Do not forget to congratulate moms!


That mom is Golden!

Exquisite, fascinating and only for her. Mom always loved chocolate, but gave it to you? Then give her a whole chocolate book. There is such an American saying: "Mamina Care" will never end. In the US, the mother's day is celebrated since 1906. Traditionally, in this holiday, children come to the parental home and try to free moms from routine affairs, giving her to relax. And the best rest, as you know, is a slow conversation with native people and your favorite delicacy. For such a celebration, Konfael has created a chocolate book "Favorite Mama!", In which candy based on natural juices in bitter chocolate or cream fillings are presented. As well as a treat from bitter chocolate with almond or hazelnut.

Do not forget to congratulate moms! 28557_1

How many stars in the sky, all do not count. These stars mom give again

To please mommy in the morning a cup of fragrant coffee or invite to visit and treat your favorite drink. And be sure to tell the story: In the distant 1644, a special Sunday appeared in England, which was noted in the middle of the Great Post. On this day, children and grandchildren were to celebrate their moms and grandmothers. This is a wonderful beginning of a spiritual conversation. A new collection of Tchibo Privat Kaffee coffee will be a real decoration of a cute holiday. After all, it collected the best varieties of Arabica from different parts of the world. Each type of coffee has its own unique taste, transmitting characteristic features of its place of growth. Brazil Mild is distinguished by a delicate walnut shade of taste, and African Blue conquers light notes of forest berries.

Do not forget to congratulate moms! 28557_2

For each mom - a native man, you will not forget my mother forever

How often does mom rest, choose somewhere? Tickets to the theater or musical will deliver her

Mass fun. And the new handbag - raise the mood. Before the beginning of the presentation

Tell mom the legend that the holiday came up with the ancient Greeks, which one day praised the mother of the Olympic gods Rei, the wife of the Kronos God. And do not forget to make a compliment a little aged, a little tired, but very beloved mom. Moreover, the bag of the original design will look very impressive. The long strap with a woven chain will allow you to wear it on the shoulder. Inside there is a convenient compartment where you can put a television

Background or wallet, hide keys or numbers for wardrobe. Book on

Do not forget to congratulate moms! 28557_3

Mom is a ray of light, Mom - this means life!

Give mom time and free from the part of everyday worries. In this holiday, which is celebrated in Russia since 1998, everyone is trying to express infinite love and gratitude to his beloved mom. And Bosch ActiveWater45 dishwasher is the best proof of this. A narrow dishwasher in 45 centimeters width is able to wash up to 10 sets of dishes. In addition, it will help mom save, since Bosch ActiveWater consumes in general from 9 to 11 liters of water and from 0.81 to 0.78 kWh of electricity in one cycle of work.

Do not forget to congratulate moms! 28557_4

I am a multicolored gift to give my mom

Even in daily concerns, Mom should have the moments of joy and inspiration. Give it an unusual and bright passport cover. And also spend a tour of your childhood places. Posing together with mom's memories, you can tell that the holiday is celebrated in Finland since 1927. And be sure to Sunday. On this day, national flags are posting in the country, and children are preparing surprises and help the farm. And your gift is a turquoise passport, in a pleasant touch cover from genuine leather will delight the eye, stand out among the familiar and practical things of dark shades, and most importantly - remind of his donoritel - a beloved child. Book on

Do not forget to congratulate moms! 28557_5

The day excited and gentle is Mother's Day!

Help mom on household and give a comfortable and smart iron. In England, more from Victorian times in Mamino Sunday, children try to spend with their moms, help them in the housework or go somewhere together - in the museum, to the exhibition, to theater. Modern mom can make a surprise, reveaning her the most elegant dress, without being afraid to spoil him. After all, the new TEFAL Ultimate AutoClean FV9547 has a special Textile Care nozzle for the ironing of delicate fabrics. The nozzle forms an airbag between the sole of the iron and the fabric, eliminating the risk of burning the material and the appearance of the lighted areas. In addition, the iron has a unique self-cleaning outcower AutoClean Catalys, on which pollution under the influence of high temperatures simply evaporate.

Do not forget to congratulate moms! 28557_6

How good that is in the light of mom, how good that I have mom!

Cover the table, bake a delicious pie to tea and say, finally, how you love her. In Europe, since ancient times, the Symnael cake is baked for mothers (the name comes from the Latin word "simila", which means the flour of fine grinding. The cake is necessarily decorated with 12 marzipan balls - by the number of signs of the zodiac. Today, you can also bake such a cake today For a round cake, as well as a round form, using the TEFAL NATURA baking forms, which are made of 100 percent recycled aluminum. Each owner makes its own contribution to environmental protection and natural resources. The whole collection is 9 different forms, including The shape for the cake and two different in size with the wavy edges in which the pies are obtained particularly elegant, is made in a tasty shade of bitter chocolate. In addition, the inner surface of the products is made of a non-stick coating, so the baking in them is uniformly twisted on all sides, does not stick And easily removed.

Cake "Simnel":

What: 3 eggs, 1.5 cups of flour, 0., 5 h. Busty, 0.25 h. l. Ground fragrant peas, 0.25 h. Ground cinnamon, 0.25 h. l. Ground nutmeg, 0.25 h. l. Ground cloves, 0.25 cups of softened butter, 0.75 cups of sugar, 0.5 glasses of light raisin, small handful of small raisins, 1 glass of crushed candied (cherry, pineapple, watermelon and melon crusts), 2 tbsp. crushed tunicate from orange and lemon zest, 0.5 h. vanilla extract, 2 tbsp. Cognac.

For cream: 0, 75 glasses of soft butter, 3, 5 cup of sugar powder, 2 h. vanilla extract, 2 tbsp. milk.

How: Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Mix raisins, half of the portion of the candle and the zest from 1 tbsp. flour. The remaining flour is mixed with a baking powder and spices. In a big bowl, kill the butter with sugar. Drink one eggs, add brandy and vanilla extract. Gradually pour to a mixture of flour. Put in the dough a mixture of raisins and a zucatov, mix thoroughly. Ship the dough into a lubricated buttered shape, smooth the surface with a convex side of the tablespoon. Bake until readiness. At this time to cook the cream: the creamy oil is retained with sugar powder, add vanilla extract and milk, wash up to smoothness. If the cream is too thick, add some more milk. I will be frightened to give a slightly cool on the grille, remove from the mold and completely cool. Corge covered with cream. And from the remaining candle to make 12 balls and decorate them cake.

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