Notes of Thai Mommy: "I was not alerted that in the office they spoke Russian ..."


In Thailand, we arrived with a minimum of things, but with a maximum useful information in my separate head. The last couple of months before the departure, I disappeared on the Internet, collecting, systematizing and carefully storing all the necessary information. That is why I, unlike her husband and daughter, was not at all afraid of the unknown, which met us in a new place. Because I knew all the passwords and appearance. For example, I thoroughly studied the biography and medical achievements of the doctor who was going to trust my childbirth. And also clearly imagined what kind of house and in which part of the island we will rent.

... and the bungalow right on the ocean.

... and the bungalow right on the ocean.

So, search parameters. The amount is from 13,000 to 20,000 baht per month (the course to the ruble is almost one to one). Size - two bedrooms (from 70 to 90 square meters). District - Chalong or Ravai (it is here that all expata live).

Search algorithm. It is even easier here. You need to contact any real estate agency, finding the same parameters. Employees of the agency pick up all available options, we sit down in the car and look at the objects (for the one who rents, this service is free: money in Thailand is taken from the owner of the surrender housing). Judging by the reviews of people experienced, after two to three days of searches, there will be "yours". Your house.

Of course, I had addresses of proven agencies on the island. But since they were far from the place of our temporary residence, I decided to go to another way. I just went to the first office with a sign "Real Estate" on the doors and outlined what we are looking for. At that time I was absolutely no alerted that all office staff was talked in Russian. On the contrary, I naively decided to communicate with compatriots even more convenient ...

Continuation of a story…

Olga's previous story read here, and where it all starts - here.

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