Medicine opinion: Is it possible to drink mineral water without appointing a doctor


Today, in order to fix health, it is not necessary to go to drinking resorts - in pharmacies and shops, the shelves are forced by bottles with mineral water from Georgia and different cities of Russia. It is said that these waters are extremely helpful for health, promote weight loss and help from hangover. Let's figure it out if it is.

What differ mineral waters?

Any mineral water contains many useful elements that have a beneficial effect on the body. Essentuk waters, for example, relate to chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium waters and help with the treatment of diabetes, diseases of the digestive system, and also contribute to the normalization of metabolism. And they restore the water-salt balance in the body and really help get rid of the hangover.

Mineralka strengthens immunity

Mineralka strengthens immunity


Water helps reduce weight

Mineral water is really possessed by miraculous properties and helps to lose weight. It does not contain calories, and the metabolism affects the beneficial and cleans the body from harmful substances. In some sanatoriums at the resorts of the Caucasus, weight loss is even standing out as an independent treatment profile. However, with all the advantages, it is not necessary to float the mineral water after each party or replace her food during the next diet. The fact is that water is saturated with chemical elements, the uncontrolled consumption of which can negatively affect health.

Samko Elena Grigorievna, therapist of the highest category:

"If you want to start drinking mineral water, then you need to consult your doctor. Depending on the disease, the doctor prescribes water from 150 to 300 ml during a certain time before eating in cold, warm or hot. In addition, there are different methods of consumption: at a slow pace, small sips or on the contrary, fast, not stretching. Usually, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of water in half an hour before eating. But there is a technique for which water drink and after meals.

The daily dose of mineral water establishes a doctor

The daily dose of mineral water establishes a doctor


Sometimes doctors prescribe water in which a greater number of salts contain. It would seem mineral water - go and drink. But a lot of nuances. Without consultation, the doctor uses mineral water can lead to a deterioration of health. For example, if a person has cardiovascular diseases, he can jump pressure. The uncontrolled consumption of water during urolithic disease negatively affects human condition. With the exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers, we literally with a salt of salt on the wound. All this must be considered. "

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