Quit smoking interferes genes


Studies prove that the inability to get rid of the habit of smoking may be associated with genetic predisposition. Scientists calculated genetic combinations that determine the likelihood of becoming an avid smokers.

Participants in the study became almost a thousand New Zealanders, whose age did not exceed 38 years. It turned out that those whose genetic profile carried in themselves a tendency to smoking, they began to smoke even in adolescence, and smoked every day. And by the 38 years they were more susceptible to Nicotine and tried more than once to tie, but unsuccessfully, writes Pravda.Ru.

It should be noted that genetics does not cause a desire to smoke for the first time. However, on those who have already been addicted to cigarettes, the genes affect, and quite seriously - the risk of becoming avid smokers after the first tightening increases noticeably.

It is curious that those who smoked one or two cigarettes per day had a smaller genetic tendency to smoking than volunteers, non-smoking at all. But teenagers with genetic predisposition to smoking on a quarter more than their non-smoking peers are inclined to become avid smokers by 15 years, and by 43 percent - to smoke in a pack per day by 18 years.

"The effect of genetic risk seems to be limited to people who begin to smoke in adolescence," notes the author of Dr. Daniel Belsky from the University of Duke. "This suggests that nicotine affects the teenage brain somehow differently."

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