From Monday I will start: how to implement useful habits


By setting a goal, man at first is experiencing a large tide of strength and enthusiasm. It is very good, but if you are in the root change your habits, then at the same time severely and unlikely "interrupt your ridges" and, as a result, risk to face greater internal resistance. Let's figure it out why.

If you are with zeal at the work, devoting to him all his free time, alerto - high likely that the mission will be failed, and in a short time you think everything is abandoned with the same zeal.

For example, you have thought up to lose weight, bought a subscription to the fitness club - and at first you "frequenter" in all classes, diligently swing the press in the gym, "wind kilometers" on the treadmill, swim twenty swimming pools on the day and finish, pouring down later, in sauna. Cool! And the result will first be undoubtedly. But you will not be enough for a long time, because, according to the third law of Newton, the strength of action is equal to the strength of opposition. Why "storm" Olympus, and then fly from him, though?

The British on this is the luxurious expression "BE CALM", in the sense of "do not be hot." Be realists and hurry slowly. Imagine a couple of good habits - only the bad, those that you and the joy and ease will be performed every day. And then, it may very much that even years later they will remain with you.

Cold shower replaces 30 minutes of energetic exercise

Cold shower replaces 30 minutes of energetic exercise


For example, to still lose weight, stand for fifteen minutes earlier, take a cold shower, and then vigorously laugh with a towel. Firstly, this is an excellent tempering procedure, secondly, the efficiency of the shower is equal to thirty minutes of energetic exercise, thirdly, the body, heating, is simply obliged to spend calories. Habit Number Two - Drink a couple of water glasses Before each meal - it will prepare a gastrointestinal tract for feeding food and tritely fill the stomach - "Elephant" you already do not definitely. And if you still temper the appetite to sweet, then you will not be equal at all. These three useful, and most importantly, the stencil habits are capable of quickly bringing you to the ideal, and then the gym may not be needed.

A glass of water before a meal will prepare a gastrointestinal tract for food reception

A glass of water before a meal will prepare a gastrointestinal tract for food reception


And most importantly: so that you do, do it always with great love for yourself! And learn about the trends of the current week will help my weekly Astrological forecast.

September 25 . It may happen that the plans drawn up in the details will vary on the go. You can make a profitable offer - do not brake, react quickly. If you think too long and make a decision - the ship sails by.

September 26 . Today, speak well, take exams, defend the dissertations, but what is there - just defend your point of view in all household matters. It is not always necessary to lie on the furnace, there are days when the manifested activity is rewarded by a large breakthrough. If the word is your weapon, act.

September 27 . For no matter what they were taken today, the result will fully depend on you. We want to ruin the good undertaking, no problems, and you can want to conquer Himalayas - everything will be forces.

September 28 . The day is especially good for romantic dates. If you forgot in a daily bustle that there is such a side of life as a romance, take the initiative to your hands - life is measured by no longer over the years, but the impressions obtained.

September 29th . Today, the most leisurely and calculating - measure several times before making a decisive step. If you are not like this, there are no problems: try on a new image - make some deep breaths, say and move more slowly - and now you are completely different.

September 30th . Excellent day for all related to finance. Good to sell, enter into contracts, negotiate money, plan revenues.

October 1 . Learn today excerpt, tacty and patience. Try not to succumb to provocations and do not provoke conflicts.

Zhanna Wei, Master of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui

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