All you need to know about the proper nutrition of a schoolboy


Children are increasingly eating as well as modern adults. Everything on the run, snacks, dinner in fast food ... And if adults at least suffer from remorse of conscience from such nutrition, then children sometimes simply do not know how to eat correctly.

To the menu of schoolchildren, especially younger classes, you need to treat increased attention, as the child is experiencing large psychological and mental loads and continues to actively grow.

To the menu of schoolchildren, especially younger classes, you need to treat increased attention

To the menu of schoolchildren, especially younger classes, you need to treat increased attention


Nutritionists advise parents to include in the diet of a small student meat, which is better to eat up to four hours of the day. The menu of the schoolchild must consist of at least 60% of the protein, which is a building material for the cells of the body. Once a week it should be red meat, in the rest - chicken, turkey, rabbit. Twice a week, a child instead of meat dishes must eat fish. If he does not have lactose intolerance, then the daily glass of milk will only benefit him. Dairy products best give a child for dinner: it can be cottage cheese, casserole, cheesery. Eggs that are a unique product containing a lot of useful substances, it is also necessary to include in the diet. Best dishes from eggs prepare for breakfast. It can be an omelet with vegetables or a welded boosted egg with a salad. Schoolchildren 7-10 years old can eat up to 5 eggs per week. Do not forget about the porridge that is better to cook on the water and fill a little milk.

Children love sticks from carrots, cucumbers or even cheese

Children love sticks from carrots, cucumbers or even cheese


Every day, vegetables and fruits should be included in the child's menu - 3-5 servings. One portion is considered to: an apple or banana; vegetable or fruit salad; Glass of natural juice; Several spoons of boiled vegetables or several dried fruits. A good guidelines for parents are colors of vegetables and fruits: they must be yellow, green or red. It is believed that they contain the greatest amount of useful substances. Nutritionists are also recommended to serve vegetables as a side dish or fish. In such a combination, the protein is better absorbed.

Unfortunately, most often children take with them to school as a snack sandwiches or sweets. But this is rooted incorrectly. You can put a child in a portfolio handful of nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits or fruits. Bake in the oven or multicooker chicken breast, cut into cubes and put in the container. Make a fish cutlet sandwich, lettuce leaves and a slice of tomato. Children love chopsticks from carrots, cucumbers or even cheese. Of course, sweets should be present in the school's diet, but not to replace full food, since the excess presence in the body of the sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity or allergies. Experts recommend allowing themselves sweet for breakfast or afternoon black for about three times a week.

The excess presence in the body of the sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity or allergies

The excess presence in the body of the sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity or allergies


A child, like an adult, should eat about five times a day.

Before going to school - Mandatory breakfast. It should be a hot meal: porridge, omelet, egg with salad.

The second breakfast is already at school. For example, snack in the dining room with classmates or something cooked at home.

From two to three - a mandatory lunch. By the way, soups are better cooking on vegetable broths. If the family does not pose life without meat, enter into the habit of cooking soup on the second broth. And you do not need to dare, as in the old days, the "first, second and compote" - you can do and some one dish. If the child does not have time to have lunch at school or at home, then you need to prepare a sandwich from whole grain bread with meat or fish and greens. Or put it something hot to the thermos.

For afternoon, fruits are perfectly suitable in any form.

Dinner must be two hours before sleep. Otherwise, the body will not have time to rest overnight.

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