Parental fatigue: effective methods of struggle


It would seem that the most difficult time for a young mother is a pregnancy and the first year of life of a son or daughter. However, in reality, the most sobble is the period from a year to three and a half years. It is at this time that moms and dads begin to feel serious fatigue with which you need to fight correctly.

Yes, the child is happiness, but this noisy happiness is sometimes tiring, which is completely natural, especially when on a young mother and the whole home and child education. With such a voltage, it is difficult to cope, but you can.

Give your child a sideline

Give your child a sideline


Attract a child as an assistant

As soon as the door closes the door, the young mother is immersed in a daily routine associated with household chores. Do you look at the mountain of dirty linen and sighs hard already? But after all, you have a little man who is quite capable of cope with the elementary tasks like filing you things from a washing machine or help feed the cat, putting it in a bowl of food. So the child will be supervised, and at the same time you will take fill.

You are not in slavery

Very often, love for the child completely overshadows mind, especially if the child is the first. We all saw mammies that bees climb around their food baby, making everything that the child does not get upset. First, such a behavior, you interfere with the child to learn to speak, because with a half-word you understand his requests, secondly, if you play any whim, wait for difficulties in front - the requests will grow up, and the child is not used to failures. What to talk about the emotional burnout of the mother in such an environment.

invite other children

invite other children


Do not try to invent new games every time

This in principle pulls out, and fantasy is not limitless. If a child requires constant attention to himself, try unobtrusively to connect it to your home affairs, with which he will definitely cope.

If the child protests and tries to make you play what you want to him, and you, in turn, understand that fatigue is covered with you, invite the same young mammies with children to visit the same young moms to sit down, and children will be quietly Are busy with their affairs.

Take time on yourself

If you feel that the tension is about to go through the edge, tell me the "stop" and let the time on your holiday. Tell your loved ones that you need some time on the restoration of spiritual strength, ask for mother-in-law or mom a few hours to sit with a child, and go to bed or give yourself a couple of closs in the bathroom.

On the weekend, you can easily send children to walk along with the Father, and for at least once a month, completely dedicate yourself all day: go to the salon, for massage, meet friends, visit the event in proud loneliness or just stroll through the evening city in silence. Such relaxes should help "venture" the head and feel the tide of the strength. Do not forget about yourself.

Send a child for a walk with dad

Send a child for a walk with dad


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