Intimate as sport: how a man can save your shape sex


In the fall, we often throw dumbbells under the sofa and fold a rug for yoga to better times - summer is not soon. But why not continue to maintain the form throughout the year, especially sex can also be included in the training program? Of course, rely on one sex, continue to look into your favorite fast food and smile after the morning runners, and at the same time expect the magical loss of unnecessary kilograms unequivocally. However, many fitness instructors are confident that activity in bed (with a partner, naturally) can help pump muscles if you are not a big fan of morning charging. But let's go about everything in order.

What muscles "will help" sex

It all depends on the posture. Moreover, men in this case are stronger in this case - they have more opportunities to pump the body during an intimate process, because their partner is as an extra weight in some poses, which means that the man will make several times more. But the woman has something to lead to the tone. Consider the most effective positions in more detail.

Your partner can

Your partner can "give" a beautiful body to you


It is from above

The most "sports" posture for a man: he works out a fairly large number of muscles, which cannot be said about partner. Although some strong sex representatives relate to the process are too responsibly and begin almost to appeal. Do not do it this way. But we were distracted. A woman in this situation can be perfectly working out the muscles of the inside of the hip, the buttock muscle and the press muscle, if you keep it in tension as when performing the exercise "Planck".

180 degrees

We change the position - now the woman is on top. As in the previous case, the main load will be on the inside of the hip, which, by the way, is not so simply amenable to "pumping", and therefore pay special attention to it. Plus, almost all the muscles of your feet are involved, so you can not worry about the degros of the ICR - they also work. However, the effect will be only if you will periodically strain all the mentioned muscles and do not give them to relax.

Weight rise

Go to the level more complicated. If your man does not suffer from problems with the spine, try to do this on weight without support. This posture will allow a man to pump the muscles of the press, hands and buttocks. The partner develops overall flexibility, keeps absolutely all muscles in the tone, because it needs to be kept and trying not to give her man to lose their balance. Make a few approaches, if enough forces. Agree, an excellent alternative to the workout in the hall?

He and she "on the bridge"

A rather original posture that will come up with experienced lovers who were tiring in search of new sensations and want to "surprise" not only themselves, but also their own body. We strongly recommend rebuilding in advance in clothes so that there is no confusion at the most inopportune moment. A man becomes in the pose of "bridge", the girl in the meantime goes from above. The partner must be as accurate as possible, you do not want to explain a traumatologist as your faithful getting a shift in the middle of the night? So that everything is fine, keep all the muscles in tension and do not go down all the weight - take care of your man.

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