LINDA: "I have no task to be everywhere where you can"


Linda has always been a gagwoman. And in the nineties, when her concerts collected stadiums, and now, when even in the conditions of modest media, the singer continues to perform successfully.

- You have long-awaited music news for your fans. Two new songs and two clips. How do the public react to them?

- The reaction to the clips was the most different. There is no such thing that I liked the new one at once. This is normal. But there were no indifferent, everything went very emotionally. After presentation of the video on the song "Cracks", many approached and said that they were all very much, it is, of course, nice. Emotions experienced in this video, in my opinion, felt everything. Video on "Put me nearby" is completely different. The clip is made on old technologies, removed on the film and mounted on the mounting table. We were inspired by the nineties and embodied new ideas with old ways.

- Your clips are already very mysterious by tradition. I heard that the shooting took place very dramatic ...

- We shot "cracks" in Yekaterinburg. At our disposal were pavilions for horror quests, worked in the city circus, in the oceanarium, quite a lot were removed from the air. There are scenes that were filmed on a high pier over the Yenisei River. This pier is very old, it's all in holes, such big, that I could easily fall there and fall into the water. And on the eve of the filming, heavy snowfall passed, and the whole pier was covered with a layer of snow, so that these holes became practically invisible. For the picture, everything was super, very beautiful, but I could easily be in cold water if it was stupid. Another scene, where I go barefoot on the stairs, starred in November, and it was already cold, minus ten for sure. And in some places there was a metal on the stairs, and when I got a naked foot on him, the skin adhesive, so it had to practically tear it off. Not the most pleasant feelings, of course, but they were worth it. In general, I can not say that the shooting was light. We have a very tight schedule: before the start of the shooting, five concerts took place in four days in different cities, and then we shot five days almost without stopping. It was not easy physically physically, but a morally atmosphere was beautiful, all each other was supported, and we are very pleased with what happened.

Together with the composer and producer Maxim Fadeev Linda created songs that became loud hits of the nineties

Together with the composer and producer Maxim Fadeev Linda created songs that became loud hits of the nineties

Gennady Cherkasov

- It's great that you have such a saturated artistic life. Many artists admit that in recent years there is a crisis - it became less concerts. Did it touch you?

- It seems to me that in recent years, on the contrary, we have become more touring. And I am very grateful to my fans for it. Many people actually feel the crisis, and in this difficult period they need support: you need to realize that they are together that are not alone. I am glad that people find such support at our concerts. Now is such a time when a person is forced to be in some irregular framework. For example, you need to pretend that you are fine, smile through strength ... Therefore, people are drawn in those places where they feel normal living human emotions. We support each other at our concerts, music unites us, it helps us experience many problems and some negative moments of life, including the crisis.

- What are the most memorable and unusual tourism remember you lately?

- Trip to Baikal! We went out to walk to the lake into clear sunny weather, and suddenly the shores of the lake had some natural phenomenon, it seems to the refraction of light - the effect of such, as if the water and nobody ... It was like a mirage ... fantastic sensations ... just one instant, and So many paints around. I will never forget this moment. And we were in the sacred places of Kazakhstan, the Mountain Kyzigurt. There is one place where there are two huge stones. There are a lot of pilgrims go there, and everyone passes in crevice between these stones. Depending on your energy and your thoughts, the stones decide themselves, skip you or not. They can spread wider or stand up. They seem to be alive. There were very strong impressions of this place.

- How do you take fans now, how do your love show?

- I was lucky with fans, although I still love the word "like-minded people." Their support is always felt. After the concerts, they always come into the dressing room, thank you, we take pictures, I know many by name. Among them there are creative people, they give me their pictures, draw me, send poems, arrange flashmobes. This is very valuable.

The rupture of the Alliance was not easy. And singer prefers not to talk about conflict

The rupture of the Alliance was not easy. And singer prefers not to talk about conflict

- Did you ever come across any adequate people?

"Once I had to jump out of the window of the second floor, because some strange man came into the dressing room. He was clearly not in himself, locked the door to the key, and put the key in his pocket. Now this does not happen, fortunately, and in the dressing room I am always not alone, but with the team.

- When does free time appear, how do you like to spend it?

- I love to read, paper books are my main vacation. It is still drawing, although there are practically no time for full-fledged pictures. We have a lot of performances, recording new songs, shooting clips. All the time something happens. Recently, the first free day was almost six months later, then we just went to the cafe and walked.

- I heard that you became an actress of sounding in many film projects and even computer games. Tell us about this experience.

- never voiced movies and especially computer games. But I had another experience: recently we read Shakespeare on roles on the radio. In general, I love such projects, I like to read poems, monologues, especially Tsvetaeva, Akhmatov, and from our contemporaries close creativity Ilya Kormiltsheva. On his verses there is a track "Camera Torture". But this is not at all about the movies and not about the game.

- Do you want to play in the cinema? Do you receive such proposals?

- Proposals are, but no - it's not mine at all. I have no task to be everywhere where you can. I am a musician, not an actress, and concentrate first of all in music. But if our music sounds in a movie, for example, it's great. For example, the Song "North Wind" sounds in the new film "Balkan Rubb".

- Many of your colleagues admit that no popularity and love of fans will replace families and love loved ones. Tell us about your family.

- For me, the family is something very important, special, it's a house, my fortress, my support. We are well everywhere together. We communicate a lot, they come to my concerts. Dad very much supports and generally loves what we do. With my sister, we, too, all the time in touch. She florist, creates very beautiful compositions, including for scene design. At our concerts there are often unusual decorations from the colors that my sister makes. So we still work together.

In 2006, the singer married the Greek composer of the city of Cartcicks. The Linda Union and Stefanos was also creative. The singer spent a lot of time in Greece. During this time, three albums were recorded. In 2014, the couple broke up

In 2006, the singer married the Greek composer of the city of Cartcicks. The Linda Union and Stefanos was also creative. The singer spent a lot of time in Greece. During this time, three albums were recorded. In 2014, the couple broke up

- You always wanted to become a singer or in childhood there were other dreams?

- In childhood I was seriously engaged in gymnastics. Therefore, all children's dreams were associated with sports than with creativity. And then at the training session, I fell from a great height and found myself on a hospital bed for several months. Not the most pleasant memories. I realized pretty early that dreams do not always come true and most importantly is health.

- How did you affect your life the topic of the marijuana clip? You never tried to blame for the propaganda of drugs, etc.

- People are characteristic of stereotypical thinking, many do not even listen to the text of the songs ... "Marijuana", on the contrary, against drugs, you listen to the chorus at least ... tried, of course, to blame, and in propaganda, and even went rumors about my death from overdose. As you can see, I am alive and more lively alive! This is such a narrowlessness and sir of human, not allowing wider thinking. "Once in the song has such a word, it means that she is exactly a drug addict." By the way, then on apples and on raw vegetables was sitting, and not on drugs. Drugs are not my story at all, so it's just ridiculous. Now many musicians are trying to blame in propaganda, but this is a complete nonsense. Problems in society are reflected in creativity. It is necessary to solve these problems, and not punish people for the fact that they show them, open their eyes on them and speak about them openly.

- Do you have bad habits?

- We can say that I consciously violate the generally accepted rules and framework. Probably, this is not quite a habit, because the habit is unconscious, and here I just like to do something contrary to the reaction. I also say that I think loudly laugh and cry loudly. Sometimes it prevents me and others ...

- Never have ideas to drastically change the image, hairstyle, go for some experiment in terms of appearance?

- I am as it is, I don't really think about the image. If we talk about hairstyles, hair, makeup and clothing, it is always a reflection of my mood. People change, and I was too different. Especially about changes in appearance, I do not think cardinal changes - it is always a reflection of some internal changes. As for clothes, I wear different, it depends on the mood. It may be dark, it can be white, can be very bright.

- Do you often visit beauty specialists?

- Often. I disastrously lacking 24 hours in the days, so I sleep a little, sometimes literally 3-4 hours a day. We also have usually more than ten flights per month ... This is all reflected, of course. I have my proven masters, which I trust. I love massage very much. You can sleep with benefit, and there is no feeling of lost time.

Over the decades of their musical career, the singer did not lose the ability to remain a bright artist and attract the attention of the public and music, and the image

Over the decades of their musical career, the singer did not lose the ability to remain a bright artist and attract the attention of the public and music, and the image

- You stay a slim girl to this day. Do you pay time for sports?

- I do yoga, run, I love skating on skates. Previously, I was seriously engaged in Aikido, now it is not the case, after all, Aikido is a special philosophy, classes require more time. Now, rather, ordinary fitness, I try to go to the hall or yoga a couple of times a week. Jogging every day practically.

- It is difficult to imagine a linda engaged in household chores. Can you cook something at home?

- I love to cook - this is also creativity. I love to experiment: to combine different kitchens, trying different seasonings, spices, add different ingredients, mix tastes and get something completely new in the end. Sometimes I take old recipes that got from the grandmother, for example, stuffed fish. There, I usually do not change anything, then something special, one more comes from childhood ...

- Music, sport, cooking - this is not the entire list of your lessons in life? Is there any other unusual passion not related to music?

- Yes, I am interested in Shibari (technique of aesthetic rope binding. - Ed.). It is like art. By the way, the elements of this my passion found reflections in the video "Put me nearby", so, probably, all my hobbies are somehow connected with music or will be connected in the future.

- Is there a profession in which you would like to try yourself, but not yet succeeded?

- Sure. Cosmos, the emergence of the Earth and the development of humanity - these areas are very interesting to me. I would like to become a cosmonaut, a geologist, or, maybe astrophysicist. But the music takes almost the whole of my life. And I like it.

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