Unexpected Divorces Actors


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Star Chet, introduced to the filming of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," for a long time hid his relationship from the public. However, it was difficult not to notice the tenderness in relation to each other and spark, slipping between young people in noisy parties for Hollywood stars. When the public learned about their novel, no one was surprised. The couple lived together quite a lot - they gave birth to joint children and adopted several of the disadvantaged families. However, a year ago it became known that Jolie filed for divorce. The reason for the quarrel was the aggression of Pitt. Now children live with Angelina, and Brad is allowed only to visit them.

Johnny Depp and Amber Hurd

The acting couple parted at the beginning of 2017. The reason for disagreements, according to Amber, has become aggression, domestic violence and alcoholism of Johnny Depp. The man tried not to comment on the family drama, but later gave a frank interview, where he said: "In the morning I poured myself vodka and started writing my biography. I worked as long as the tears filled my eyes so much that I could no longer see the page. I tried to understand what I did, what did it deserve it. After all, I always tried to be kind to everyone, help everyone, be honest with everyone. The truth for me was always in the first place. But it happened what happened. " A few days before the scandal, he buried his mother, so it was especially difficult to experience the loss of two closest women. Amber, according to Depp, was his ideal - it was with her he wanted to spend the rest of his life.

Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisin

An eccentric actor, in the past celebrity, and now known for many scandalous statements, married the Olympic champion in figure skating in February 2008. In marriage they had a daughter and son - a couple more time to raise children. Although the relationship of two celebrities was on the Spanish manner, it seemed that they were happy and love each other. However, in 2015, Marina filed a divorce statement, the truth later recalled the lawsuit. A year later, a woman nevertheless decided to parting - the reason for the treason and drug use by the actor. In an interview after termination, the figure skater stated that, as it turned out, her former husband was slandered, but confirmed that everything was for the better.

Sergey and Irina Reburkov

Fans were unpleasantly surprised when they found out that popular actors were divorced - they lived together for 15 years. Irina at one time was a popular actress, but decided to sacrifice the career for the sake of family. The woman accompanied her husband on tour and secular events. In 2015, the news that Sergey Bezrukov breaks up with Irina for the sake of the director Anna Mathison, provoked a wave of indignation on the Internet. However, later the conflict managed to settle - now Sergey and his new Passasya raise two children.

Egor Konchalovsky and Love Tolkalina

The couple broke up in 2016, after more than 20 years of marriage - then fans greatly surprised their decision on parting. Unlike other celebrities, they managed to keep wonderful relationships. The actress with love congratulated the former husband in the social network: "And I am a whole eighty time and hug a hundred, but only stronger! And despite all the love of art, I love him less than you! " Former spouses have a common daughter Masha.

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