If you want to become a blogger: Recommendations for Mom girls


"I will immediately say that it is easy to wake up and becomes completely impossible to become a blogger. It is thorough and daily work, and those haters who mock up bloggers and say that these are loafers who are postponed texties, videos and pictures in their blogs, just do not understand how hard it is daily, sometimes hourly work that needs to be constantly maintained Up to date, engage in their analysis, test the audience, cultivate it, communicate and engage in permanent interactive.

Irina Druzhinina

Irina Druzhinina

So, first stage - This is the definition of the site. I will immediately say that YouTube is much more complicated for the audience coverage than Instagram, requires large attachments in advertising, and the activity of users is visually lower. Instagram is a loyal site in terms of promoting interesting content, live-interactions with an audience and advertising investment. In addition, the "portrait" of the audience is much easier on the basis of accounts that subscribe to you.

Second Step After you have chosen the pad, is the definition of blog topics and its target audience. The subject should be close to you. For example, you love quotes, but you have no cottage. What can you give an audience? Nothing. You, at least, have to talk about animal care, make direct inclusions with him and lay out funny videos. Thus, the theme that you are interested in should be supported by personal experience, and without it in any way. You must be sure that you will not only interest the audience, but also give something useful for her. Even if we are talking about humorous blogs, you must, at least, to provide positive emotions to the audience and it is useful to them.

Blogger is a heavy daily, sometimes hourly work

Blogger is a heavy daily, sometimes hourly work

Photo: unsplash.com.

Third Step - Creating content. You can even shoot on the phone, but retouching, installation and color correction should look stylish. Be sure to explore the elementary installation and retouching programs for iOS or Android, learn how to work with them. Content must be unique and have your author's handwriting.

Third Step - This is an assessment of your audience. If 13 people subscribe to you, then you must study the interests of these × 13 people, analyze their pages in Instagram, then it will be easier for you to understand and "talk" with these people.

Fourth Step - Collaboration. In the process of blogging, you will find that you have "colleagues on the workshop" with close theme. With them you can start shooting joint video that contribute to cross-promotional and cross-exchange audience.

Fifth Step - Learn to silence from your video / photo information, which got the greatest success. Do not try to copy them, but strive to adhere to a single style in publications and the orientation, which "captured" the audience.

Sixth Step - For the development of "Instagram" you can resort to promotional instruments, such as targeting, if, of course, you have already begun to form the initial budget.

Seventh Step - Never stop and go only forward! Do not pay attention to the haters, because there are much more good people, and Hayters are latent fans based on the canons of psychology. Remember this :) "

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