Vladimir Zelensky: "If we are funny, then it is impossible to hide it"


- Vladimir, the project is not new for you - you are sitting in the jury in the Ukrainian version of the "comedian laugh". What thoughts are you starting to launch in Russia?

- First, I am insanely glad that the license to this project was bought by the TV channel "Russia". I have the most positive thoughts, because it happens very rarely so that some kind of domestic domestic acquire (I believe that Ukraine with Russia is still friendly), and not a western format. And I would very much like it to take place and received at least the same popularity that has been in Ukraine for more than a year. The first shooting passed, and I can say that we have a wonderful, strong composition. As among the participants, because they are all extraordinary people, and from the leading point of view. In Ukraine, the program leads Dmitry Shepelev, and here - Roman Emelyanov. Roma is a very worthy candidacy. After all, in this show, like the comedians, in this case we are with Maxim Galkin, and the leading must have a great sense of humor. I am glad that our Trinity everything turned out; As they say, "Chemistry" occurred. Roma is a gorgeous sense of humor, well, and Maxim is understandable, in this genre a professional. Let's see how the audience project will appreciate. By the way, if we had only participants from Ukraine in Ukraine, there were Russians in Russia, and Ukrainians pulled up, so the project can take place as an international.

- In Ukraine, the show itself really has proven. How can you boast?

- There are programs from which you get tired. And our program went out in weekly air during the year, without losing ratings even into repeated issues. Especially they were high among young people and children, which is very valuable on today's television, because these people are usually sitting on the Internet, and the TV is watching the older generation. So the program is folk. I would like to have a long swimming in Russia.



- What are the topics for jokes, especially popular among the participants of the "comic laugh"?

- When we started the project in Ukraine, we thought that people would come with some bought numbers, parodies, and so on. But the participants were smarter than we, the creators of this project. In the struggle to make us laugh, they used a variety of unexpected tricks: words, dances, songs, jokes; In general, all sorts of tools to find some kind of key to us. Therefore, it is not about some topics. There are people who are mixed just with their appearance, their behavior. It happens, you go down the street, you notice something in a person, you start smiling. So here: Cavanechiki and professional humorists came to us, and people from Standap-show. But more often won ordinary, unprofessional people who are simply mixed with their work.

- Russian participants differ from Ukrainian? Or is our humor like?

- We have many participants joking in Ukrainian, and this has its own nationality, their folklore. And in Russia - their dialects, people come from different parts of the country, and with a Caucasian accent, and with others. This is the difference. But mostly, the nature of humor is still like in our countries. He still's not American, not European, but more native and understandable.

- You, by the way, from Ukraine. Countrymen do not play out, do not sick for them?

- There is no such. (Laughs.) I am just for people. We in the jury seem to be kept, tolerant, so as not to split, but in fact we want people won. And on the air it will be visible. Usually, no one pays for this type of activity, and we would like. Laughter prolongs life, so why not pay for it?

- So there is an ordinary person from the people using your program to become a star?

- Absolutely accurately. I know a few guys in our Ukraine, they performed very well, won the maximum prize, besides, they themselves are adequate people. And they have a little to the artistic life, so everyone has the opportunity. Then, all with different tasks come. Someone wants to become popular, someone wants his jokes to appear on the air and some artist then used them. And someone wants to just earn money, and there is nothing shameful.

- What advice would you give to future participants of the program? Are you difficult, comedians, laugh, and how do you need to behave to happen?

- There are several secrets. The first is not to pay out other people's jokes. Considering that we ourselves are in this profession, we, too, hear something and everyone understands. This is those who want to be professionals from humor. The second - you do not need to try in one minute to invest all your life creativity, it only becomes incomprehensible and heavy. The simpler and clearer the number, the time it is closer and will always cause a smile. But the main thing is that we have important is the mood. What is different is our contest from others. People come here to relax, enjoy. This aura is felt both in the auditorium and on stage. Therefore, it is worth a person to show something funny, we immediately smile. Hide it is impossible.

- How glad you are that new people come to this genre? After all, on humorists, we do not learn anywhere ...

- Yes, therefore, humor is mainly engaged in the strongest or those who are lucky. I treat new people very positively. So in any environment: if there were only "Mercedes" among cars, they would not have such a quality. And ten other brands appear, and begin to spur you to create something new. Therefore, competition gives you the opportunity to grow first of all.

- At the moment, anyone who has achieved something in humor, speaking of the young generation, was mainly the School of KVN ...

- KVN - a wonderful school, there is a huge practice and opportunity. But there is a second story. For example, people like Maxim Galkin, Ivan Urgant, Alexander Tsekalo, - they themselves are quite talented and insanely popular. Therefore, the sphere of origin is unimportant. The sense of humor is or given, or not given. And then, Natural Charisma is attached to humor. So there is neither a recipe, nor a delighthouse - someone is lucky, someone is knocked out. Nuggets a lot.

- Would you risen again to go to the scene "Mix comedians", show class?

- did not think about it. Such competitions, it seems to me, for those who want, and not for those who can. And already knows what can. It's like on Eurovision - people who have already earn money to perform there, and it becomes their work. It is not quite honest, it seems to me. It is just for beginners, for those who cannot break through or feels the strength that he is the best. So I do not need there.

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