Anastasia Spiridonova: "Proper nutrition is very simple"


I, like any woman, experimented with diet . It began in student, then the Kremlin diet was popular, which turned out to be very effective, but rather harmful. Then there was Duucan diet, which also gives the result. In 2010, I sang in the group and found out that we would undergo a national selection for Eurovision, which will take place in ten days. And I decided to lose weight: Ten days I saw a one-percent kefir. Problems began with stomach, spasms, the head was spinning. Of course, I lost ten kilograms, but I wonder if it was worth spoiling the stomach and exhaust the body? And there are still girls who bring themselves to anorexia, and women who are ready to starve, with pain in the stomach, even more. Therefore it's great that it is now fashionable to eat. And there are many nutritionists, bloggers who tell how to do it. It seems to me that girls now live healthier.

Anastasia does not consider himself an athlete, but nevertheless familiar with different types of fitness

Anastasia does not consider himself an athlete, but nevertheless familiar with different types of fitness


In the year before last, I had a solo concert in the Kremlin, and I For the first time in life turned to a nutritionist . I realized that I need to come into the form and establish my food, based on my preferences. I had for this for three months. I just started to eat right, by gram, began to cook. When entering the restaurant, called the nutritionist, sent her the menu, asked the Council, which is correct to order. I sat four months on such a diet and during this time I lost ten kilograms for ten kilograms, very easy, filling five times a day. In general, I think that the proper nutrition is very simple, it does not require intricate culinary experiments and a lot of time. Separate fish, salt her, pepper and put in the oven does not take a lot of time. Or, for example, boil the breast and make a salad - it's all pretty quickly and simple. After I stopped communicating with this nutritionist, I had and preserved the right food habits. I completely abandoned sugar, the usual milk forever replaced soybean, eggs without oil, oatmeal on water without salt, sugar, you can add dried fruits there. I can eat salmon weakly salmon with grain bread and half avocado. And my husband and I decided that when I come home from work in the evening, I do not eat.

Summer I sit on a bike I love to arrange a fitness morning. And now I have time to the treadmill. We bought a cool compact treadmill and practicing at home. What will happen tomorrow - I do not know, it depends on the mood. But I can say that there is always a sport in my life, it is necessary, and I feel the need for this, pleasure. Although I, of course, do not whine and not athlete.

Anastasia Spiridonova:

When the weather allows, the singer rides a bike, and also "friendly" with a treadmill and knows what a lesson is with an instructor


Up to 33 years old at the cosmetologist I was exclusively for facial massage And simple care, once made a light peeling. This year I met a very good cosmetologist and has already tried plasmolifting, RF rejuvenation, made a biorevitalization course, tried ultrasound cleaning. Of course, it all leads to good results, it can be seen. Such procedures are very useful, especially at my profession.

When I came to the "voice", my hair was in the belt, and now they are getting shorter with each snake and stacking, break. Although the quality of hair is good. What am I doing? First of all Hemography , then after washing, nano argan oil on the tips. Sometimes, when a husband at work, and I am at home, I can take care of my hair all day: I make masks, I go to the towel. Because hair nutrition is the main thing! Well, I am deeply convinced that the quality of the hair is affected by what we dye. Half of women in Russia enjoys purchased paint from the store, I myself did it myself. But now for years already four, I buy organic dyes based on vegetable components. There is such a dye that is also a mask. When I started using this paint, I just did care, and the color was added. In general, I advise those women who change the color of the hair, maximize themselves to protect themselves.

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