Nicholas Cage: "We pulled out all nightmares outside"


About Archbishop and Leather Pants

"The idea of ​​a new film came to me even during the progress of the first part. In England, after the premiere, where I came with a full parade - in leather pants and jacket, I decided to look into the Westminster Abbey. And I got straight at the summit between the Archbishop of the Canterbury and the head of the Greek Orthodox Church. I was planted from behind, but the bishop of Colorado noticed me and introduced the Archbishop. And he unexpectedly suggested: "Let me show you Westminster Abbey." We stroll, he sees how I dressed, and, the conspirators winning me, says: "By the way, I can also behave badly." That was what came to the idea that Johnny and the Ghost Rider could cooperate with the church. "

About the director of school and medical humor

"When we did the first film, I wanted him to look like a fairy tale Brothers Grimm: a terrible, but exciting. It's like the first challenge to the Cabinet of the School Director: It is clear that it flies for hooliganism, but it is interesting than everything will end. However, starting shooting the second picture, we realized that we would like to make it more gloomy and pull out all nightmares. Therefore, Johnny himself changed. He no longer chews the marmalade pasteings, but he hardly drinks. And his humor has become black, sarcastic, like cops or doctors who often have to face death. Only, he can cope with the horrors that surround it. Yes, and what else to wait from the guy, who has a Baiska that and then it flashes the hell's flame? ".

Nicholas Cage:

The head and body of the Ghost Rider "ignored" with the help of computer graphics, so Nicolas Kejuja did not have to be in makeup on the site. However, the actor used it to enter the image.

About ancient Egypt and Cologges

"This time I myself had to play a ghost rider (Caskaders appeared in this role. - Ed.), And therefore I wanted to truly penetrate his spirit. And although the frightening head of my hero was "attached" after on a computer, I drew a black and white paint on the face of black and white paint, as followers of the wood cult, and inserted black lenses. And on the leather jacket, the images of the ancient Egyptian pictograms were applied. And the fact that I saw in the eyes of other actors when they met with me in such a form on the set, helped me believe that I am really the very spirit of messenger. And I spied the Maneru of the Ghost Racer in the snake. As a child, I had a couple of Cobre, however, they didn't like the neighbors - and I had to pass them into the zoo. But I remembered that when they are angry, they turn away, swell their hood, the pattern on which resembles the occult eye, and begin to dance, hypnotizing you. And only after that they attack. So and my hero: First, almost shifts the enemy, and then attack. "

About insurance and fearlessness

"I am prohibited for a motorcycle for a contract concluded with the insurance company. And the wife does not approve of my passion to quick ride. I love motorcycles very much and as soon as the opportunity to ride them at least in the cinema immediately agree. Therefore, I was not only not difficult to perform all the tricks, but it is very interesting. Yes, and besides, I could not hit the face in front of Mark Neldayn and Brian Taylor (director of the paintings, which also removed both parts of the film "Adrenaline". - Ed.). That's who really does not feel fear. They can go on the rollers, and then on a motorcycle at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, keep the camera in their hands and shoot. And at this point, they do not even think that they can easily roll their neck. They most importantly - make a good frame. So I just had no right to show them that I am afraid. "

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