What is the secret of velvet skin?


Fresh velvet skin is a dream of every woman. Many factors affect the condition of the skin - this is a lifestyle, bad habits, food diet, the body's condition in general, as well as regular proper home and timely professional care.

To give the skin of velvety, it should be enough moisture. It is necessary to apply a moisturizing cream in the morning and in the evening. To improve the absorption of cream and absorption of active substances once a week at home, it is recommended to make scrubs (with small pieces or rounded jojoba granules, so as not to damage the skin and the vessels under it) to remove dead cells that contribute to the peeling of the skin and give it irregularities . With 25 years, it is recommended to apply a light peeling 1 time per week containing 6-8% of fruit acids. After 30 years 2 times a year, professional peels are conducted, the number of procedures and the percentage of acids, which will be used depends on the age and condition of the skin.

Moisturizing procedures, several sessions of mesotherapy, plasmolifting or biographelization will help to moisturize and soften the skin.

For the skin after 45 years, funds with retinol are used, which is one of the powerful antioxidants, contributes to the refreshment of the skin and aligning it. It may be in the composition of serum, cream or fluid. When using retinol, it is necessary to apply sunscreen agents that contribute to the protection of the skin, sielding harmful rays, without giving the skin to burn and become coarse and uneven.

An important factor is a healthy dream, and the number of hours of sleep is of great importance, and what time we go to bed, because from 23 to 2-3 nights in the body, melanin is produced, which is responsible for the regulation of all processes in the body and Skin condition. With sufficient amounts, the skin becomes smooth and silky.

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