Start with yourself: Learning to love your reflection


Probably there is no such woman, who confidently could declare that she has no deficiencies, in her opinion. We live in the era of women with the cover when we are looking at our magazine with perfect hair and skin on us. Naturally, an unpleasant feeling appears in the soul: "Why is I wrong?" There is a danger in this, because many women begin radical changes in appearance, trying to restore self-esteem, but in fact they only worse.

The concept of beauty is always subjective, so it is simply stupid to chase in a certain way, because such as you are no longer, and therefore it is worth paying attention to your advantages and emphasize them, instead of loaning on disadvantages. We will tell you what steps it is important to take to achieve harmony in the shower and receive satisfaction from reflection in the mirror.

Pay more attention

Pay more attention


Stop criticize yourself

Admit, at least once in life you looked at the thing in the store and talked to ourselves: "Well, where are you so a clear blouse, in the figure in order to bring!" Familiar? Sperance. The first thing you have to do is determine what your advantages are. Over time, you will notice more and more positive in yourself.

We look at your nude reflection in the mirror, so it will be easier for you to understand what you should not fix it. Remember, there is nothing in the figure, which could not be tried to change independently, elementary start with charging in the mornings and try to avoid fast food. And yes, no criticism in your address.

Do not be equal to other

Do not be equal to other


Pay more attention

Many of us were brought up with the understanding that there was always a family in the first place, work - all anything, but not we ourselves.

However, you should not confuse love for yourself with egoism. Love for himself is expressed in taking care of his body, a small pampering and receiving positive emotions that are so lacking residents of large cities.

Try to watch not only for appearance, but for your thoughts - do not allow the negative and even more so do not make negative thoughts by your permanent satellites, because everything you think is reflected in your appearance.

indulge yourself shopping

indulge yourself shopping


Admire oneself

The essence of the adoration of yourself is not to put yourself above others, but admire the qualities, no matter, internal or external, which you are proud of.

You should really evaluate yourself, only in this case you can adjust what you think will slow down on the way to happiness. Make yourself compliments every morning, so you set the thoughts on the desired way. And in the evening, they open the store to buy the same cream, the purchase of which you postponed the best times. Live here and now.

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