Leave or not leave - that's what is the question: controversial moments in relationships


Any human relationship is complex and require work. But when is it worth stopping? When the relationship does not make sense? We try to figure out the sexologist-sexologist, sex blogger Larisa Konstantinidi.

Psychologist-sexologist, sex blogger Larisa Konstantinidi @lori_talks:

Relationships exist until a certain point, while they make sense, motivation, purpose. In relations, we satisfy the needs of a different nature. We can be an absolutely full-fledged person, but look for some sense in relationships - the need for love, for example. Before this need is satisfied, people are in relationships. In fact, I can not take responsibility for any person and say that you need to leave, because the personal boundaries and ideas about the relationship are different. Recommendation is possible if someone in the relationship is dangerous for another.

The main thing in the relationship is psychological and physical safety

The main thing in the relationship is psychological and physical safety

Photo: unsplash.com.

When independently does not work out of the relationship, which brings pain and disappointment, it is worth contacting a specialist, and he together with you will take this path. The main thing in the relationship is psychological and physical safety. I would advise you to leave if there are intractable disagreements. It is very difficult to imagine a pair that do not converge at a political point of view or look at the marriage and children. At the stage, when it is possible to study and understand a person, it is suitable or not, we often project our expectations on who does not apply to these expectations. First, we go to pink glasses, believe that the partner really meets our expectations. Fine, if so. But, as a rule, then on the bites you begin to understand that your partner is absolutely not what you would like to see next to you. But since the human psyche is configured to protect us, save energy, we begin to justify the partner. Sometimes the process of awareness can last for a very long time, years.

When independently does not get out of the relationship, which brings pain and disappointment, it is worth contacting a specialist

When independently does not get out of the relationship, which brings pain and disappointment, it is worth contacting a specialist

Photo: unsplash.com.

The decision to break up is always very difficult, because a lot of emotional strength is invested in a person, finance. Everyone makes a decision when he should leave. Someone can exist in a state of frustration, imbalance and disappointment, and someone is unbearable, when another person, conditionally, puts a spoon out otherwise, what would I like. In any case, we are looking for a partner for our parents' projections. We fall in love with something familiar, close. And this friend is not always enjoyable. It may be cruelty and coldness. Cold men are often the subject of adoration of women, because his father was so or it was not at all. Someone falls in love with the depreciation, in constant scandals and intrigues - all this goes from childhood.

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