Natalia Lesnikovskaya: "Now I offer the roles of mothers"


- Natalia, we understand that Egor you raise up without separation from production ...

- And there is. Just recently ended the shooting of the first part of the series "Shapovalov", where I played with Alexander Baluyev. I play the gangster, the thief that becomes approximate for love: begins to cook and generally lead another lifestyle. I never played this, I was interested. There, by the way, there are many scenes associated with alcohol. Because of the unfortunate love, the heroine began to drink. And I am very far from this. I was so hard for me. Everyone was just enough for the head. The director asked: "What do you play?" I was started to explain what to be an alcoholic, because I very intelligently took a glass, tipped it over. And everyone said: "My God! And the most astate?! " So I learned to play drinking woman. I am also removing Igor Lifanov in the movie "Man Nowhere." There I have the role of a loved wife. It is difficult because it is much easier to play a negative or characteristic role. And here you need to be beautiful, charming and attractive.

- Everyone knows that Natalia Lesnikovskaya and so charming and attractive. It would seem that play here?

- It's hard to find acting interest in an absolutely positive character for yourself. It happens that in the scenario, well, just an ideal heroine: not making mistakes, not tormented by doubts. Here it is to play hard and uninteresting. By the way, in one show, "butter", I will play my wife again. This time Anatoly Zhuravleva. So I can say you that, becoming a mother in life, I now all the time playing some wives, mothers. It seems to me what happens to you in life, imposes an imprint on your cinematic image. I heard that Mark Zakharov filmed actresses with roles from roles after they gave birth to a child. Because the look is changing, a globility changes.

Natalia Lesnikovskaya tries to instill a child's feeling of taste with a diaper. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Natalia Lesnikovskaya tries to instill a child's feeling of taste with a diaper. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

- How, by the way, do you have a theater life?

- Complicated. Previously, I was ready to rehearse anything and how much. There was an excitement novelty of the material, it was interesting to simply discover something new. Now it was involuntarily expanding. Every time you need to rehearse a new material, we think: is it worth leaving the baby for this project?

- But you nevertheless continue to work in the "Practice" theater, as far as I know ...

- Yes, I am pleased to continue to play. My favorite performances for me as a sip of pure creativity. For example, for example, for five years, I have been busy in the play "Marmalad", where I have a homosexual man. True, many gays, as far as I know, this performance categorically dislike.

- And how do you feel about such an unusual role?

- When this performance only went out, it was scary. It seemed that it could all look like, ugly, tastefully. But somehow the performance took place, and a lot of people told me that only in this role they saw some new line of me. I am very grateful to this spectral. When I was preparing for the role, then, of course, spied for gays. Moreover, specifically, I saw a prototype of my hero on one Tusovka - a high fashion week in Moscow. It was a young man who knows that he is beautiful and they run everything behind him and want to be with him, and he uses it. Moreover, in the neighborhood, in the neighborhood, I also settled Gay, who flying a gait, who donates the hips, almost every morning shears the bag with garbage and also elegantly throws it into a container. I also spied a little behind him. The theater is beautiful in that you can carry a new one every time in your game.

- Many Russian actors seek to play in foreign films. You did not think about it?

"I really like the European cinema, I would gladly tried myself in some role there." But French and English I know only at the level of the institute. This is my sick place. Literally a few months ago there was a casting to the French film. I taught the text, recalled the institute years and regretted that I do not know the language better, I can't freely talk to the director on the casting. In general, we, Russian actresses, you need to learn from foreigners of their performance. In general, tomorrow I sit down the textbook of French. (Smiles.)

- You studied at the course of Khazanov. Why did you go to it?

- Like many applicants, I tried to flow into all theatrical universities of the capital. It was a very difficult time. In the first year I did not do, but did not surrender. Wrap halfway to your goal - it is not in my character. Somehow in Rati I saw the announcement that Gennady Khazanov is gaining an acting course. I went there, and after the third round I was told that they were taken. I was happy!

- Now you somehow support relations with Gennady Viktorovich?

- I am insanely respecting this person. I remember, there were cases when on our course someone needed help, such as medical, legal, even financial. And he always helped everyone. For one thing, I am grateful to Gennady Viktorovich for life. Now I sometimes see him and his daughter Alice on some events. For me it would be a great honor to play with him in the same picture, but unfortunately, until I happened.

- I would like to talk about life outside the theater and movies. You said that in the series "Shapovalov" your heroine is changing after it falls in love. In your life there have been similar changes?

- Sure. See you with Vanya (Natalia's husband. - Approx. Aut.) I was sure that a woman should not fully take homework. Why cook when you can go to a restaurant? I thought it was not created for home, but for work. Now I understand, of course, that a woman should have time to do: and work, and to do so that the house is cozy.

- Help helps?

- Certainly. When he comes home, he tries to cook something delicious. He loves to cook very much. Recently dug out somewhere the Soviet book about the proper nutrition of children. Stunning recipes of simple dishes. Sometimes we are preparing together. We arrange the evenings of Japanese or Italian cuisine, which we invite our friends.

- When did you find out that you are pregnant, it somehow changed your creative plans?

- Thank God, it all happened on time, and the losses were minimal. I managed to play performances until the seventh month. For example, the performance of "8 women" I was already playing with the stomach, because by the role I am pregnant there. It was so funny! Actresses giggles that I do not need to put the stomach. For some time I played, and then the belly became too big and the deadlines with the heroine did not coincide. I had to go on the decret.

Little Egorka is the main family member. Therefore, the fact that the apartment actresses has long turned into a nursery, no one is not surprising. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Little Egorka is the main family member. Therefore, the fact that the apartment actresses has long turned into a nursery, no one is not surprising. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

- Who is the main minider in your family?

- Spouse. After the birth of Egor, I began to more selectively refer to the choice of roles. I used to be interested in starring in everything. Now I do not agree to participate in the 100-serial "soap", although it is best to pay on such projects. I want to spend a lot of time with my family, with the baby, rejoice in his successes together.

- What does your spouse do?

- He is an engineer. In general, he is a versatile man. Professionally rolling on a snowboard, professionally takes pictures. He is also a real audiophile. He has super suit - audio system, vinyl records. He washes them somehow specially cleans. In general, a fondant person. Recently, we have been fascinated by the breeding of plants, and now we have a hand-sided strawberry on the windowsill. And he raised me on windsurfing, is a riding on a chair board. If it were not for him, I would never have done it. Now Vanya persists me jumping with a parachute, but I am afraid. When I was pregnant, Vanya made me a gift - Flying on Paraglider, this is a fantastic feeling: you just plan in the sky like a bird. I still remember with pride, that I decided on this adventure.

- Create yourself or there is a nanny?

- There is a nanny. Of course, it was difficult to find it, we could not trust anyone. I looked through a lot of candidates, but never stopped on any one. It was impossible to imagine that I could leave my child with a stranger. And in the end I called my girlfriend, she recommended mother with his acquaintance. I found such an area in the nanny, who lives in one stop from us. Now we are waiting for a queue in kindergarten.

- Do you develop books on education?

- Yes. One of them was advised by Alice Grebenshchikov. American authors William and Martha Serz. They have a certain ideology of raising children. She is very close to me: based on sufficient freedom, to ease of the child to something, ensuring its full safety. When Egorka just started crawling, we bought it a helmet. Just do not be scared, it is not such a helmet that wearing motorcyclists, it is a hat made of fabric with seams inside with pads. Very necessary thing for the young researcher in the world. In general, I tried to secure everything in the house. We even have a fire extinguisher of the house, standing in the closet.

- What participation in the upbringing of Egor takes your spouse?

- Very active! I know that there are such men who are not suitable for up to three years to their child. Vanya is not like that! He is a very caring father. To feed, disguise Herra, take a walk with him for him is not a problem, but pleasure. He constantly plays with his son.

- What is his positive man! And where are just getting acquainted with such?

- We met on the Internet and first communicated friendly - he was engaged in a snowboard, and it was very interesting for me. In a year, we met lively, I liked each other, but at that moment were not free. And six months later we met again. By that time and Vanya, and I ended my previous relationships and decided that we would like to be together. Vanya was not at all interested in my profession for a very long time, while I was no longer beginning to teach him because of it. In general, he immediately conquered me with his kindness, sincerity.

- You live on the fifth floor in a house without elevator. It's not hard every day run there and here with a child and a stroller?

- Of course, it is not quite convenient, but, on the other hand, it's a good fitness! Before childbirth, I paid a lot of time on sports - went to swim, fitness, jazz dancing. During pregnancy, yoga was engaged for future mothers. Now I simply do not have time.

- Neighbors know that Natalia Lesnikovskaya lives next to them?

- Know. We have very friendly neighbors, everyone communicate, help each other. I am now surprising that such relationships between people are still in our time. They treat me well, and do not even swear when we have noisy or music plays.

- I know that you had a hippie wedding. Who came to mind such an idea?

- Husband. True, there were problems with the dress: I could not find a suitable for a long time. My friend reversed, who advised her friend designer: "She has a hippie dresses! This is what you need! " The suit for the groom was looking for even longer. Considering the photos of those times, we understood that a modern man in such dresses would look pretty comic. As a result, we have chosen a T-shirt with the English flag, jacket and tidy jeans for him.

- Surely at the wedding it was fun ...

- Very funny. I remember that we were late in the registry office, thought we would not be broken. At some point I even called from there: they say, are you going to come to us? The ceremony itself was very funny. We were the last. And the tired registrars, who simply closed their eyes, suddenly discovered them wide, because the room includes such a number of multi-colored dressed and painted people. The passage worker came to us later and said: "Well, you arranged. We have never had this! "

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