Young with "beauty atmosphere": the experiment continues


So, behind the next stage of the joint project of the Magazine "Atmosphere of Beauty" and Expert Clinics. Under the leadership of Dr. Dorina Donich selected participants continue the therapeutic course on a unique technique, which allows you to restore the hormonal function of the body and slow down the aging process. We are tracking new impressions of our heroin.

Reception leads Dorin Donich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, specialist in the field of biodepathic and anti-aging medicine, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a plastic surgeon, the supervisor A SWISS Group, President of the Russian Association of Interdisciplinary Anti-aging medicine, head of Expert Clinics.

Dorina Donich

Dorina Donich

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Recall the essence of the method

SRD rejuvenating therapy (STEROID RECEPTOR DETOX) implies cleansing receptors to their own hormones. Over the years, these receptors are glued with various alien compounds and toxins, so hormones cease to work in full force, which leads to hormonal aging of the body.

To correct the operation of receptors, a special preparation is used, which is entered in the form of an intracutaneous sample (as a vaccine). Such injections reveal the sensitivity of receptors to one or another hormones and show which of them are insensitive due to the presence of toxins and heavy metals. In addition, injections activate the immune system, which begins to seek alien agents and quickly cleaned them. Injections are held once a month and adjust the sensitivity to their own sex hormones, which contributes to the gradual restoration of the hormonal function.

Achievements and difficulties

"Regular SRD and TPT sessions (introduction of acupuncture points of biopeptides, antioxidants and other substances), as well as sessions of droppers with peptides and vitamins gave today very good results, - notes Dorin Donich. - All our heroines mark the tide, improving mood and well-being, reducing the symptoms of a number of diseases. Such a reaction suggests that we managed to improve the body and all its systems, improve limofotock and microcirculation, as well as unlock energy meridians due to the impact on bioactive points.

Further improvement and rejuvenation largely depends on the participants of the project. They must fulfill all the data of them recommendations, conduct an individual diary of observations, change their lifestyle. The first euphoria after detox and rehabilitation therapy passed, and now it is necessary to apply certain efforts themselves - only in this case success is waiting for us.

Unfortunately, none of the participants started regular sports. Meanwhile, the active lifestyle slows down the aging processes at the cellular level, improves hormonal status, increases the synthesis of factors and growth hormone, increases the rate of metabolism, prevents the age-related bone loss, increases the body's ability to output toxins and slags.

At the age of about 50 years, due to the drop in the level of progesterone and testosterone, a fat layer begins to add, especially in the abdomen, back, hips, fabrics become more loose, muscle mass decreases. But these processes can and should be resolved using exercise, selected on the basis of the current state of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. Now, when we raised the sensitivity of the receptors to our own hormones, it's time to take care of our muscles. During physical training, we have a mechanical growth factor (Mechano Growth Factor, or MGF), which causes an enhanced division of sprout muscle cells in sleep. Thus, the regeneration of muscle tissue is launched and its total volume increases, the body is strengthened, and more fats begins to burn, as a result we lose weight. Therefore, at this stage it is very important to add sports workouts. Especially since the prepared organism will be better to respond to the exercises and it is better to cope with them, the general endurance will increase. As long as we put droppers and made injections on acupuncture points, the body was kept in a tone at the expense of a constant external feeding, but now you need to learn to maintain the form yourself. To do this, follow the proposed diet, take vitamins, trace elements and probiotics, not forget about the sport, to regularly visit the sauna or hamam.

As for proper nutrition, there is little simply not to overeat, it is important to minimize the harmful products that cause the acidification of all the body of the body (meat, flour, sweetness, alcohol). It is advisable to drink every morning an empty stomach of a glass of water with a lemon juice squeezed there, to ensure that the total water volume per day is 1.5-2 liters, to use as much fresh vegetables and fruits as possible - all this will allow normalize the intestinal operation and align the acid-alkaline balance. . Meat and fish are permissible to use no more often 2-3 times a week.

In other words, passive now can not be, you need to do everything possible to help the speedy restoration of all the functions of the body. "


In addition to the main therapeutic program, participants were invited to resemble magnetic therapy, which helps to restore the positive charge of cell membranes

and normalize cell work. With a healthy physiological state, the cell membrane passes the useful substances inside and displays toxins and slags. If the electrical cell potential is broken, the membrane channels are blocked, and intoxication occurs. Magnetic therapy allows you to restore the normal electrical potential of the cells and unlock the membrane channels. As a result, toxins begin to be easily expedigible, in addition, after magnetotherapy, various vitamin complexes, vegetable preparations, other useful and nutrients are better absorbed. After the first procedure, the swelling of the tissues decreases, reparative processes are enhanced, the immune system is strengthened, the metabolism is improved, the nervous system is reassured.

Project participants

Olga Kubanseva, 48 years

Olga Kubanseva

Olga Kubanseva

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Impressions Olga:

"I still have only two SRD sessions, because after the first time there was a very stormy reaction, and it was necessary to wait until everything normally. At the beginning of the course of SRD redness and heavy itching appeared only for the fourth day, and now the reaction has become noticeable for the second day. I even woke up at night from the fact that the hand was very smashed. Dorina Alekseevna says that the body finally turned into active work, and the sensitivity of receptors to hormones is restored.

I changed the scheme of TPT, started to prick on other points, because of which the sessions pass several painfully, but the legs began to swell less. In general, now energy is somewhat doused, it is probably due to the transition spring and large amount of work. In the morning it is difficult to get up and rake. From positive changes I want to note that the intestinal operation was normalized, the quality of the skin was improved, a good mood was saved. "

Doctor's comment:

"Olga due to the high load at work does not have time to fulfill part of these recommendations to it, but nevertheless demonstrates good therapy results and is much less tired than it could be with such an abnormal schedule. She has improved the menstrual cycle, the skin smashed and raised, the normal level of hormones is gradually restored. But it is necessary to continue the SRD procedures to secure the result, further clean the receptors and the restoration of the energy and hormonal balance of the body.

At this stage, it would be good to walk on the massage, shake in the bath to unlock the channels of removal of toxins, be sure to play sports and follow their power. "

Tatyana Rakhmatullina, 52 years

Tatyana Rakhmatullina

Tatyana Rakhmatullina

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Impressions Tatiana:

"I continue to drink all the appointed vitamins and other drugs, but, unfortunately, because of high employment in two works, I abandoned sports, but I hope to return to them as soon as possible.

After the third SRD session, the reaction was already calmer than in the first time, there was no strong redness and blisters, as before. If we talk about the changes, then I am very inspired that the skin on the face and the neck tightly pulled up compared to the state before the project start. Improved facial oval, decreased balls, reduced ptosis on the neck. The feeling that the aging process turned to reverse! I think women-peers will understand my joy about this.

As for general well-being, I left almost all the complaints with whom I came. Is that osteochondrosis from time to time makes itself felt. In my opinion, even at this intermediate stage, you can say with confidence that the course has a positive effect on me and deserves the highest praise. "

Doctor's comment:

"Tatiana is fine with Tatiana, she needs to continue to take drugs to reduce heavy metals in the blood, stick to alkaline food, to visit the sauna and visit the gym is a mandatory conditions for further progress. Now, when we launched the work of the hormonal system, the results of independently taken measures will not make themselves waiting, you just need to be lazy and find time at this time. Tatiana at the very beginning of the project said that she dreams to lose weight, and the most favorable moment had come for this - now the body will be a good responding to any exercise. Some time ago, Tatiana had an improvement in the quality of the skin and the lift of the face of the face, now there was a turn of muscles. After they come to the tone, the contours of the figure will catch up, and the fat will begin to leave gradually. "

Galina Chernavina, 55 years

Galina Chernavina

Galina Chernavina

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Galina's impressions:

"I have some symptoms of Klimaks, however, this concerns only physical discomfort, and the drops of mood and irritability, fortunately, not.

Additional droppers and TPT sessions clearly benefited and added to me activity, I'm less and less tired. Usually, early rises to work were a big problem for me, since I am a typical Owl, but recently wake up quite easily and remain beyond the day. After the third procedure, the SRD emerged a sufficiently sharp reaction - the last time this was not observed. Moreover, of the five enclosed injections, only four were brassily blushed. To obtain a clearer picture, Dorina Alekseevna advised to conduct a doppler inspection of a small pelvic vessels, but because of the dense work schedule, it is not yet possible to find at this time. Among the positive shifts I want to celebrate my smooth and positive mood, good sleep. Usually I am prone to emotion drops, I can even pour out, and on the eve of the birthday and can be coated at all. But nothing like this in this winter was observed, I became calm, tension and irritability went. "

Doctor's comment:

"Galina makes noticeable success, although it was originally more difficult for it, since it was necessary to abandon replacement hormone therapy, which she had long taken, and on this background the receptors were very blocked. In addition, as we remember, after appointing phytogorms, with the aim of removing the symptoms of tides, Galina complained to an increase in weight and an increased appetite. After canceling phytogorms and additionally spent TPT sessions and droppers, the weight stabilized and even began to slowly leave. And it is now especially important not to forget about physical activity. Galina was recommended to resemble the pool on the aquaeerobics and in the sauna 3 times a week. Swimming is the most optimal load that will not load the reverse engine device, but will contribute to the burning of fat and increase the tone of the muscles. The next SRD session gave fairly strong reactions, which indicates the intensive process of cleansing receptors to hormones. To support and speed up this process, you need to adhere to the right nutrition and continue to drink magnesium, zinc, selenium, probiotics. "

Alla Shishkova, 48 years

Alla Shishkova

Alla Shishkova

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Impressions of Alla:

"At consultation from Dr. A. Itzekson, it turned out that I would still have two years from the body toxins accumulated over the years of smoking and receiving antibiotics. On the one hand, I will attempted over the duration of the process, on the other hand, since I started, you need to bring it to the end. In addition, our task is not only to restore ourselves, but also to maintain in due form, therefore the course of SRD can not do.

I left the need for smoking, often I generally forget about the cigarettes, although sometimes I smoke one or two. For me, this is great progress, as smoking has created many health problems. True, a strong reduction in nicotine led to an increased appetite and a set of several unnecessary kilograms that need to reset now.

Stands still swell (not as much as before), pancreas and heart are shed, but left irritable bowel syndrome. General well-being is not bad, regularly doing house charging for muscle tone. Psychologically, I became much calmer, less reacting to external circumstances, I look at things with humor.

After the third procedure, SRD out of five injections two actively swollen, and the rest behaved calmly. Apparently, some receptors continue to restore their sensitivity. In addition to droppers and TPT, I had more magnetic therapy for the general strengthening of the body. The fact is that I rheumat, and spring-autumn is always heavy periods for me, so additional support does not hurt. So far, do not observe the manifestations of rheumatoid signs. "

Doctor's comment:

"It is gratifying to see Alla practically quit smoking, and it happened without violence over himself, naturally. SRD therapy displays the body from stress, so much easier to quit smoking. It is natural that if smoking fails to have a certain set of weight, but with the help of exercise and proper power kilogram will quickly leave, and the exchange processes are normalized.

The designated magnetotherapy accelerated detoxification and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is also necessary to periodically visit the sauna or hamam (by well-being). The steam room helps to conduct an effective detox by the whole organism, because through our skin a huge number of toxins and slags are displayed. For Alla, detoxification is extremely important, since she smoked for many years for two packs of cigarettes a day, and her body was seriously injured. We will spend next week testing for heavy metals in the subcutaneous layer and we will develop individual powders for their elimination. After that, she will grow wings! By the way, the rejection of smoking has a positive effect on the color of the face and the quality of the skin - Alla clearly smashed, looked. "

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