Particularly dangerous


Strong, powerful, even dangerous ... Use of acids to use is scary, however, no matter what happened. But at the same time, we hear about their effectiveness. It is worth come to the cosmetologist, as you will immediately offer to update the cosmetic "wardrobe" and go to acidic products. So how to use them without damage to the skin? Let's figure it out with the "atmosphere".

It used to be believed to use acid cosmetics only in winter. Say, in summer, such funds can cause pigmentation and generally seriously harm the skin. But these opinions remained in the past. Therefore, even though the cold has already passed, if you do not want to move away the lovely jars on the far shelf, you just need to figure out how to do now when the sun begins to sparkle. Perhaps some really better leave until the next winter, but certainly not all. It's time to make a care program that will be not only useful and efficient, but also safe.

It's time to make a care program

It's time to make a care program


Educational materials

Acids are just the name of the chemical compound. They have completely different properties, and they can perform various functions. So, probably, even children are already known that hyaluronic acid is the perfect humidifier. One of its molecule is capable of pulling up to five hundred water molecules. Dairy has the same properties. Its molecules are quite large, they do not penetrate deep into the greed glare, but work with the upper layers of the skin, saturating their moisture. Such means can be used year-round.

But what about the owners of sensitive skin? After all, if you believe the latest research, in tween percent of our planet's population, it is exactly the same, and half of the girls face an unexpected epidermis reactivity periodically: a newly encouraging agent, some food or even unusual weather conditions. Of course, in the presence of such problems, it is not necessary to use strong acids often. But from time to time, when everything is calm - why not. After all, sensitive skin can be dry, and then funds are perfect with the same hyaluronic acid. Only choose products with fine structures of molecules so that it penetrates inside, and not remained on the surface. If the epidermis is sensitive, but it is badly updated, peelings are suitable, which can speed up this process and remove dead particles. In addition, only individual facial zones can be reactive. Then acidic products simply should not be applied to these sections.

with sensitive skin it is necessary to use acids infrequently

with sensitive skin it is necessary to use acids infrequently


We will also not forget that in many means for problem skin, there are almost always acids. And the reason for this on the surface. The main task of these chemical compounds is to remove the blockage of pores. Thanks to them, the secret of the sebaceous gland does not accumulate inside and inflammation becomes less. In general, this is the first, where to start, if you want to cope with acne. In this case, pay special attention to products with glycolic and salicylic acids.

All over the shelves

How to properly use products with acids? After all, if you do not know all the subtleties, it is easy to harm the skin. The fact is that these compounds are aggressive and active. They need to get used to them. Start applying cosmetic products twice a week and over the month gradually go to daily use. Do not forget that in this "test" period you should not fall under the action of the Sun without protection, otherwise pigment stains may appear. All the same acids are injured, and it is not worth risking. Ideally, cosmetics with high concentrations are better to use strictly overnight. But the cream with a small content can be applied at any time. Just do not forget about SPF protection: at least thirty units in the cold season and fifty in summer. If you have a tendency to pigmentation, it is better to rebuild and always use the protection for the face with the SPF-50.

Do not go outside without pre-applied sunscreen

Do not go outside without pre-applied sunscreen


Oddly enough, drugs with acids can how to cause unwanted pigmentation, so help get rid of spots. Such property has azelain, cell and ascorbic acids. But do not wait for the magic effect: for lightening the face may be needed at least two months. And just fresh pigmentation is well correcting. To get rid of the solar, ordinary care is no longer enough - it is necessary to refer to the cosmetologist and make a complete program that includes peelings, laser techniques and, of course, competently selected home remedies.

In this case, there is one acid, to use which is necessary with extreme caution is retiname, or retinol. It is better to do it under the control of the dermatologist. The doctor will explain to you that dermatitis is possible at the beginning of the use of funds with this compound: the epidermis will begin to peel. And this is considered a sign that the product works. Also in the complex with retinol need good moisturizing. A specialist will explore the skin and advises the necessary products either select one universal means in which the acid is combined with moisturizing components.

Serious measures

Let's talk separately about the peelings. Are they all suitable? Of course not. Cosmetologist can even refuse to perform it. So, often after them are allergic reactions. Therefore, people with sensitive skin they are not recommended, all the same acid content in them is much higher than in domestic remedies. Peeling not only exfoliates. It creates the conditions so that cosmetics penetrate better inside. In addition, the techniques there are a huge set, and the cocktail of active substances the doctor will be selected specifically for you. A graph of preparation is: because in some cases you need to take skin to acids for some time, and in others - to cancel them completely.

At the depths of exposure, this procedure is divided into several types. The first is superficial peeling. It affects only the top layer of the epidermis, and it can be carried out not only in the clinic, but also at home, if your skin is well tolerated acid. Such peels are the most painless, the recovery passes gradually, but not long - for a couple of days. And the most pleasant thing they have a cumulative effect. The maximum result can be observed after the completion of the course of the procedures. Then there is a middle peeling, which affects not only on the epidermis, but also to the dermis, which greatly rejuvenates the skin. It already requires not only fulfillment in the clinic, but also a recovery period under the control of the doctor. Well, the most serious is the deep peeling, which affects all layers of leather, up to the basal layer.

Maximum result can be observed after the completion of the course

Maximum result can be observed after the completion of the course


It is carried out only in a medical facility, since this procedure relates to surgical manipulations. The rehabilitation period lasts from one month to six months. With this technique, you can remove not only wrinkles, but even the solar scars. Care after it should be as serious as possible. First of all, you can not forget about moisturizing. After the procedure, the skin lost a certain amount of moisture, so it is necessary to use creams that will prevent the loss of fluid. Pay attention to the means with hyaluronic acid, natural oils, aloe, chamomile, calendula and panthenol. They will help not only moisturize face, but also restore the disturbed lipid layer. The second is the protection of the Sun, which we have already spoken. Third - to secure the result, you can use cosmetics with acids in low concentrations. This will help preserve a healthy complexion and will help reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. But from scrubies, alcohol-containing means and other aggressive products it is necessary to refuse. They are able to thinch and without that thin after the procedure of the skin. In principle, these rules are true for any type of peeling, but with deeply they become vital. You can even perform these procedures in the spring, but only after consulting with a specialist.

In the warm season we want updates, and the drugs with acids are capable of providing it. But you should not be zealous to not add problems. With the right approach, there is nothing terrible in such products, but if you take a case with an unhealthy zeal, you can not only not get rid of existing imperfections, but also earn new ones.

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