Problem skin: 5 stages on the way to ideal


Let's discuss what kind of skin is called "problem". First of all, the problem can be called the skin that has any disadvantages. For example, pimples, acne (angry rash), increased pigmentation, allergic rash, etc. Even people with perfect skin are not insured against stress, hormonal failure or other external and internal factors reflected in appearance. The most difficult thing to care for the sensitive and greasy skin type. Sensitive skin often reacts poorly to the effective means - cream and others. This problem can be solved, picking cosmetics that do not cause allergies. And the owners of oily and combined skin most often suffer from acne (comedones) and acne. The main reason for the formation of acne is the disturbed function of the sebaceous glands, but there are other factors. You should not forget that we are all different, and determine what exactly caused a particular problem with the skin, only a cosmetologist can only. For one procedure, as some beauty salons promise, it is impossible to make the skin perfect (unless with the help of retouching in the photo). Treatment of problem skin should be selected individually and in several stages.

The first stage is the consultation of the doctor and the appointment of medication treatment.

In order to get rid of the comedones and inflammation, you need to identify and cure the root cause of formations. According to the results of consulting the doctor, according to the type of skin, to restore the proper work of the sebaceous glands and the removal of inflammation, medication treatment is selected. To quickly get rid of pimples and deep inflammations, it is possible to carry out the procedure for point injection of antibiotics directly to the affected areas.

The owner of oily and combined skin most often suffer from acne (comedones) and acne

The owner of oily and combined skin most often suffer from acne (comedones) and acne


The second stage is the elimination of the blockage of the sebaceous glands (black dots).

It is necessary to remove the existing deep pollution by cleaning the face. It can be like ultrasound-cleaning (effective both with surface contaminants, and simply to remove the damaged skin), mechanical cleaning (with the help of the marlevary napkin and the hands of a cosmetologist, a physical removal of comedones occurs) and combined cleaning (combines Both types: first removal surface contaminants are removed, and after - deep).

Third stage - mesotherapy.

We all know the effectiveness of this procedure. The doctor prescribes mesococci (a mixture of skin-beneficial antioxidants, minerals and vitamins), which not only reduce fat, but also lines the color and texture of the skin. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately as only papulas.

The fourth stage is peelings.

Peelings will allow you to quickly and carefully eliminate scars, scars, pigment stains, narrowing the pores and refresh your face. You can alternate with mesotherapy for better effect.

Cosmetologist must pick up and competent home care

Cosmetologist must pick up and competent home care


The fifth stage is the appointment of the right home care.

According to the results, the cosmetologist gives clear instructions for the care of the skin of the house, selects the means of purification, morning and evening cream.

The effectiveness and duration of the result depends not only on the correct selection, quality of drugs and procedures, but also on the skill level of the cosmetologist. Therefore, it is worth trusting your face only to proven professionals and clinics.

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