December 25-31: It will be memorable holidays


Today I have several news at once. First, in the past weekend, Mercury turned to a direct movement, which means that everything will start to get into place: the purchase will bring joy, agreements will be performed, confusion in the heads will end. The most organized even stop being late. But, of course, there are unique people who, regardless of the direction of Mercury's movement, simply cannot come on time. I hope you competently spent this time - completed the unfinished, closed all their debts and did not make unnecessary purchases.

Secondly, Venus entered Capricorn and today connected with Saturn. This means that feelings will become more restrained, and the personal choice will be very pragmatic and aimed at the maximum result. This needs to be used, for example, to plan finance and home-based activities. Then the celebration of the New Year will be perfectly prepared. And, of course, under such influences you need to try not to turn into a snowy queen. New year after all, do not control your feelings and give heat.

Thirdly, shortly before the New Year will begin to unfold uranium. This means that any surprises are possible and have to adjust their plans right on the go. That is why you need to be extremely careful driving, and if you have a flight from 29.12 to 06.01, be prepared for the schedule correction. In the same period, the "jokes with electricity" are likely, so, as if it was a trite, it sounded, in the New Year holidays, when you leave home, turn off all of the outlets. If you adore steep, unforeseen turns of events are your time!

The sixth sense tells me that it will be memorable holidays! Happy New Year!

Anna Pierzheva, professional astrologer, Facebook group "Astrologer kitchen",

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