How to build and settle the "zlomstopolis"?


A lot of films were shot about the lives of wild animals in a natural habitat. However, in the usual life of Kangaroo will never meet with a white bear. At the same time, it is very interesting to see such a meeting. And here the cartoons come to the rescue. The new Animation Picture of Disney "Zverstopolis", the premiere of which will take place on March 3, gives the audience the opportunity to look at the whole city of animals. I got acquainted with the population of an amazing megapolis closer.


The zlyoshopolis is a modern city inhabited by the most different animals, from huge elephants to tiny mice. In this city, a new police officer, a cheerful rabbit Judy Hops, begins service, which from the first days of work understands how difficult it is to be small and fluffy among large and strong guarage of order. Judy grabs for the first opportunity to express himself, despite the fact that her partner will be the talkative and cunning fox Nick Wilde. Together, they have to reveal a difficult case, which will depend on the fate of all the inhabitants of the zlyoshopolis.

The main heroine of rabbit Judy Hops tells Mary Ivakova's voice

The main heroine of rabbit Judy Hops tells Mary Ivakova's voice


The artist-director of the cartoon David Goetz tells that, working on the design of the city, he and his colleagues tried to think from the position of animals: "The essence of the animal is that this city was created by the animals themselves, and not by people. Therefore, we made an emphasis on organic forms, and it may be in a root to differ from the city in our usual meaning of the word. Let's say, how could the camels build their area if they had the same technologies as modern people? Or how would the polar bears be equipped? " After long-term research of wildlife, cinematographers had a lot of ideas about the device of the city. Ultimately, the choice fell on six main areas, each of which had its own color gamut and their unique elements.

Administrative division and transport

For the construction of a multi-sided city, teams, artists and technical specialists began. They developed several public transport systems for animals of different sizes, as well as large and small tunnels, transitions, escalators and entrances. It should also be remembered that the inhabitants of the zlyopolis are not only different growth, but also different needs. "The zlyoshopolis consists of a variety of areas," said the director of the film Byron Howard. - The design of each area corresponds to the peculiarities of its inhabitants. Architecture, climate - Created all conditions for a comfortable stay of specific animal species. We combined various habitat area of ​​different animals in one city and created such conditions in which the species could coexist, which in ordinary life would never have been walking in one environment. "

Anton Lavrentiev voiced the chatty fox Nick Uald

Anton Lavrentiev voiced the chatty fox Nick Uald

Sugara City is made of sand, buildings are like deserted dunes. "Sahara City is remotely reminded by Monte Carlo and Dubai," said Artist Decorator Mattias Lehner. - We found out that most of the desert inhabitants lead a nightlife, because they are too hot. Therefore, in Sahara City, a nightpoint network has been developed - casino and a giant palm hotel with an oasis surrounding it. "

Tundratown mainly consists of snow and ice. "In the area there are huge snow-generators, so there never melts there, - continues Lehner. - Instead of travolators, floating ice boulders are used, and all the machines are supplied with polishes. "

In the area of ​​tropical rains, gigantic trees grow, decorating this area with a saturated greens. Plants actively absorb water from the river and throw water vapor clubs into the atmosphere to create a climate inhabitants. "The area is growing not so much stylish as he swears," says Lehner. - Accordingly, there was an application to all sorts of bridges, forests and funicular. "

Residents of the area Small mink - farmers engaged in the cultivation of carrots. The endless fields contrast very favorably with the business part of the hormopolis. In the area of ​​the lower rodents live the smallest inhabitants of the zlyoshopolis. "This is a small town with tiny houses, shops and streets," describes Lehner location. "It is surrounded by a big fence that the larger inhabitants of the metropolis are accidentally not going through it."

And the center of Savanna Central is located in the city center, where animals are found from different districts.

Maria Aronov presented the voice of the mayor of Miss Barashkis

Maria Aronov presented the voice of the mayor of Miss Barashkis


Inspired by such megalopolis as New York and London, artists combined standard urban landscape with quite recognizable outlines of animal shelters. For example, in Tundantown there are dome like church with an obvious hint of Russian architecture, and the zlomptor's railway station is furnished as a tropical greenhouse and is very similar to Madrid's central station.


The climate of the zlyopolis reminds the weather conditions of Southern California, and the animals needed to come up with how to manage the climate in various areas so that residents were comfortable. Oddly enough, the most rational solution was the placement of zones with a radically differing climate in the neighborhood. David Getz explains: "We wondered:" How do we arrange such areas like Tundra and the desert, next to each other? "The answer lies on the surface - it is enough to install a massive air conditioner that would separate one climatic zone from the other. It would work in the same way as our usual air conditioners: in one direction it would blow cold air, cooling the tundratown, and the hot air would be inserted to another, warming sugar-city.


The authors of the paintings were populated by a crush fifty different types of mammals. "Our team took only a year and a half to study the animal world," said Producer Clark Spencer. - We watched the animals behave on the will, as communicate, and as individual animal communities fit into the world around us. They met with various zoologists from different parts of the globe, including the Kingdom of Animal Specialists from the Walt Disney World Entertainment Park. Two weeks spent in Kenya, where they watched the various animals of hot latitudes. We wanted all animals of the Zverstopolis to be realistic so that their habits in accuracy correspond to the behavior of real animals. "

The mayor of the ZverOdor Zlatogriv says Vladimir Menshov's voice

The mayor of the ZverOdor Zlatogriv says Vladimir Menshov's voice

Famous residents

The main heroine of the picture is a cheerful rabbit Judy Hops. She moved to the big city and entered the police service. Every day she has to prove to her great and strong colleagues that she is ready to take up the most dangerous and more serious matter. In the Russian box office, Judy tells the voice of the TV presenter Mary Ivakova, which is just like her heroine, a beginner in business. "She has a lot of potential and desire to become a real policeman. Of course, she lacks experience, but she has the most important thing - the desire, the desire to go to the goal, says Maria about his heroine. - I really like her what she is for justice. And it is similar to me, because I myself love to get to the truth. "

Judi's partner becomes a blank and chatty fox nickname Wald. He was voiced by a partner Mary on a popular television program about travel and shopping Anton Lavrentiev. "My character is foxes not only by nature, but also in nature. He is cunning, from everything can learn his benefit, - describes Anton his hero. "The more acquitted our acquaintance, the more my hero was revealed, and it turned out that he was very multifaceted, interesting, mental, responsive and, most importantly, a heart guy."

The mayor of the city of Leodor Zlatogriva, a born leader, majestic and noble, Voice was presented by Vladimir Menshov. For Vladimir Valentinovich, this is the first experience of the dubbing of the animation film. "I am very pleased, has acquired such an experience. When I see the mayor-lion on the screen with my voice, it will be the subject of my special pride, "the actor and director says. - My hero has contradictory character. At least for the viewer, he will at first seem formidable and distrust. Then it turns out that he is a good guy, good-natured lion from the Feline family. "

The modest and good Miss Barashkis seeks to be always at hand and impecably fulfill the instructions of his boss. A quiet, helpful assistant of the mayor was voiced by Maria Aronov. "I really like it all: like images, like an adult humor, which is present here, like their relationship," admitted actress. - As for my new girlfriend, she is very close to me in terms of the actors - the artist is still! Such a very langed, in the goggles, small and on the empty. "

Nikolay Drozdov presented his voice sling named Blitz

Nikolay Drozdov presented his voice sling named Blitz

And, of course, the authors of the Russian dubbage could not be bypass the scholar-zoologist Nikolai Drozdov's most popular in Russia. The famous TV host voiced the "active" and "active" sloth named Blitz. No one in all control of the road tail service will not compare with it in the rate of design of bureaucratic papers. "For me, working on voicing the animation character named Blitz - a representative of the fauna of Central and South America - has become a real gift! The real animal world and the world created by the animators are very similar. In a natural habitat, sloths behave this way: measured and not in a hurry, "Nikolai Nikolaevich shares.

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