Julia Peresild: "While you love a person, forgive him all"


Lovely actress, now also theatrical director, head of the charity foundation, Julia Peresilde has time to remain loving and attentive mom, give daughters a lot of time and even please the eye with their beauty. Maybe the secret in her talent to do everything as if he would have been playing when the sweat was not visible in the roles, and this is the highest acting pilot, and exactly the same one in everything. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

"Julia, I have already known you for a long time, and you practically don't change." It seems to me that even an adult, it is very important to keep something unshakable in myself, you are truly ...

- To say that I do not change at all, it will be untrue. Of course, a million changes occur with any of us, probably every second. But I am very glad that I really remained the same character or nature, in general, the basis laid down since childhood. By the way, I remember very well from four years old. Moreover, not one episode, but different experiences and great joy. And I need everything to laugh and say that this can not be.

- What experiences of a four-year-old child smelled?

- I remember your kindergarten perfectly. I liked to walk there. And one day I forgot to pick up. Mom worked, grandmothers - too, grandfather served, and then there were no mobile phones, and at that time it was still not home, and everyone thought that someone else would take me, as a result, no one came. And at one o'clock in the morning everyone suddenly woke up (laughs), apparently, they found out that I had no one from them, and ran to the garden. The educators told me that I would stay with a night caregiver, now I understand that it was a woman watchman. (Laughs.) I remember how we looked like her in kindergarten, she showed me a menu for tomorrow and then put to sleep. When parents arrived, they were told that the child was not needed, and I will stay in the garden in the morning. Waking up, I felt perfectly, for me it was an adventure, not a problem. I am generally those who do not formulate something for himself for a very long time to end, which is bad. Sometimes after some number of years I think: "My God, how did I cope with it?! Why did you think that everything is right and great? " At the most critical moments, I rarely panic and rarely talk to myself that everything is terrible.

Cloak, Alena akhmadullina; shirt, uterquer; ; Earrings, Mercury; Clock, Rado.

Cloak, Alena akhmadullina; shirt, uterquer; ; Earrings, Mercury; Clock, Rado.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- But I know that you can go into panic, if a close person does not take a phone for a long time ...

- Yes, but that's different. For me, this is a horror movie. And it does not occur on an empty place, but from the fact that with the phrase "Subscriber is temporarily not available" were bound by terrible moments in my life.

- And children already understand that you need to call you when they come somewhere, for example?

"The older daughter, as she is already studying at school, there is a phone, and she understands that if somewhere goes, for example, to a girlfriend, then you need to write at least Esemask:" Mom, I'm fine. " And she is very offended if I immediately do not inform you that there is a successful fliter somewhere. As soon as she went to school, she had consciousness, responsibility and desire to control me in good sense. (Smiles.)

"You say that my daughters went to an ordinary kindergarten and now Ani has a regular school." What do you understand by this word?

- The usual is a public school in five minutes walk from home. It studied a lot of athletes, such as football player Igor Akinfeev. And now she does not specialize in sports, although there are still a lot of children engaged in CSKA.

Jacket, Alena Akhmadullina; Pants, PE for Girls; Turtleneck, Gucci; Earrings, Mercury; Clock, Rado.

Jacket, Alena Akhmadullina; Pants, PE for Girls; Turtleneck, Gucci; Earrings, Mercury; Clock, Rado.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Today's children, including yours, a lot of classes, there are no time a minute when you can just walk, talk to your girlfriend, no free breathing. You do not consider it necessary?

- We do not make them engage in anything. And now, Ani has a little freedom, because we refused the music school. It was a joint decision, although she was all walked perfectly in terms of learning. But there reigns the system of excessive dictatorship. Anya did not say anything to me, she is a very patient man, never says about the teacher bad, rather accuse himself in its wrong. She was very lucky with a kindergarten. She fell towards incredible caregivers, now they are from Masha, and Anyuta resorts to them and tells how she is in school. In general, she grew up in the atmosphere of love, although there were enough rigor. She does not know what dictatorship is, it is for her uncomfortable, incomprehensible environment. When she said to me twice: "Mom, I'm afraid to go to Solfeggio's lesson," I was very surprised. But having understood in the situation, I said that we take the documents and go from there. Of course, we were sorry for the school, but the music cannot be engaged in strength, it is characterized by absolutely light nature. Therefore, while we decided to take a pause. And there ... let's see. But Anya is engaged in teacher Muzication. Both daughters are obsessed with ballroom dancing. They met a dance couple, two stunning teachers who fell in love with them and now the days are dancing. English is also engaged in English. Masha has been playing tennis with success for a year. Ani's usual communication is also enough. After school, they stay dinner, then walk all the class, they are friends. Along the midnight then rewrite.

- Ani has any duties of the house, for example, to bring a small order in your room?

- after it partially collecting things, toys, and that's it.

- Did you have something to do something in your home?

- Very bad word "must". If someone had said to me that I had some duties, then the likelihood that I would perform it was zero. And if they tell me now: "Make it,", inside me some kind of creature begins to resist very much. If I got up in my childhood, I regained the bed, and then I was told: "Oh, you have already refueling the bed! Wow! You are just well done! " But I will do it almost every day.

Dress, pe for girls; Turtleneck, Gucci; gloves, manokhi; Necklace, Mercury

Dress, pe for girls; Turtleneck, Gucci; gloves, manokhi; Necklace, Mercury

Photo: Alina Pigeon

"And if you don't want to wash the dishes now, for example, and she will accumulate, you will have to wash it anyway?"

- This does not happen. Therefore, I teach my children to be ahead of the requirement. They should want to do. Then they will always be independent. I understand that it is unpleasant when they poke that sneakers are lying or toys scattered. I explain to Ana that once it insults it, do not give a reason to say so. And always pay attention, praised when she removes her. We have a tradition - if I do not run away in the morning on the weekend, then Anya herself prepares breakfast. She can scrambled eggs and cook porridge, even cook cheese, but she is still scary to do them. She serves the table, Masha helps her in this. A couple of times she had a frying pan, but nothing, we survived it. (Laughs.)

- You didn't really bother at home, and the child was born, and did you immediately become an adult and learned everything?

"My household matters did not bother me, but at the age of nine-ten, all the curtains on the windows in our house, all covered, capes on the chair sewed I myself, I had a sewing machine. And beyond the flowers that I adore since childhood (I was filled with roses then on the windowsill then), I watched. At twelve years I have a dog - Cocker Spaniel. And no one, besides me, did not know what to scratch her, wash, cut, clean your ears. Of course, if I came home tired and see, for example, a terrible mess, I can shout, quarrel, to quarrel even.

- With children or with mom too?

- With mom to a lesser extent, because she will tell you something, she immediately pays. After fifteen minutes, I begin to feel that I was wrong, I apologize, I am very ashamed of becoming.

Jacket, Alena Akhmadullina; Earrings, Mercury; Clock, Rado.

Jacket, Alena Akhmadullina; Earrings, Mercury; Clock, Rado.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- And with your loved one, you can also leave, take it, try to insist on your?

"It seems to me that I am not the most stupid in a relationship with men, and very patient." I understood with age - while you love a person, you forgive him everything. And as soon as the feelings disappear, you can not forgive the smallest little things. Just the second half must feel how long you can save the problem, forgive how much you will be enough. Because love, unfortunately, the feeling of finite. I'm not talking about parents and children.

- But after all, someone lasts all his life ...

- I think that, probably, you can sincerely fall in love with the same person. But I have no experience of very long love. Probably there are exceptional stories. It seems to me that respect is important in relationship, at some point it acts on the fore.

- Your girls are able to manipulate you?

- Sure. These are the two greatest manipulator. As their grandfather says, when I'm leaving for work: "Well, that, the power is changing." (Laughs.) When I am at home, there are no more authorities for them. And then such a gradation: if there is no mom, then the authority is dad, if there is no, then grandparents.

"When I talked with Alexey Efimovich Teacher, I had a feeling that at work he was hard, and in life - soft. What is he at home with children?

- He does not have the souls in them. They find a friendly contact, they are fine.

- But the ropes of the girls do not come from it?

- Watch. But they are some of them. In this sense, they sometimes be damn unbearable. I want to go there, I wanted not there, I will not, I will not. They are hyperactive, get up early, go to sleep late, do not put them. If you are at home, you will be cooking together with them, and watch what they have cars. And it's not just to look once - and that's all, it is a full pastime - play with them. It will not end in one and a half, two hours, and if you are distracted by the phone, you also hear: "You are dishonestly doing! You do not fulfill the rules! ", Because we agreed that we are not sitting on the weekend in phones, we are with children.


Photo: Alina Pigeon

"You had a completely different material situation in my childhood, but I know that you didn't ask your parents myself."

"I didn't have such an opportunity to ask." And this is a very difficult question for me - how to combine the desire to please the daughters in order not to break, avoid suggestion with gifts, teach to appreciate things and attention. But I can't say that for them gifts - the case is ordinary, because we are very often talking about it.

- Do you have methods and opinions in this with Alexey Efimovich converge? Maybe, due to character or age, they differ?

- It seems to me that converge. Of course, on the one hand, I as a man who spends with his daughters is not as much time, I want to please them, including shopping. My pitch - wherever I am and in what employment, I think all the time: "What would they bring them?" And we fly very often, so all the time you bring something. But at the same time, we often go to the events of the Galkonok Foundation, I tell how many children cannot afford it. They ask me: "And how will we congratulate the guys for the new year? How would we share something? " The old unnecessary toys are lying around, I want to throw them out what they say: "Mom, do not throw away, you need to give away to other children."

- Do you have guests at home?

- I love to receive guests, but this autumn it happened only a couple of times. I love when classmates come to her daughter, when Ira Petushkova came from Pskov, they often come from Pskov. And we sit with her at night and chat. (Laughs.)

- When did you have a good wealth, we have changed material desires, I want more?

- Money cannot spoil a person who does not put them in the head of the corner, if he has wishes that are higher than just money. In general, I am not a very paddy man on the material, probably, I was lucky in this. I know people who love money very much, and I, unfortunately, or fortunately, I relate to them quite calmly, even a few reckless. I can forget them to take or lose and then do not remember it. Or suddenly find in some place and surprise that they lay in this book. I am not from those who are confused on diamonds or in incredible firms. I can not imagine the situation when I would like some kind of fur coat so that I watched her worse or denyed a child toy. Never! All alive, healthy, full, normal apartment, can afford to go or go somewhere, it's fine and this is enough.

- Are you still not driving?

- Not. Because it is inconvenient to me. Where will I park? I'm late everywhere.

- Do you have a cottage?

- In the Kaluga region, a wooden house has long been, a wooden house.

- And how often do you happen there?

- Do not ask. (Laughs.) Never. Parents are resting there with girls. More I pay for her service than driving there.

Dress, Ksenia Seraya; Earrings, Mercury; Clock, Rado.

Dress, Ksenia Seraya; Earrings, Mercury; Clock, Rado.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- You often say that I wanted to learn languages, then learn how to drive a car, then another education is obtained. And the desires often change, but so far nothing happened, in my opinion ...

"Yes, I have any ideas all the time, but you probably never implemented, but do not finish, because when I see interesting people or an interesting action, I want to connect immediately to everything. I'm waiting, but I'm missing for a while, honestly.

- And with people too?

- A little differently, although it happens that he is charming and cool. There are people who are near many decades, and those that are going with me for many years in parallel, even if we are not visible for a long time. Without them there would be no me. For example, Pasha Akimkin, my friend and classmate. We played a few performances of "stying" without it. And everything was fine. But Pasha came, and I seemed to be joined another battery pack. I do not know what it is. I'm just good with him. We live nearby, he drove after me in the morning, then we bought coffee in the coffee shop, and I had some absolute strange feeling of happiness. I know that he is reliable, he does not want anything from me, and in the global sense I do not want anything from him. And I can tell him everything, and he is me too, and it will never be transferred to anyone.

- You have become the founder of the Galkonok Foundation. So it began to take even more time and soul. Why did you need it?

- I became the co-founder of the Foundation, because we went with our previous leader. There was such a situation in which the fund either closed, or someone had to take it into their hands. I thought that, probably, I could do it. Of course, care was gained, the responsibility was another, also for people who work there. But I do not regret it. In general, the worst thing for me is to stop empathy.

"You've never been confused on appearance, but with such a load perfectly, you look very young. Still, do something, watch yourself?

- It is sometimes necessary to arrange a small unfortunate. When every day you try to function at twenty-five hours from twenty-four, and even on many fronts, at some point I want to say: "I can not more! I do not want!" And I left for two days to one of the near Moscow clinics, in general the first time in my life went alone. And during these two days it was perfectly recovered. I can not say that I do not like anything female at all. I like good cosmetics, clothes, but for me, fortunately, it is not archiving, it does not go to my fore.

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