Ginger will help to revive skin and personal life


Ginger, the root of which is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology, is actually a perennial garden plant that can be grown in his house near Moscow or even at home in a pot. True, his "tops" in good conditions grow up to two meters in height. In the wild, ginger is not found. It began to cultivate his wise Chinese for another two century to our era, at least by this time include archaeological finds in the tomb of the Han dynasty in Northern China. Even the famous thinker and philosopher of Confucius mentioned the therapeutic properties of ginger. The Chinese discovered that it acts as an aphrodisiac, that is, excites passion. It must be that exactly the popularity of fragrant, slightly acute spices and in her homeland (in China and Southeast Asia), and in India, and in ancient Rome, and in Europe (in the Middle Ages with its help they even tried to treat plague !), And in America, and finally in Russia. The ginger fell to us relatively recently, in the XVI century. The crushed root of the plant was added to kvass, honey, cakes, jam and all sorts of sweets.

The recognizable characteristic smell of ginger gives essential oils, which rich in the root of the plant (1-3 percent of the total mass is a lot). In addition, it contains sugar, rich in vitamins A, C, group B, Magnesium salts, phosphorus, gland, potassium and zinc. In ginger there are even indispensable amino acids. Not spice, but just treasure! So there is nothing surprising in that this is a unique plant for useful components, the plant has been applied in modern cosmetology. Some of the first scientific developers were engaged in Chanel specialists. The object of their close attention has become a very unusual ginger - blue. Cultivat him on Madagascar Island. And the roots are collected manually, wash and dried in the sun on the mats, and here, right in the forest, there is a mini-laboratory, where the primary extract is obtained from ginger. Then he goes to the Research Center Chanel in France, where this elixir and "bring to mind". As a result, a pure ingredient called Blue Ginger PFA, which is a powerful antioxidant. That's not all. In combination with Camellia extract, the elixir begins to play the role of a protective umbrella. That is, rudely speaking, Camellia restores the balance of moisture in the skin, and the ginger prevents her loss. This discovery and formed the basis of the new gamma of Hydra Beauty moisturizing means. It includes light cream gel and cream. Both means are perfectly coping with the task of protection against free radicals and moisturizing.

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