Inga Oletdina starred pregnant


The role of the investigator Guvd Larisa Levina in the TV series "Mama-Detective" successfully performed actress Inga Obold. According to the plot, the main heroine brings up two sons and is about to give birth to a third child. At this time, in addition to the fight against crime in Moscow, she has to decide also personal questions - Spouse Igor Savelyev (Grigory Zeltser), who is her immediate boss at work, begins to change it. Her partner Max Maretsky (Cyril Pletnev) helps to cope with the accumulated problems of problems.

Inga Oletdina starred pregnant 37207_1

In the TV series "Mama-Detective", Inga Oletdin plays the investigator of the police center Larisa Levin, who brings up two sons and is about to give birth to a third child. .

"Larisa loves his family very much, but cannot live without work," says Inga Obold. - Investigations bring her pleasure. She is waiting for the moment to collect all the evidence, pointing to the suspect, and come to the final scene. At the end of each series, she collects all the participants of the event and reveals the cards. Award for Larisa is the reaction of the criminal to the conviction. It can be said that it is in some extent gambling, but in no case is not crazy. I had a similar role in the project "Spouses". But there the heroine was a lawyer, and it was rather a very "right" woman. My heroine Lara "Wrong". She behaves "wrong", he eats where he wants, can bite off a piece of the cake standing nearby, just because she wants. On the one hand, it is justified by her pregnancy, on the other - she just in life is so immediate. Despite this, it is always very correct with the interlocutor, even if he is a criminal. Perhaps this is such a feature that is rarely inherent in investigators. For the first time, I got a complex and interesting role at the same time: the investigator is in a position on the verge of a divorce, raising two sons-Trevants and continuing to catch bandits. "

Her companion Max Maretsky, who played Kirill Pletnev played with all the difficulties of heroine. .

Her companion Max Maretsky, who played Kirill Pletnev played with all the difficulties of heroine. .

At the set, the actress was actually pregnant, so the script had to rewrite directly under its position. "While the preparatory shooting period lasted, it turned out that I am waiting for a child," Inga Obold shared. "We started shooting in September, finished 6 December, and I gave birth to 21st. It turns out that three months I pregnant played the role of the investigator in the series. Usually, future mothers work at least to seven months of pregnancy. And I almost went to childbirth with a gun and, as I could, arrested gangsters. Sometimes it looked ridiculous and comical, which, however, attached to our project unexpected paints. "

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