacle" from the interlocutor. Although for shy people can serve as a sign of embarrassment and insecurity.

Fingers, folded in the form of spiers and raised up - Certificate of calculating, vulnerable pride and even envy.

But barriers indicating the obvious absence of sexual interest in you. Alused some of these gestures at their "subject", it is better to immediately pass positions without a fight and not waste time:

She covers her mouth - hand, newspaper, book - no matter. The mouth is one of the key visual areas during attracting attention. And the covered mouth is the main sign of the lack of sexual interest.

Takes a look. If the sexual attraction indicates the increasing view intensity, then its absence also clearly indicates a weak visual contact or its absence. Simply put, a deliberate assignment to your object of sight to the side is eloquent than any unpleasant confession.

Holds something at the chest level. If, during a conversation with you, your vesaty holds between you any item (for example, a glass, a telephone, cigarette, book), know - this is the persistently erected obstacle. This subject is designed to protect him from communicating with you. Well, do not insist ...

Slightly send

Body signals can not only decrypt and interpret, but also simulate and send to the address. Using the body language, it is quite realistic to create instant attraction and make yourself welcome or desirable. These simple gestures and actions are easy to "learn" and apply not impulsively, but consciously. You can even rehearse them in front of the mirror. The main thing is to use each of the gestures in the desired situation, and not spontaneously. After all, acting subconsciously, our body is never mistaken. And reproducing its signals at the target of the mind, we can get confused and confuse your object.

Office / Business Communication

If your object meets you in an official setting, then to attract his attention, you should create an implicit empathy - sympathy, empathy that will be expressed by you not openly, and urgent, according to current circumstances. The response will be the movement of the object to you to meet - maybe first unconscious. Empathy is created by the competent imitation of the following states, which must be alternate in terms of the situation:

I am a benevolent (Aya) - is achieved by a concentrated facial expression with a slightly frowny eyebrows. At the same time, your opinion should say "Oh, as I understand you!"

I am energetic (Aya) - imagine that you just left the gym. Eyes burn, gait light, more movements, less static. Emit positive. All others are attracted to positive energy.

I am a cheerful (Aya) - creates a slightly narrowed eye with a lightweight chalk. At the same time, constantly translate the eyes from the eye of the object to his mouth, showing that you are extremely occupied by what he or she says.

With you, we have a lot of common - keep in mind: the older your chosen one or the elect, the more they are attracted to the ability to listen to and benevolence and less - coquetry, chemistry and manners. At the event case, ask your object questions (preferably not very stupid) and listen carefully to the answers, often nodding. It will create a sense of emotional community with you.

Party / Informal Communication

To attract attention in the restoration situation, you will need a clear empathy - that is, a more frank demonstration of itself and the following states:

I am spectacular (Aya) - according to the observations of psychologists, when a newcomer is included in the room, 99% of those present turn heads. This is part of the human survival instinct: newcomer must be recognized. When you come to a party or bar, you will be seen almost every man in the room, even if at this moment these people are busy with completely different things. Therefore, make your "output to the scene" as spectacular as possible: stretch in full growth, remove your shoulders back and down. Focus your energy on the shoulders and chest. Imagine that you do not go, but as it were, parcel over the ground. Raise your head so that the chin looks energetic, but do not downhill it - otherwise you will look outwardly.

I am sexy (Aya) - the most spectacular postures and views can be borrowed from the stars (see below). So that you are in your hands (a glass, cigarette, binoculars, telephone, etc.) when you conversation with the object, keep it at the waist level. This will serve as a subconscious indication on the genital zone. Soften the look, smile - but not a wide smile, which may seem mocking, and semi-lying mona Lisa. Good tool - dance. Use rhythmic and not sharp movements of the hips and in no way believe in the myth that if you depict a mad hopak with jumps and knees, it will indicate that your incredible passion in bed.

I am affectionate (Aya) - to demonstrate this statement, women will need hair, neck, mouth and a glass for wine. Spend your hair with a light tangent gesture - the gesture of tomorrow. Pull the neck so that the throat is exposed - gesture of defenselessness and confidence in the partner. Lightly lick lips - excitation signal. Make the end of the finger with the foot of the glass or its edge - the desire signal. But: do it all need not more than once! Otherwise, you will seem bezhennaya and union. Men followed with an interview with the object of their desires to mitigate the look and give some movement of the pelvis. Very easy moving forward-back (as if swaying) will send the correct signals to the object. But do not get drunk: If you are always swing, the lady can decide that you are drunk or sick.

Preparedness test. And now I will check: whether the client dot? Is it possible to move from the tongue of the body to the language of usual and assign an intimate date? Try the well-known express test of Australian psychologists, calculated just for the conditions of a crowded party:

Ask your "subject" to try his drink or food. Now observe: if he or she will observe how you do it, there is sexual interest. It is believed that if a person in someone is sexually interested, he will use any opportunity to see you with an open mouth. If, while you treat the object indifferently turned away - alas, the desire aimed at you, he does not have.

Put your glass on the table and see where your championship will put your glass. If next to yours is a subconscious signal that he or she wants to be with you.

Leave a small crumb on the face and look, will your object brighten it? If so, it means that the object has already subconsciously marked you as "own territory" and now puts order on it. Congratulations, everything is fine with you!

And the main backbone test. Offer the object to drink for anything. Tell me a short toast and take one sip. Then, withstood the second pause, start talking to something closely looking to the partner in the eyes. Well, if your speeches will be romantic, but do not go to personality. Some specific names can spoil the purity of the experiment, as the object's response is currently checked on you. Speak quietly, slowly, easily mitigating the timbre and in no case do not look out, see the object directly in the eye. Your speech should continue, not more than a minute, then the attention of the object will dispel in itself. But 60 seconds he will be in a high degree of concentration on you. And so if for these 60 seconds your vesati will make three short throat out of his gland ... no, he is not an alcoholic! He is simply almost in love, because it is nervous and can not look at you calmly. This is evidenced not so much of his desire to raise a spirit of alcohol, how many unconscious desire to maintain and moisturize the lips. And if your beautiful lady, during your speech, was attached to my glass at least three times, you can safely start a sexual attack on it.

Winewhi chips

In the modeling of sexually attractive gestures, there are indispensable authorities and 100% working patterns. Naturally, they are widely used in fashion, in the cinema, in show business, and, of course, in advertising - to create an attractive "erotic" protector in an advertised brand. These are strulane, which is not difficult to copy at home:

Aerial Kiss from Marilyn Monroe . Since the inimitable Marilyn, this lip movement fell forever in Favor to sex symbols of all times and peoples. The diva knew what was done by: the sponge-fledged sponges in combination with a slightly squandered eyes and back the head of A la Marilyn - this is nothing more than the simulation of the female orgasm. At the form of which no living man, of course, cannot remain indifferent.

"Kettle Pose" from Grant Mitchell . Love of bodybuilding fans and just big men. It is designed to inspire women the feeling that next to such a formidable swing she is complete. The posture of Grant Mitchell is characteristic of the fact that his hands and breasts are pumped to such an extent that the biceps do not give the rest of the hand to touch the body. The effect of the kettle with two handles is obtained.

"Miss Universe". This is a classic possession of the winners of beauty contests. It advantageously emphasizes the reliefs of the body and visually lengthes his feet. Bend the right knee and pull the right leg to the side. Transfer body weight to the left foot, having pulled out the basin to the left and up.

"Bust presentation" from Victoria Beckham and Liz Herley. The corona posture of these stars implies perfectly straight back and reserved shoulders back. The forearms are pressed against the body, the elbows are slightly behind. This pose creates a spectacular visual contrast - a fragile elegant body and a huge bust.

"Prokhib" from Kylie Minoga. The singer knows great how to emphasize favorable body shapes - high breasts and a short torso (even if there is no available). Kylie uses a sharp bend of the spine, so that all the views focused on her breasts and buttocks. Excellent will complement this sexy "ensemble" inflated like a child's sponge.

A shy look with improved from Naomi Campbell and Cher. These wise richest life experiences of the Diva are not embarrassed from time to time, as if embarrassed, to lower his head and flirtally look out from under the eyelashes. Because they know how men are hardened like pretended-timing views. Focus is to look at the "subject" unrealistic within a few seconds, and then quickly, as if embarrassed, hide your eyes.

A naive view of wide-colored eyes from Britney Spears. "The Last Virgin of America" ​​the first began to exploit the open "children's" look. Sexual semantic subtext of such a look: "I am so chista and innocent that I didn't even learn to kketney." The trick perfectly worked in the show business, and now many stars have been adopted.

Pose "References" from Bush and Blair. These are two main strategists of modern political postures. With all its sometimes dubious and often risky affairs, these gentlemen always look good. It happens because in all their costumes is focused on the shoulders. And they stand or sit, but both always demonstrate wide shoulders and a powerful torso, which at the subconscious level should inspire the audience about Superman. Image makers of these politicians know: the good physical condition of the leaders at the level of the subconscious crowd is estimated as a guarantee of political stability.

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