What can not be done with flu and cold


The selection of colds opens with the first cold. Loud sneezes and cough are heard around, inflamed eyes can be seen. There is a couple of hours, and you also feel the ailment and the sore throat. And, trying to recover quickly, you repeat the most common mistakes of independent treatments.

No bed regime. No one wants to leave all their plans, so many of us often transfer the cold on the legs. But if you have already touched this ailment, then ensure the proper bed mode. After all, you can earn complications that are treated much more difficult and longer.

Antibiotics are not a panacea. Of course, they help to fight bacterial infections, but they are not terrible viruses and colds. And the self-recognition of antibiotics and their uncontrollable technique can undermine the work of the body and interfere with it to fight with viruses.

Chopping the temperature at its slightest increase is not a way out of the situation. The organism is struggling with the infection, and until it reached the mark 38, do not take antipyretic. Give immunity to deal with the disease yourself.

No need to keep the room closed To protect yourself from drafts, and routine the patient into three blankets. First, it can still appreciate the temperature rise. Secondly, it is precisely in such conditions for viruses to survive the easiest. Therefore, as often as possible, check the room so that the patient recover faster.

Incorrect selection of the means from cough can further aggravate the situation. Remember how the multiplication table: if the dry cough has a dry cough - the tool must calm the cough syndrome, with a wet - help to retrieve sputum. Otherwise, the mucus will accumulate in bronchi and skip infection further by respiratory tract.

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