7 facts about a man who will help to understand their soul mate


We all know that men and women are absolutely different and often incomprehensible for each other's creation. Not one labor of famous psychologists is devoted to differences in the floors, but to come to complete mutual understanding is not one of the parties. Today we decided to disassemble interesting facts about men who are designed to help you look at your partner under a different angle.

Men is important your reaction

It sometimes happens so that we ourselves kill in a man the desire to praise us and admire openly. Remember whether it was that your favorite said: "You're so beautiful!", And you answered: "Throw, nonsense is saying." It is important to understand that the man is extremely important to the reaction of the partner on its actions - if you do not find it important to appreciate the praise to your address, why should your man be interested in this? After several such unsuccessful compliments, he can simply lose interest in to delight you in this way. Of course, not every woman can botherly rejoice in gifts and pleasant words, but in no case should not depreciate all the said man.

A man loves women who are not afraid to speak on any topic

The talkativeness is not in moderation - terrible quality, however, the ability to support and what is important is to start a conversation - a man will certainly appreciate. As a rule, at first, the man and his companion only look at each other, and therefore each of the parties should work on the partner to do not have any questions. Men in principle, it is difficult to maintain too long conversations, so when a woman takes on the role of "starters", they sigh lightweight: they cease to experience awkwardness in the company of a society.

Do not depreciate its compliments to your address.

Do not depreciate its compliments to your address.

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

A man does not always know what kind of woman he needs

Usually, if a man is attributing relatively preferences in women, the high floor is limited only by external signs, and those with time can change dramatically - rarely when a man prefers to the end of life, let's say, blondes. It's all about a concrete woman: she can not completely coincide with a woman from his fantasies, but he will experience an incredible attraction. If you want to find out the preferences of a potential partner, do not ask, it is better to observe him.

Testosterone does not make a man noticeably more aggressive

Yes, in the animal world, males with a low level of testosterone most often overlook the losers in the fights for females and prey, in the world of people there is a somewhat different situation. "Human" man needs a high level of testosterone if there is problems with libido. Although women, this item concerns in a nursing degree. The aggressiveness of men depends more on the qualities of the nature in aggregate with hormones, and therefore "dumping" the responsibility for aggressive behavior solely on one testosterone is definitely not worth it.

The amount of hair on the body of a man does not talk about his abilities in bed

For example, take Asians - their bodies are deprived of a large amount of hair, but at the same time partners rarely complain about the eastern men in bed. In addition, with the age of hair, it becomes more dense, but hardly someone will argue that an elderly man will give odds to the young on a part of intimate life.

Men seriously suffer from stress

It is believed that women are subject to greater psychological burden due to the features of the psyche. Psychologists are in a hurry to disprove this theory - men suffer less. Men, as a rule, assigns more hopes, and the demand is more often with them above, being under such pressure, a man simply cannot stay calm and is constantly in the eventual condition, especially if he is the only feeder in the family. The older the man becomes, the stronger stress affects his psyche, which can lead to serious mental disorders.

Climax will overtake him

But just do not eat this word in his presence - you do not need to scare it ahead of time. Yes, and the process itself is not as actively as in women. In the case of men, Klimaks turns into Androphaus: testosterone is becoming less and less, the memory is worsening, life is sexually either scarcely, or stops at all. However, modern medical methods can help support active intimate life at least 10-15 years after the onset of serious hormonal restructuring.

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