Nothing hunting: how to find a second breath in this fall and start performing dreams


You wake up in the morning on the alarm clock, are lazily squeeze and think: "Oh no, go to work again and sit there all day ..." familiar feeling? In the fall, Handing because of the change of weather and a short light day normally - we are doing that. But to lose the meaning in the activity you dedicate most of the day - Hm, why would it? But what: You stopped seeing interest and usefulness in what you do. In this material, we tell about different ways to unwind yourself on the current projects and get rid of what you do not need.

Throw garbage in the urn

No, cook plastic bag under paper and other trash is too early. This phrase we want to remind you of: Do not care what kind of interest does not cause you. Neither money nor the increase in the career nor the approval of loved ones is nothing to make you monotonously engage in the project, from which the heart does not tremble. The more power you spend on the conviction of yourself, the longer you will delay the day X, when you have to take the result. If you are not free to decide what to do when, for example, the head instructed you an uninteresting task, discuss with him the opportunity to exchange authority with colleagues. It is possible that they also got boring work for them, but you can cause interest.

Discard things that you are not interested

Discard things that you are not interested


Find a constant motor sources

In the first place in priorities there should be health, because without him you do not fulfill any project to the end. The cause of apathy can be held in a shortage of vitamins or diseases of organs producing hormones. Complete full examination - in the fall, many laboratories offer discounts on such Cappes due to a kind of demand among people leaving and studying after the summer holidays. During quarantine, these procedures will take more time from you, but the result is worth it. Also, it will not be superfluous to do sports: first walk more in the fresh air, and after you can add a load with your own and free weight in the gym. Adjusting the day of the day, you will notice that you have more efforts to work.

Start in the morning

Light day, as you probably noticed, has become much shorter. Learn and work with artificial lighting is not easy - constantly clone in sleep. Therefore, try the most difficult tasks not to postpone until the evening when you want to lie down on the couch with a book and a cup of tea, but to do them in the morning. Check out, breakfast and go to a cafe or a coffee shop - there will always be supporting motivation to learn the situation. And if finances do not allow every day to drink coffee in establishments, sign up to the local library - in major cities they have long been equipped with the latest technology and coolly stylized.

Give your favorite business

Give your favorite business


Find the source of inspiration

Some clocks can listen to online lectures, others relax, collecting puzzles, the third like to compose music. Everyone can find a lesson in the shower, even if it does not have congenital talent. Do not think about how successful you are in your favorite business - with practice, the results will come. Favorite business that you will do without a desire to compete with others, but for pleasure, will allow the psyche to relax. In life, there is enough stress - let at least on the dance calcase or in the art studio you can give a gust of inspiration instead of building logical chains from actions.

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