

Sheep 36692_1

"In general, people are good here," said manicure. - I immediately noticed.

The manicure was new, Nastya came to her for the first time - her master on maternity leave, it was necessary to go to someone. New, Christina, first worked silently, then said:

- And I in your city only two weeks.

Nastya conversation supported and soon learned that Christina from Lermontov, it was near Pyatigorsk, seven years worked in Moscow, then a year - in Sochi, and now he came to his native Nastin city in search of, as she said.

Christina compared the cities, people in them, and Nastya is amazed: it is necessary, what a bold generation! Seventeen years left for Moscow, herself, not to relatives or acquaintances, but just like that. Nastya remembered himself after school, as she wanted to go from his parents, to start an independent life. But it was frightened, did not risk, even got sick ... Sheep, one word - sheep.

Sheat called Nastya, angry, her former husband. Nastya, when she was offended, was always lost, he could not resist rustling or rudeness, cried, frustrated.

"Well, you are a sheep," Vincent said in such cases. - I would answer so that I did not see much! And do not complain more if you can't stand up!

But Nastya complained - who else would she complain? Vincent was angry again, she again turned out to be a sheep ...

Victory Nastya loved. He was so beautiful and smart that she and five years after the wedding did not cease to wonder how he married her at all. She is that - the usual, nothing specially shackled woman. No, not urba, of course, but not Sophie Loren. In their union, she loved, and he only allowed himself to love. Well, of course, when he fell in love, it was easily left of the Nastya sheep to the subject of his love, some kind of trembling Lani ...

Nastya a few months after his care for men could not watch at all. It seemed to her that all of them traitors and traitors. She closed, became even more shy. But girlfriends were unwound, began to brake it, to carry on some companies, registered on a dating site ...

Today, just Nastya went on a date with a man from the site. At first she did not believe in this idea, it seemed to her that the normal men would not go to the site that they were focused mainly maniacs or scammers. But then calmed down, began to correspond, someone interested, someone is not, and today one of the virtual interlocutors should have met with Nastya in a cafe.

Therefore, the preparation was combat: manicure, hairstyle, the best dress. Cavalier in the photos looked cute, and it was impossible to hit the dirt face. As Mom says, the girl should always be ready to meet with happiness ...

Mom slept and saw that Nastya married again and gave her grandchildren. Same Nastya about the new marriage did not think. She just wanted someone close to be nearby - to talk, regret ... Yes, even to call sheats - if only love! Won Chekhov, what is the world celebrity, and then his wife called his wife! So wrote to her in letters: "My dear dog ..."

Nastya nervous. She was slightly replicated from men and worried about how to start the conversation right. And whether her spirits like him. And it didn't split too much - a couple-triple of extra kilograms was formed in the last year somehow by itself ...

In such a state, she reached the summer cafes, where the meeting was appointed, it came, a clear case, ahead of time. But not in the bushes wait for his arrival! Nastya ordered cappuccino and tried to portray confidence on his face. The heart beat, the hands were trembling, and in general she seemed to himself a frightened seventh grader before the first date ...

The man did not go. Nastya calmed down a little. I remembered a psychologist's girlfriend who led her to pretend. "Now, pretend that you have these men - a queue, and in this cafe you wandered exclusively out of curiosity, and even because you were on the way." Nastya smiled, began to imagine this turn - brunettes, blonds and bald, tall and low, thick and thin. The imaginary queue stretched from the entrance to the cafe to the corner of the street, the men quarreled, shouting: "I came first! You did not stand here! She herself appointed me today! " Watching, Nastya did not notice how she was waiting for the table.

- Nastya?

The queue melted in the air. Before her was the man of her dreams. He was really cute. And high. And shouldering. And smelled of him well. And shoes were studied. And no stylish bowl in the hands - a stylish leather backpack on the shoulder ... and socks - Lord, even socks were the right color ...

Scanning all this in three seconds, Nastya lost the gift of speech. And the man of her dreams has already introduced himself: "And I, as you understand, Vlad", sat down next, asked Americano, asked her to order more ...

Nastya understood: here it is, a chance that can not be missed. Here is a gift that fate sent her for all her suffering. She shook, lasted, polished, looked ...

An hour later, they knew everything about each other. Through two became lovers in a hotel opposite the cafe. Three, he ran away by appointing a meeting for tomorrow and kissing her for goodbye as nobody kissed, never ...

They met tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow. They met every day in this hotel, which became practically native.

"Why doesn't he keep you home to himself?" - asked a suspicious girlfriend.

"Repair does," Nastya dishwashed.

"Repair is good," the girlfriend quivered, but immediately averaged again. - And yet, why is he not married so far?

"I was waiting for me," Nastya smiled. She was easily and fun, everything seemed simple and clear.

On the outcome of the third week, Nastya, as usual, was delayed in the hotel room to stretch the pleasure of date. To burn his nose into the pillow, stored the smell of his perfume. Slowly take a shower and make it possible. Slowly get out of the room, go along the corridor, where he walked back, call the elevator by clicking on the same button that he ...

The voices were distributed due to the open door with the "Office room" tablet.

- Well, our new polygamy picker?

- Yeah. Nothing so pretty. Why do you call him a polygam?

- So he does not miss a single skirt. And the explanation is: I, they say, polygamine, I quickly bother with one woman. And for me, so it's not to polygam, but a dog! Wife on demolitions, and he can't cope with himself ... Okay, I left, I suppose, we left for a long time, the room should be taken after them.

We must, invented - polygam, - smiled Nastya in anticipation of the elevator. - The man lives and does not know that he was so dubbed.

The door opened, the maids reached the corridor and, seeing Nastya, froze.

- Oh, sorry, and we thought you left already ...

Nastya slowly covered a hot wave.

- Vlad? Are you talking about Vlad about Vlad?

"Sorry, we didn't know that you were standing here, we thought you had left for a long time," Looks like Maids frightened that she would complain to someone.

- No, nothing. Nothing.

Nastya stepped into an incident elevator. Went outside. Somewhere went.

Sheep. She is really a sheep. And it will always be all to deceive and betray.

The phone rang.

- Nastya, stop you. I run for you, call, you do not hear anything. Wait for me!

Nastya stopped. Vincent, fattening, caught it.

- What are you sad, old woman? How is life at all? Long time no see!

Nastya silently looked at the former husband.

- Nastya, well, okay you. Well, let's sit somewhere, let's talk. There is such a thing ... In general, I walked a fool when I left you. I am going to you a whole month here, I prepared the words. And here I look, you go. Maybe try everything first? I'm alone now. And I miss you.

Nastya still looked at Vikentia. Then she squeezed out:

- So I'm a sheep. Why do you need me?

- Nastya, I quit! Who will remember the old one, you yourself know that ... You are not a sheep. This is me ... goat, in general. Forgive me, Nastya, if you can, of course. Go home? I missed your pies ...

And they went home.

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