Julia Vysotskaya: "I have a desire to build a house, which is not better not in the world."


- From September 7, your new morning show comes out on NTV. What does your ideal morning look like?

"My perfect morning is a lot of sun, there is a sport time, a cup of coffee in a calm rhythm and a lot of things ahead.

- Creating a new teleproject, you probably focus on a specific audience. What do you see the audience "morning with Yulia Vysotskaya", for whom this program?

- For everyone, who is interested to accomplish your life actively. I am interested in my like-minded people, those who seek to feel good, look always on "five with a plus" and at the same time be in harmony with them and the outside world. I am sure that there is no age limit about such a relationship to life.

- Who gives you or giving advice on the device of life, family comfort?

- As such tips were not. Something I absorbed at the genetic level from my mother and from my grandmother, something came in the method of trial and mistakes, something went on traveling, something from literature. But in general, it's just a desire to build a house that is better not in the world.

- What kind of corner of your home you are comfortable?

- I am always good in the kitchen.

- Can you remember when they first attached a hand to the transformation of your home?

- In 1997. I bought a cast-iron grill grill bright blue, although I didn't have anything like this at home. She still lives with me, and travels with me from the kitchen to the kitchen, and still copes with their responsibilities.

- You are a famous cook. What is the first dish you prepared yourself? Who helped you?

- I was six or seven years old, and I had a whole day of my mother's pancake. No one helped me, probably, so I slept so long with them. As a result, when I was ready to please my mother with breakfast, night came.

Julia advises easy to relate to failures in the culinary and household sphere. In her opinion, the burnt pie is not a disaster of a universal scale. .

Julia advises easy to relate to failures in the culinary and household sphere. In her opinion, the burnt pie is not a disaster of a universal scale. .

- With such a number of recipes from different kitchens that you know and invent, tell and show that you choose specifically for yourself and your family?

- Almost everything I cook in programs, my family eats, tries, evaluates and so on. Something takes good time for a longer period, and something only once appears on the table, you come back to something, you forget something, you open something over again. I can't list all the menu, because we eat very diverse, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is very simple and great, and with the third - we do not have any permanent attachments.

- Have you had frank failures, dips in the household or culinary sphere?

- Not mistaken only the one who does not do anything. They not only come, they must happen. Without failures, it is not interesting to live if everything turns out the first time, then the excitement is lost. Refer to failures in the culinary and household sphere should be easily. Believe me, the burnt pie will not cause the civil war, cancellation of flights into space or some other universal scale catastrophe. All these are little things!

- You somehow said that you refuse to be tired. How do you cope with fatigue?

- Of course, fatigue overtakes everyone, there are no people made of iron or other materials that are not affected. Fatigue is a universal attack. You know, I, perhaps, modify my own statement with "I refuse to be tired" on "with fatigue needs to be struggling!". A single recipe recharge batteries, alas, no: sometimes yoga helps, sometimes chatter with friends, and it happens, just saves a hot shower.

- You have been engaged in jogging for many years. Do you keep loyalty to this sport or changed the load?Surely there are days when you do not want to do. Can you afford tolerance?

- I continue to run, added yoga and walking with sticks. For the variety of loads and so that it was not boring: the more diverse, the better. Man must move. Those people who do not move, just steal years, months, days of their lives. I try not to do this. As for the shootings, I believe that the pauses between training should only be forced: physical ailment, virus or illness, and everything else time I try to find at least 20 minutes to classes.

- Do you ever ever be "lazy" days?

- "Lazy" days are necessarily, and you need to allow them. Only again remember that days should not turn into weeks, months and years. Sometimes I just sit with a book on the sofa, Gryme Cookies and drink tea, I go to the bath and arrange a spa day.

- You embody the image of an ideal woman. Who do you think your ideal? Who are you?

- Thanks for the compliment, although I doubt about the "ideal." And I am on a friend of the family Musy Ivanovna Turinsev.

- In your morning "Morning with Yulia Vysotskaya" on NTV, experts - doctors, lawyers, psychologists, stylists give advice and recommendations to the audience. Do you yourself love tips, instructions or prefer to go own by samples and errors?

- You need to be an unreasonable person to give up the councils of specialists. Any advice can be accepted or rejected, but I will listen to it.

- You say you want to be full forces in order to support your relatives and loved ones. And how are your loved ones answer you? What do you do for you?

- They love me.

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