Master Class: Turnkey Body


"We offer a new approach to our appearance," Evgenia Mazur shares. - In essence, our program "Body and face" turnkey "is an alternative to plastic surgery.

It includes: a certain complex of exercise, proper nutrition and a change in lifestyle. The quality of life will certainly increase, forces and activity will be more. Keys from youth - in your hands! "

Fortunately, there are many women who are only more beautiful every year. For example, Sophie Loren. What is her secret? First, she goes to bed at ten in the evening and rises early.

This corresponds to the daily biorhythms of human activity. Sophie Lauren somehow said: "It's hard to be irresistible if you are lazy." Italian diva hinted: if you want to have an attractive appearance, you need to do it. No less beautiful Frenchwoman brigade Bardo confirmed: "There is no hard work 24 hours a day look irresistible."

"Beauty is the naturalness of life, a sign of loyalty to evolution. All that ugly is a disease

And death. " "It said someone from the great," recalls Evgeny Mazur. - The human life program is only 15% determined by the level of health. By 20% - genes. And 65% of life. Evolution and development suggest motor activity. Movement and movement again, I do not get tired of repeating. Movement is life. Beauty is the comfort of life. I offer a set of exercises, when executing which you yourself will see and evaluate what is happening with your face, the neck, the area of ​​the neckline, the whole body. And send your efforts in the right direction. "

"In my opinion, there are no ugly women," says Alexander Remeto. - There are women who do not want to be beautiful. In an effort to perfection of the lines, it is necessary to understand that a person is already perfection himself. Nature has already created proportions and balance, symmetry. For example, the beauty of the face is associated with a good tone of the facial muscles, the muscles of the neck (and not only). Pure, gentle skin of the face is the cover of muscular and bone structures, vascular and nerve fabrics. And its condition depends on how muscles work. "

In the human body, as scholars found out, there are muscle circuits that through fascia (connecting tissues) run from the fingers of the foot to the muscles of the skull, on the front, rear and side surfaces of the body. And if in this chain one of the muscles is weak, then the whole chain will come to the imbalance.

"My practice shows that often people come with a request to pump up or correct, preferably quickly: buttocks and stomachs (to the beach season)," thin "ankles or knees (not fastened with zipper on boots), eliminate the" second breast ". What it is? This is when you bought a beautiful blouse or dress, and "Suit is not sitting," because the armpits are depressions - like "The Second Chest". It is difficult to explain that everything in the human body is interrelated, "raise" buttocks or remove the second chin only when posture is corrected. After all, the correct posture is "Number one exercise." From it and you need to start. "

Beauty axis

There is such a statement: "Collure the spine - cure all other diseases." Praphrasing, it can be said that if you want to have a beautiful body, urgently go in posture.

"Why is it so important to follow posture? - continues Evgeny Mazur. - Because during the life, the undeveloped muscles lose the tone, which the nature presented to us at birth. These muscles include small muscles, which is responsible for the condition of the vertebrae and in general the entire spine. Natural vertex shock absorbers are most affected - this is cervical, chest and lumbar departments. Surely each our reader noted that he often sobs under the right blade. So it is - this is a shredded zone, relief. Most of us write with your right hand. Alas, it is already a muscular imbalance. Some muscles take all the work on ourselves, and some act in the role of slizians, cease to work at all adapt to the situation. And the figure of a person begins to change not for the better. What's happening? The neck is shortened, she overswit, holding the right hand and completely forgetting about the left. Further more. People begin to chew on one side, "eating" teeth, the bite changes, the nasolabious folds arise, the second chin appears, as a result - the corners of the mouth and the eye are descended. The aesthetics of the face and body changes. The explanatory department compensated, causes pain and clips. In this case, it often cuts the feet, fingers of the legs or caviar. Such a person can hardly be easily and gracefully move. No, I do not want to scare anyone, only actually describe the situation. Eternal question: what to do? In my opinion, you need to start with the consultation of a kinesiologist. For many years I have been working with a kinesiologist, a doctor of the highest category by Alexandra Remeto. Before proceeding with classes, you need to conduct a detailed analysis of the health status of the body. "

Face in place!

"The main function of the front surface line of the muscles is to keep equilibrium with the rear surface line, that is, muscle balance, interaction, - continues the kinesiologist Alexander Remeto. - It means to avoid gravitational ptosis of the face, all groups of muscles should be involved in the work, starting from the fingers of the legs.

• The problem of forehead is the problem of muscles of the back surface, short and long extensors and underlying muscles.

• The problem of cheeks is the problem of chewing, peeled, outward

and sublip muscles, the position of the lower jaw and the position of the pelvis.

• The problem of the neck is the problem of breast-curable and deputy and sublifting muscles, live abdominal muscles, the underlying muscles of the surface front line, in a chain in which all the muscles of the foot are involved, and therefore the fingers of the legs. "

"Do not be surprised when you come to a personal lesson with a coach that all our gymnastics begin with the work of the feet. Everything is very simple. In order to overcome the chronological aging (namely, the gravitational ptosis) and make the time work hours to reverse, in gymnastic programs use isometrics on unstable simulators - static voltage in antiposes, "says Evgenia Mazur. - It is also necessary to strengthen the middle part of the body - the exa and the support of the person. It is more complicated to women with the right posture, since, already becoming a mother or preparing to become, the woman "earns" the hyperlordosis of the lumbar department (this is a protective function to hold the grown tummy and move away from this). If in the near future after childbirth, they do not do, then the precious time is lost on recovery, and, alas, the wrong position of the body will become familiar. The most necessary exercises are for the middle part of the body, posture and "from the abdomen."

Gorgeous Este Lauder said: "You can always buy a new dress, but you can't buy a new face!" Start training the muscles of the face is never early and never too late.

"Even the most beautiful girls eventually begin to understand and notice that something changes in their figure, - continues Evgenia Mazur. - Somehow did not like "Sitting Suit". Elena came to me, which complained that something began to occur with the body after thirty years. She did not lower his hands, took up work and turned to me, personal coach. We needed only four months of personal training so that everything was dissatisfied with Lena, it became much better. And most women most often worried about the middle part of the body: belly, hips, buttocks. The fact is that every month the woman's body is preparing (just in case)

to possible pregnancy. And this means that strategic fat is accumulated - a peculiar airbag for pregnancy time to endure a child. During the year you can easily dial, without noticing, up to four kilograms of excess weight. As written in textbooks for students of the Institute of Physical Education: "In the working muscles, fat is not growing." Moreover, it should be borne in mind that a woman is about four times less skin density and muscles. Again, nature has so ordered - a protective function for tooling offspring. Hypertonus - the enemy of pregnancy, it is necessary to maintain the shape and forms only after the birth of the child. "

It's only begining!

"I am sure that fifty years and older is the age of the breakdown of a woman," says Evgeny Mazur. - She is coming for a long year, which may be the best in her life. It has been proven that the human body is programmed for two options: height or decay. I wish all the readers of Womanhit growth and smiles only widely open eyes - so teach teachers of acting schools in Germany. At the same time, hold the neck and head as if you wear a crown. And if you learn how to tease, the mouth is wide and showing the language, then you will be able to remove muscle clips and tension in the neck, lengthen it, to give the tone of the neck with the muscles, create a wonderful oval of faces and to get rid of ENT disease forever. Be beautiful and move more. Keys from youth - in your hands! "

Master class from Evgenia Mazur

1. A visit to a kinesiologist's doctor to compile a detailed picture of health status. (In the photo: Evgenia Mazur, doctor Alexander Roteto and Elena).

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

2. Pose of "tailor" (rotation of the body to the side, stretching the upper "triangle" with a stable position of the lower).

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

3. Pose of the "climbers" (extracting and equiliblation of the muscles of the lower and upper "triangle", stabilization and balancing of all muscle groups).

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

4. Bending with a gymnastic stick with the stabilization of the sacrilate department (with the hileloposis of the lower back).

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

5. Pose "Plank" (on straight hands with an emphasis on a burdened ball).

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

6. Joy from excellent personal training and a wonderful figure. (Coach Eugene Mazur and Elena).

Photo: Natasha Popova.

Photo: Natasha Popova.

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