Gynecologist, gynecologist surgeon or reproductist - to whom and when to go


Gynecology is a delicate matter. And in order to avoid complications, women can not ignore sharp abdominal pain, crotch area, abundant bleeding ...

Gynecologist, gynecologist surgeon or reproductist - to which doctor and when to go

To begin with, it is worth noting that in gynecology a division into surgeons-gynecologists, just gynecologists, as well as the gynecologist-reproductologists somewhat conditionally. Because, in fact, all the "female specialists" must possess the skills of surgical interventions. They are actively taught in the ordainture.

However, the separation is still happening. It allows you to carry out a clearer routing of patients by a particular profile, as quickly as possible, effectively and qualitatively to provide them with the necessary assistance. Gynecologists operating in the hospital and operating, gynecologists, leading outpatient reception, doctors, who are engaged in the problem of infertility, are represented, that is, reproductologists.

When should I contact the hospital for the operating surgeon-gynecologist? There are urgent cases or urgent, as they are also called. And there are cases of planned, requiring planned intervention. First, consider the first, accompanied by an urgent medical care.

Alexey Skallar

Alexey Skallar

Urgent cases in gynecology - what is it

The urgent "female" states include sharply emerged pain at the bottom of the abdomen, which give to the crotch area, sometimes - in foot. They can be felt on the left, right, at the bottom in the middle, can be intense, pulling, grasp. In such a situation, it is urgent to sign up for an outpatient reception to the doctor, so that he look at the "on the chair" and determined the testimony for emergency hospitalization.

Sometimes the patient, sitting on the chair, feel like their crotch literally cut or pierce. Blood can appear on underwear. Such symptoms are accompanied by twist the cysts of the ovary, less often - its gap, in some case - the tip of the pipe with an ectopic pregnancy. Regardless of the cause, urgent hospitalization is required. If the condition does not allow, you should quickly call "ambulance". It is undesirable to take any painkillers, eat or drink.

When entering the hospital, the situation is characterized as a sharp belly, after which there is an emergency surgery (almost everywhere - laparoscopic, through three or four punctures: one - in the navel, 2 - in the iliac areas, sometimes in the middle), the problem is cleaned, which originated. Hospitalization after this is a short, with the subsequent discharge.

Alas, sometimes too much blood accumulates in the stomach, and the patient comes in an unconscious state, which is called hemorrhagic shock of 3-4 degrees. Such a situation requires laparotomy: form open access to the stomach. About any laparoscopy is not talking.

Also, the urgent, emergency states include uterine bleeding, conducted by the polyps endometrial, the uterine, and so on. Since the patients do not always correctly interpret their condition, it should be noted that it is. Profuses of uterine bleeding is the blood selection of sex tract, requiring frequent replacement of gaskets (4-5 pieces per hour). In such a situation, you need to go to the gynecologist and hospitalized from outpatient reception. If the condition does not allow - to call "ambulance".

Gynecologist, gynecologist surgeon or reproductist - to whom and when to go 26550_2

The urgent "female" states include sharply emerged pain at the bottom of the abdomen.


The doctor will make hysteroscopy and separate scraping in order to relieve bleeding, will determine the further tactics of treatment.

Consider another urgent state. This is an ectopic pregnancy - a pregnancy, in which the future fetus falls somewhere, only not in the uterine cavity (pipe, ovary, loops of the intestine), and begins to develop. A pregnancy test is positive, but ultrasound does not show anything, and the patients complain about intense pain at the bottom of the abdomen. The condition is quite terrible. At the outpatient receptions, doctors are trying not to miss it, prescribe certain medical manipulations (ultrasound, determining beta-hCG). Also, the patient may be hospitalized and observed in the hospital.

If an ectopic pregnancy still missed, a few weeks can break the pipe, the falling out of the fruit egg from it, accompanied by intraperous bleeding and requiring surgical intervention.

Planned operational interventions - when spend

In fact, there are a lot of reasons for planned surgical interventions. Consider some of them and begin with endometrial pathologies.

Hyperplastic processes (thickening of the uterine mucosa) are observed on an ultrasound in the first phase of the cycle, that is, when the patient appeals to the gynecologist immediately after menstruation. In such cases, planned hysteroscopy is recommended (under intravenous anesthesia, it takes 15-20 minutes, it requires a hospital stay 3-4 hours) and separate scraping to prevent malignant formations, determining further therapy (most often hormonal).

The following state is a local hyperplasia or an endometrial polyp. His, again, is clearly visible on the ultrasound. What is he dangerous? Rejecting into poor-quality tumors, interruption of pregnancy or the impossibility of its occurrence, the occurrence of uterine bleeding. It is removed by small operational intervention.

The last problem, which today we will talk about (but, alas, not the last in the list), this is the mioma of the uterus - a benign (most often) tumor. Indications for removal become large size of education (more than 5 cm), rapid growth (more than 3 cm per year), accompanied by abundant menstruation with a loss of large amounts of blood. Laparoscopic intervention allows you to get rid of the problem completely.

So, if you found the above symptoms, or on the planned inspection, the specified diagnoses were delivered, together with the surgeon-gynecologist, assign the date of operational intervention and be healthy!

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