Gluck'Oza refuses Botox


Singer Gluck'Oza, and in the world Natasha Chistyakova-ionov, in his blog dedicated to beauty, touched upon the topic relevant for the young lady - to prick Botox or not? This rejuvenating procedure is enjoying tremendous success, including star girls. But Natasha decided not to go on the fashion: she came up with his means of fighting aging, which is an alternative Botox. With their reflections, the singer shared in "Instagram":

"Recently, a frequent theme of the bachelides -" prick or not to prick ". Today, young girls, without thinking of the Botox and Haluron, to stop the process of aging of the skin, not understanding that they are sitting in a literal sense on the needle. I watch such victims of beauty for several years and terrify - the skin becomes a bug art, the drugs are bad, some part of the components are not absorbed ... In general, it has all this rejuvenation of the opposite effect - 30-year-olds look at 40. I thought about the topic of aging and I decided to search for an alternative solution to injections ... and found! A year ago, it was called a simple Russian phrase "gymnastics for the face", and today it became a new-fashioned facebilding.)) Once not only the essence of the muscles of all the favorite priests, but also the muscles of the face. Yes Yes! On our face, hundreds of muscles who are grateful react to daily exercises ... It looks, of course, so-so ...)))))) But I'm not scary to share with you beauty secrets, whatever stupid on the sight they seemed like. I anticipate your screenshots and stoppers) ... and remember, regular sports (including persons) will long deliver you from the thought of radical methods of rejuvenation and will not make you a mummy who cannot even raise an eyebrow "(spelling and The punctuation of the authors was preserved, - approx.), - wrote a singer.

In a special video, glitch'OZA has demonstrated examples of gymnastics for the face and, of course, some mimic movements were very funny. But the most important thing, it became clear that Ionova's own Botox itself did not call himself: she moves all parts of the face, the eyebrows rise, the eyes are lying, and microscopic mimic wrinkles are just decorated.

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