Blood Group and Coronavirus Severity: Scientists have found a relationship


Another month ago there were talk about the fact that a blood type of blood can influence the severity of coronavirus. But then they did not have confirmation. And now in the publications of the prestigious medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine, research results were held in China's medical institutions, in the United States Columbia University and in Mazandaran Medical University Iran. Their conclusion is: a group of blood can play a key role in how hard the disease caused by COVID-19 is proceeding.

So, who should be referred to the possible infection of COVID-19 from all seriousness. According to the conclusions of scientists at once from several countries, carriers of blood group A (II) have the greatest risk of severe disease. But the carriers of the group O (i) there is a smallest risk of severe disease. As for the remaining blood groups (III and IV), they have the risk of severe disease less than for I, but more than for II, that is, they are in the middle of the list.

The reason why carriers of different blood groups are reacting in different ways to COVID-19 until installed. However, scientists remind that these results are preliminary and require further study.

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