Do You Speak English: Improve English knowledge in travel


You probably studied or tried to study at least one foreign language, right? Then we will not explain how difficult it is. It is important not to just learn all grammatical designs, stable expressions and learn how to write without errors, but also learn the culture of the country under study, at least run through the basics. Therefore, the study of the language directly in the medium where the carriers dwell are considered the most productive. Let's try to figure out how to start learning a language, in this case of English, in the country of his immediate "habitat."

Why is the study of language abroad more efficiently

Let most of us studied English at school, read, write and even more so to speak on it can units. If you decide to seriously improve your knowledge, first of all tighten the grammar, after which you feel free to plan a trip. Preferably, long-term is at least a month. The process of learning a new speech will be held with greater speed when your surroundings will talk and understand only English, and you will have to get out to at least buy products in the store. By the way, such an emotional shake, when you cannot explain differently, except in the language that seek to study, activates brain activity much better than the threats of teachers, because here you must communicate to survive if you want, and not for the sake of evaluation on course.

Difficulties that await you abroad when learning the language

In addition to the indisputable efficiency of the method, there are a number of some obstacles that can be determining when deciding to go to study.

Language can be studied from anywhere in the world.

Language can be studied from anywhere in the world.


First, the English before the trip you need to know at least at the level of Intermediate, otherwise you will not understand anything, and wait until you rise to the level above, no one will. The shorter the program, the better you need to know the language at the start.

Secondly, you will have to completely exclude communication with Russian-speaking students / colleagues. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain, because the full immersion will not happen on Wednesday.

In addition, training in another country is not pleasure for everyone. In England, it is quite problematic to replace budget housing, especially next to major international language centers. And the climate in the country is not particularly gentle. So the main direction for learning English will not suit anyone, someone will have to choose the country to warm, if necessary, and with a lower price tag.

Options for learning English abroad

Schools of foreign languages

The beauty of this method is that it is not at all necessary to go to England to master the language of Shakespeare. You can travel in almost any country where English is not the first state language. Usually classes are held in the first half of the day, which means that you have half a day and evening to study culture and walks with excursions around the country. In addition, most schools offer family accommodation options or in campus with other students from different countries. Most minuses: High price, a large number of students, not too many lecture hours.

You can read your favorite works as they thought the author

You can read your favorite works as they thought the author



If you are not indifferent and an active person, international volunteering is what you need. You can join the organization that assists people, animals, is engaged in environmental support, or take part in the cultural or sports event of a global scale. As a rule, volunteers are young guys who actively communicate and will be able to teach you a "living" language completely free, which is not able to do a single language school.

Language schools are usually many students, but little lecture hours

Language schools are usually many students, but little lecture hours


Various international programs

Some countries offer exchange programs, but, as a rule, only students of full-time departments. For example, a well-known program by taking part in which you work all summer, and then go travel to earned money. Usually after such programs, a person loses fear and acquires many useful ties. But be prepared that you will be offered at all prestigious.

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