Important rules of choice: We study the "pedigree" tea


Tea once was a drink of kings. According to legend, a plant with incredible medical properties, which we know today as tea, opened in 2737 to our era Chinese Emperor Shen-Nun. Then the drink made from it was very expensive and was solely solely by the monarchs. Today it is available to everyone - this is the second most popular drink after water. However, does modern tea do the healing properties that glorified it 5,000 years ago? Sure! But to try a drink that conquered emperors, you need to be able to choose it correctly. It tells about what long and sometimes the thorny path is tea, before being in your cup, and what many factors affect the taste and benefit.

Rich pedigree

The history of tea leaves in the century. The beneficial properties of the plant itself during this time have not changed, but the world has changed around. This fragile plant absorbs everything around him. It is recommended to grow only in certain geographic areas - where the soil and climate have all the necessary characteristics. Therefore, before the choice, you need to carefully study where the plantations were located on which tea was grew. Historically, the best places are located in Japan, India, Taiwan and Sri Lanka. The most valuable tea is collected during the period of the so-called "Prime-Time" - in the spring and summer, when the first tea leaves bloom.

Historically, the best places for tea plantations are located in Japan, India, Taiwan and Sri Lanka

Historically, the best places for tea plantations are located in Japan, India, Taiwan and Sri Lanka


Path of change

For taste of tea, as it is neither surprising, transportation is no less important - how long it was and under what conditions passed. The fact is that tea is exposed to light, moisture and air, for different types of tea, various temperature is needed. Therefore, its packaging during transportation and storage place to packing the manufacturer is of fundamental importance. It is best if the tea is packed in the area of ​​its grieving.

Not all that is gold ...

Do not everyone know that the price of the best grade of tea can reach $ 15-20 million per 1 kg, and they acquire them at auctions. At the same time, they do not differ from the most inexpensive - because the main thing is not like tea, and how high-quality is. It is curious that this rule applies to product packaging. Beautiful wrapper - not always the guarantee of decent content, because only one material is able to preserve all the wealth of the taste of this drink. Foil is the only material capable of protecting the leaves from the destructive effect of humidity, light, temperature drop. But in plastic transparent packaging, the healing properties of tea leaves are completely destroyed.

It is important not only the quality of tea, but also the conditions for its transportation, storage and brewing

It is important not only the quality of tea, but also the conditions for its transportation, storage and brewing


Century traditions and the latest developments

The release form also plays an important role. For centuries, tea connoisseurs preferred to brew leaves themselves, however, the time of high speeds contributes its own adjustments - tea bags appeared on the market. Prejudice to them is partly justified: the contents of the bags are easier to fake than leaf tea, so different impurities add in them. Naturally, having additives in its composition, tea becomes less useful and high-quality. In addition, many companies are used in the production of packaged tea plastic, which, when contacting hot water, falls into the human body and poisoning it. Fortunately, some manufacturers have already concerned about the ecology of their goods - now there are packaged tea and pyramids that do not contain plastic and are made of vegetable material: bags are produced from wood fibers and abaci, and pyramids are made of corn starch.

Quality invalo

In the question of choosing tea, the price really matters. It is important to understand that good tea can not be cheap, and cheap tea can not be good. The process of creating a high-quality product is long and time consuming. Unfortunately, in a market economy, tea manufacturers forget that the leaves collected in violation of technology and designed only to increase the volume of products, not only do not benefit, but can harm human health. A tea sheet, like any other plant, has many natural trace elements obtained from the soil, including fluoride, adversely affecting the state of the muscles and bones. In the "flush" (2 upper sheets and kidneys), from which the most expensive tea is made, contains the maximum low level of fluorides, and most of all it accumulates in old leaves, which are used in low-quality products. Therefore, it is worth choosing a proven manufacturer whose reputation you completely trust.

It has been proven that long-term brewing increases the level of fluoride in tea

It has been proven that long-term brewing increases the level of fluoride in tea


Important: The level of fluoride also affects the amount of tea used for brewing, and the time of its insistence. It has been proven that long-term brewing increases the level of fluoride in the drink. Therefore, it is not worth leaving a tea bag in a cup, and the welding used is better to remove, as soon as it is imagining the time you need for each specific variety: black tea, the otong and puer are brewed 3-5 minutes, green and white teas - 2-3 minutes .

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