It is better not worth: Autumn products that most often cause an allergic reaction


It is believed that the same allergic season can be called summer - such a number of fruits and vegetables in the diet inevitably affects the health of people suffering from an allergic reaction to most of the fresh products. However, the autumn allergies are not protected from an unpleasant reaction even to the most harmless snack. Today we have collected the main products to which you need to treat with caution, if you know that your body can "hide".


One of the most popular types of snacks are nuts, but do not refuse delicious cashews or almonds, the main thing is to remember that peanuts are considered the most dangerous for allergy-haired nut. And nutritionists warn: a negative reaction can be so strong that it will cause anaphylactic shock. Be careful if you know the features of your body, and do not risk once again - give up peanuts and consult with a specialist in order to eliminate the likelihood of the negative reaction of the body to other types of nuts.


Vegetarians who prefer to replace bobber meat should be attentive to what it turns out in their plate, because not all beans are equally useful. Most often the body reacts poorly to soybean, which is contained in almost all products. If you notice a negative reaction to your favorite beans or lentils, try to reduce the amount of product used, and it is better to abandon it at all.

Cold evenings do not cost without hot chocolate

Cold evenings do not cost without hot chocolate



Although chocolate is difficult to attribute to truly autumn products, and still nutritionists note the increased demand for chocolate in the cold season, hot chocolate becomes especially popular, without any other meeting of friends in a cold evening. The cause of allergy to chocolate most often becomes soy lecithin, as well as some types of fillers. To reduce the likelihood of the appearance of itching and other unpleasant conditions, choose bitter chocolate without impurities.


Another classic autumn product, which is added to popular dishes and eat just as sometimes in unlimited quantities. But pollen and nectar, which are mandatory components, can cause severe allergies, and the body can respond negatively both on honey as a whole and on separate varieties. It is important to remember that the rate of consumption of honey for an adult should not exceed three tablespoons per day.

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