Jennifer Lopez, by rumors, married in October


According to rumors, Jennifer Lopez is ready to tie himself for the fourth time. And the tabloids are already divided into the details of the future wedding pop star with Casper Smart, which should take place in October.

It is reported that marriage will be held in the situation of strictest secrecy. The bride and groom do not want to talk in advance about the celebration even their relatives and invite them to wedding literally per day. Ja Lo is going to have a wedding not in white, but in a pale pink dress. And already ordered a backup outfit, in case it becomes pregnant by this moment. The best friend Jennifer Lee a remine will witness her witness, the son of Max will bring to the altar of the rings, and Emma's daughter - flowers. The whole ceremony will be simple and modest, unlike the previous magnificent celebrations, arranged Lopez during past marriages.

However, the source close to Lopez claims that rumors about the secret October wedding do not correspond to reality. Even despite the fact that Jennifer and Casper are now experiencing a new period of acute love, they officially arrange their relationship they do not hurry.

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