Is there any alarm at least something useful


This article is not quite about sleep, but about what prevents falling asleep. We somehow have already talked about insomnia, but there is something else to discuss. Often to fall asleep us prevents a high level of anxiety. Sleep is a state of pacification and calm. Alarm is a combat mode, this is a readiness for a meeting with some danger. Therefore, in a state of anxiety it is impossible to fall asleep if you do not calm yourself something.

Arguing about the emotional world of a person, psychologists agree that our feelings of any spectrum and shade we need. Anger is needed to defend, give delivery, defend your position, outlined its borders in the world. We are sad on loved ones, by parting with some kind of person or even stage in life. Sadness tells us that something is irretrievably ended. Aware of the offense, we also meet face to face with the fact that we love someone and harm to hurt him or her pain, because our aggressive reactions turn on themselves, which is essentially offense. Wines testifies to misdemeanor.

But what is anxiety? Absolutely appropriate question, no matter how cool. Let's get together. If for a while to forget about the unpleasant feeling of anxiety, to make its painful component for brackets, then in its purely alarm is the voltage of the forces, it is an excessive awakening of consciousness and body.

Anxiety is akin to electricity, this is the energy in our body, but the energy is restless.

Let's now remember yourself in moments of love (for additional enhancement of memories it is better to recreate in memory unrequited). In fact, it is clean water energy infusion into the soul. Sleep, eat, worry on trifles - all this goes into the background. There are so many energy that at least the gadgets are charged. In this wave of feelings, people compose songs, poems, do different madness, they say what they think, not what they are waiting for them. But in general, we take in love with trepidation and respect, even striving to survive it (perfectly and exhaustively writes Irwin Yal in the book "Medicine from Love"), then we are much less appreciated. Not taken to be alarming.

At the same time, anxiety is an injury to our soul and especially in our body. Like electricity, it is not bad and not good. The energy in its pure form is given to the realization of cases. But we hold ourselves from the actions, try to control life, and excess energy turns into anxiety.

I will give one example from practice. A woman worked with me, which was periodically tormented by insomnia. She wanted to sleep, but as soon as she lay, her vague torments, who turned into catastrophic fantasies by the middle of the night. To the question that she worries her, besides insomnia, she first told uninteresting stories for a long time, and then blurted out that she was worried about her relationship with her husband. He does not hear her and does not notice attempts to get into touch with him and discuss the quiet crisis of their relationship. In a new attack of the night torment, she wrote to him a long letter, which he would have read in the morning, as it got up much earlier. She allowed himself to express everything that accumulated. Later, the woman shared that when she adds the last lines, he felt relief, peace and fatigue. A minute later she slept.

In other words, an alarm in this example is an attempt at one part of us to reach the other, to convey important and necessary, to which you can not close your eyes more.

What is your alarm? Think about it!

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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