In the house Pashkov, a ball was held for children left without parental care


This is a joint program of the project and its social adaptation partners for children who remain without parental care. It was attended by more than 200 children from institutions for orphans and children who were in a difficult life situation, Moscow and the Moscow region aged from 13 to 18 years. And at the invitation of the National Union of Patriotic Education on the ball, students of the Shakhtinsky Cossack Cadet Corps named after Yakova Petrovich Bucklanov.

Typically charity balls are held to attract money to solve a particular problem. The past ball is different from them because it is primarily focused on children. Children's Ball of the "Noon" project - a full-fledged module of the social adaptation program.

"We have been holding a charity ball for the third time and consider the event extremely important: children are included in cultural leisure time with adults, communicate with them in an informal atmosphere, are invested on the holiday, become its co-authors, and also develop the communicative skills we teach within Programs "noon," - comments the founder of the "Noon" project, Vladimir Young.

Communication on equal - extremely important skill required in self-life, which is very difficult to purchase in the conditions of a orphanage or boarding school without any assistance. For example, on an interview or in solving some domestic problems. Due to the specifics, communication in children's institutions is held according to the model "top down": from an adult to a child. For every day a schedule is provided, and the ability to communicate with teachers on an equal footing, as a rule, is simply not.

This year, despite the tight schedule, the ball visited a special guest - actor theater and cinema Euclide Curdzidis. What was very pleased with the guys, not to mention that walking with him liked all the girls without exception. We, in turn, was nice to his sincere admiration for the training of children.

"The main goal of everything that we do in orphanages is to develop independence in children, the ability to understand their desires and design goals on their basis, do not be afraid to think freely and go beyond. To do this, it is extremely important to extract them from the usual environment from time to time, in which their roles are predetermined, social relations have long been developed, and the near future is just known. Entering children on the ball on a par with adults, we put them in an unusual context, absolutely different culture to give them this new experience. In addition, the ball is an event that requires effort, active participation. This is not a New Year tree, on which they are present as spectators. They need to be prepared, learn, attend dancelasses. It depends on them, how will the event go for them, "comments Maria Rachinskaya, Executive Director of the" Noon "program.

This year the theme of the Bala was chosen "Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll. If possible, guests were dressed in thematic costumes, and the games and scenery sent to this classical English fairy tale: for example, the guys played a stylized crocket, "hat", "live paintings", different desktop and ball games. Andrei Ogiry entertained guests focus, and even a buffet was thematic. Closed the ball by the Fragment "Tea Party" from the ballet "Alice in Wonderland" in the execution of participants in the ballet troupe of the school "Education, Culture and Sport" under the leadership of the choreographer-director Svetlana Samka.

Volunteers of many Russian companies play a special role in the ball, designers and designers did all the work on the thematic styling of the hall and rooms. Volunteers, despite the tight working schedule, regular trips on the project training games and conducting career guidance, as well as the guys, have passed intensive training to the dance provided for by the program, and these are 6 semi-third-hour dancers for a month. They also helped with costumes, makeup and hairstyles, participated in the decoration of the hall and, of course, danced and conducted ballroom games.

Thanks to all these people and companies, the project is actively developing: currently the program is applied in 10 regions and covers more than 35 children's homes and boarding schools. Since the beginning of 2016, it is planned to expand the program more than twice.

Photo provided by a press agency CBAGENCY

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