A spoon for mom: 6 creative ways to teach children eating vegetables


According to the recommendations of US nutrition institutions, you need to eat 1.5-2 cups of fruits and 2-2.5 cups of vegetables per day. The norm may vary depending on the age and gender of man, so, for example, children and old people are enough 2 cups, and sometimes 1.5, if a child has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But it is so difficult to make a child have vegetables: salads they usually love, but boiled vegetables most never eats. In this material we will tell you what to come up if your child does not like vegetables.


If the look of boiled carrots and onions causes a disgust in a child, in a whipped soup with crackers they will seem honey to him. We advise you to prepare soups based on chicken or turkey: they are well welded, and after them can be easily hit in a blender with other vegetables. Take the basis of potatoes - his children are usually loved. And after add carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and other vegetables. Make sure the soup color causes appetite: better add more cream, carrots and orange spices of the turmeric type than to leave it green or incomprehensible brown.

Cook baby soup

Cook baby soup

Photo: unsplash.com.

Replace some vegetables on other

Instead of Potatoes, FRI from ordinary potatoes can be prepared from the batt - it is more useful. You can also dry vegetables in a special device to the state of chips or cook them with your own hands: Cut on thin rings carrots, potatoes, beets, then lubricate them with oil, salt and put on the parchment in the oven at a temperature of 150-180 degrees. Leave the dryer for 1-2 hours, while water from vegetables will evaporate.

Add sauce

What to do, children are accustomed to squeeze any food sauces - it is not necessary to buy them in the store, you can prepare yourself with a minimum salt and natural spices. For example, Greek dzadziki is prepared from yogurt, cucumbers, greenery and lemon juice. It perfectly complements vegetable salads and other dishes. Also, hummus is well suited to vegetables: it is tasty with chopped straw carrots, celery, cucumber.

Make Dessert

Carrot Pie - What is not an option to consume the daily norm of vegetables? It can be prepared in several options - for vegetarians and people with standard food - and supplement nuts, raisins, other dried berries to make a delightful dessert. Find on the Internet other options for desserts from vegetables - there will definitely be a place of recipes from beets, a batt and other sweet root roots.

Add snacks

Agree, it's easier to eat 10 tomatoes Cherry 3 times a day, than to minimize 30? Give the child a small portion of vegetables every 3-4 hours separately from the main meals. So he will always be fed, and at the same time it will be to observe the daily calorie standards. It is especially important to comply with this balance to children professionally engaged in sports. In many vegetables, acids and a lot of water are contained - they are important for the restoration of muscles and energy after training.

Firefighter Grilled Vegetables

Firefighter Grilled Vegetables

Photo: unsplash.com.

Arrange picnics

Having left for nature and incurnant, the child will rather appetite. And then you are with baked meat and vegetables with baked on the fire: the kid will break this dish for both cheeks. Click on the fire with whole tomatoes and peppers, baked the rolls of the zucchini, and then do everything and mix everything. Do not forget about vegetable salad and dessert - that's the daytime norm of vegetables.

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